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He's My Best Friend!


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He is my constant companion. He makes me a morning person, which I've NEVER been before! He makes me smile when I wake him, with his "Whaaat" in a gravelly, sleepy voice and one eye open at 7 am. He curls up in the crook of my neck to give me hugs, and reaches over to give gentle kisses. He is my little chatterbox, talking to me in complete sentences, even asking how I am. He tells me he loves me, and I know this to be true. He coughs, "Uha, Uha, Uha...Ohhh" to get my undivided attention, something he learned when the hubby had a cold. LOL And it works! He makes me laugh with his silly antics and fun personality. He is my best friend, and I can't imagine my life without him!


This morning, I was checking my email on my laptop when I feel tap, tap, tap on my foot. I look down, surprised to find him there, waiting for me to pick him up. He waddled over very quietly to let me know he wanted my time NOW, and not later. LOL I so love him! He has changed my whole life for the better!


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It's unbelievable how a feathered grey thing changes your life isn't it. Your sentiments are shared by us all.


The thing I like is that you can share this with our family on this forum - you go out into the street and tell them this and they'll think you are mad!!


Great photo of the pair of you :)

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Yes, certainly the bond I have been building with Issac has been far more than i could have imagined. The way he would run to me when I sit down on the couch just amazed me when I first got him. The thought of him being my 'best friend' has crossed my mind many times. They are more endearing than many imagine. Some people laugh when I talk about my bird and how I love him, they just don't get it. IMG_0863.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/22 18:55


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What a wonderful relationship you have with him Bobbi and most people will think you are crazy when you talk about him but you are in good company here, we understand completely, only bird people can know how we really feel.


Thanks for sharing a couple of pictures of the two of you, you certainly look like best friends.;):)

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All of us on the forum have felt the amazement at the change in our description of love once we brought one of these exquisite characters into our lives. When I read your words, the mysterious feeling that just wells up in me defies rational description. It is wonderful to know others out there feel the same thing for their birds. They just seem to know how to tug on our heartstrings and keep us smiling.

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