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To Wean Or Not To Wean...


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So a few days ago, it appeared as if Issac was getting over his formula. Well...I come home tonight, and I get the 'cheep of death' cry from Issac. LOL...I mean...he appears to be making it known that formula is in order.


Does this happen, do they tend to go back and forth like that. Am I giving in to him? If anything, I will err on the side of giving in, because I see nothing wrong with giving him his formula. What are the community thoughts.

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Elvenking wrote:

I will err on the side of giving in, because I see nothing wrong with giving him his formula. What are the community thoughts.


I would continue to give Issac his formula if he asks for it, yes I think it is not unusual for them to refuse it then accept it again, just means he is just not quite ready to give it up entirely.

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Judy is right.


If they love those formula feedings at night or whenever their preferred time is. There is no harm in enjoying the pleasure you both receive from it.


Some may continue this for years. Some will just start refusing completely at just 18 or 20 months. Each Grey has it's different preferences :-)


But I will say, at my age, there is still no cooking like Mom's....When she decides once in a blue moon to do so. :P

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Yeah....I also went ahead and gave him his morning feeding back, and he went for it quite well. In fact, as i am preparing it, he 'cheeps' so loud. Like a quick whistle at a concert. Sometimes he will fly up to my shoulder in excitement and do it right in my ear. Instant hearing loss. Then he will work his way down by my hand....he can hardly wait for his formula this week. He might have been okay had I not suggested it, but I want him to be happy, and I want to know he is well fed.


BTW, he likes corn! I cut off a piece of the cob and toss it in his dish, it is totally mutilated by the time I see it again. He seems to pop the corn bits open and get at the insides. All I see are corn kernel shells afterwards. But that is good news...a veggie he likes. He might like Anaheim Peppers too, have to keep an eye on that. IMG_0857.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/22 18:54


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Yeah...time is never an issue with this...it takes all of about 30 seconds to heat the water, another 5 mins to cool it to temp and mix...then about 3 minutes to feed...after that...I am sure he is happy. No wories for me. And...it is simply adorable to watch. I have to get a video before he grows out of it...so I can look back. ;)

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