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First Aviator Experience


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So...I managed to getthe aviator onto Issac for the very first time with very little inhibition. He was like, "WTF is this?" for a couple seconds...but once it was on...he was more interested in what was gonna happen next. Took him for a quick walk to the mailbox, a few kids saw him and were very happy to see him. We walked for about 10 minutes and came back....that was all I thought would be good for the first time out.


In short...Issac has graduated harness school on his first try. I am glad there was a diagram on the box of how to put it on...because I was just confused watching the video....anyway...he suprises me again. :)

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I also took Ana Grey out in her harness today. It has been awhile and she was a little ornery about putting it on and was very quiet outside. We were out for about ½ an hour and the sunshine was great for both of us. Now I have to start in on the yard!!!! :blink: :lol: :P


I'm glad to hear that Issac enjoyed his time outside too.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/21 03:50

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Thanks for the congrats. Yeah...You have no idea how I never want to be telling a story about how my bird got away. I will mind the harness. :)


I am going to try again tomorrow. I will let ya know how that goes.


We just got done having more fun with a crumpled up piece of paper than should be possible. LOL.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/21 04:35


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Congrats Stephan on Isaac's adventure and getting the harness on him. I haven't mastered this with Dixie as yet - too cold to go outside and just walking through the house isn't much of an adventure...lol. It was almost 70 here yesterday so if today gets as nice we may venture a trip.


Don't you just love waded up paper? Try a roll of adding machine tape - those are loads of fun! (tip: run a pice of leather or rope through the center of the roll, hang it up in the cage)

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Stephan, you're doing such a greyt job with Issac, and it sounds like he's a pretty laid-back guy by nature. Got to admit I'm a little jealous. Maybe one day I'll be able to take Dorian out in an adventure pack, but unless he has a complete personality transplant, no way will he ever let me put a harness on him:laugh:


Robin beat me to it. I was also going to sing the praises of a roll of adding machine tape. Next to his bell, it's Dorian's favourite thing ever, and he never gets tired of it!

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The only thing I would say is.....don't count your chickens! Harvey was exactly like this at that age - and a couple of months later turned into a marathon to get it on him. There's a thread around here about how stressed I was (ended up in tears) and the fact I was going to give up and couldn't understand the change in personality in such a short space of time!


I'm not going to pretend he loves getting it on, but is a little more accepting of it nowadays (although I haven't had him in it for months now due to the bad weather here in the UK) but once out in the garden he loves it!


Just keep putting it on him, hopefully you won't have the experience I did ;)

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Yeah...he could have just had a good moment not knowing what it was at first. We will see with subsequent applications. He tends to trust everything I do as of yet. We will just see how long we can keep it that way. I find it easy to understand his needs and I respect them...seems to be the best way to keep his trust.

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You'll have a great time when you can take him outside - it's such a pleasure - and it's funny when people ask me if Harvey is a pigeon!!!


This is another triumph for the Aviator (I'm like their unofficial cheerleader - and you'll be pleased to know that Steve Hartman (the inventor) is known to browse our forum)!! So, he'll be pleased there is another happy camper! ;)

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how long did it take you to put it on? i just ordered one from fosters and smith, should be here next week. i am going to start the training so that when the weather permits, i can go on outings.


also in relation to outings, what is the lowest temp outside that one should not go out in?

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You should both find greyt success in getting your parrots used to the harnesses. Both are still so young and trusting, and you have the start of the season to get your parrots used to them.


I don't know the specific temparature to take the birds out, my rule is to be comfortable without a jacket, but I've read that it's the cool breezes that are harder on the parrots. You'll both be surprised at how the parrots react to any wind, make sure you always use the wrist band! Paco is clipped, had it not been for the harness last year, I'd have lost him, a bit of breeze and away he went, so I can imagine your flighted birds!!!


Enjoy the fun in the great outdoors, and yes, get ready for funny comments, and lots of requests to touch the bird - I always say "No, he bites", but Im just afraid that they might have dirty hands, or nicotine on their fingers.

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