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My Curious Issac


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Here is a little development regarding my little boy. I also have a Green Cheek Conure. He is nowhere near on the level as Issac, but I have had him for 4 years and he has been a good little co-pilot. However, quite tempermental. Lately, Issac has wanted to fly to his cage top. Pedro, my Conure, is quite territorial...and no matter how much Issac towers over him....he wants to try to bite him like..."This is my cage...back off ya big bully". And he will try to nip at Issac. So at least 10 times last night I had to fetch Issac off the cage top of my Conures cage to save him from the nipping little beak of my feisty Conure. So I took them both out to show them one another...they don;t seem too upset with that. But the last thing i would do is leave em alone together. And I don't want Issac picking up his bad habits.


Any thoughts regarding these two co-habitating birds.


BTW...here is an amazing picture I caught this morning of Issac giving himself a lift up on his cage. BEAUTIFUL!!




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Yeah...he wanted to get on that cage over 10 times last night. I simply kept removing him to another location. He was really trying me last night....lol. Just trying to keep him from encroaching on Pedro's territory. I guess I will just keep at it. Maybe he will pick up on his rightful place. I really can;t blame my Conure though...if a bird five times the size of me came landing on my cage, I'd be a little miffed too.

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That is an amazing picture of Issac.


I have a sun conure and she is much smaller than Josey, my grey but she is the more aggressive of the two birds and will try to bite Josey if she gets too close, must be something about coming in smaller packages they have to appear more ferocious.:huh: :dry:

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If it makes you feel any better my daughters youngest gcc is Queen and when they come to visit she will chase Alex off of the play stand. She has nipped his toes to make sure he knows who's boss! My big bully stays well away from Baily. :laugh:


I tried for the longest time to get Alex to leave Martini's cage alone. He never would. They have long sense come to an understanding. They both now go into and out of each others cages and eat each others food (even though they both have the same thing). Play with each others toys. I now find them both sitting together in the same area. Not next to each other but near.

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Lol...I have to come to some understanding between them...but I don;t want to start a bird fight. Some day...Issac is going to have to respect Pedro's cage...or Pedro will have to accept him. I can see how Issac could clearly crack my Conures head like a nut...but I doubt he would. He just looks at this little bird going crazy at him and is like,,,,WTF is this...ouch...you little sh*t....LOL.

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