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OH MY GOD. Pepper took off


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Keep your faith and hope. We are all praying that you will find her. Keep the lights on on your balcony or perch tonight. Do you have a bushy area close by, or area with trees? She might be just hiding there.

Tomorrow is a Saturday, perhaps you can get some volunteers to help you search for her and call her name.

If there is a special music she likes, just play it on.


If you have any recording of her voice, play that out loud early in the morning after sunset, she will recognize the sounds if she hears them.


We will keep praying and sending good thoughts your way

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This is a post from www.africangreyforum.com. Try posting there about Pepper also. If anyone lives in your area I'm sure they will come help you. The more people you tell the better. Stay strong


Having your parrot fly off can be a devastating experience. Unlike other domesticated pets who may roam the streets wearing a collar with a tag, parrots often fly up and away to hide in the safety of a tree and remain quiet as not to be seen. Many do not have the flying skills to fly down to their owners even if they are spotted. Often, they are so scared and confused by their surroundings that they are unable to find their way home, even if they wanted to.



Remember the "One Mile/One Month Rule": When looking for a lost bird, remember that and during the first month following "escape," a lost parrot usually stays within a one-mile radius of where it was lost. Also note not to limit your search just locally as greys can fly up to 50 miles a day.


When searching for your bird, look HIGH and LOW. Often birds will hide under things or behind things. Search bushes and all low lying areas.

Put his cage outside, full of his favorite junk-food, and leave the door open. Canvas the neighborhood. Take a recording of your bird and walk around playing it. Walk with a friend. Have them walk behind you, listening to a response from your bird.Call your bird by name. Don't be shy about calling attention to yourself. The more attention you receive, the more people know about your missing bird. Your bird will tend to be more vocal at dawn and dusk.


Talk to kids...they often speak the truth and will confess to a found bird or will know who to come to if one is found.


Make posters advertising your lost bird with a description, picture and contact information. Offer a REWARD. You do not need to advertise reward amounts, but keep in BOLD LARGE letters. Supply the posters to neighbors, pet stores, veterinarians, and shelters as soon as possible. Hang them on telephone poles at stop lights. Place them in your area supermarket. Place an ad in the Lost & Found section of any newspapers in your area. Many local papers will run this ad for free. Contact Bird clubs in your area. They often have newsletters that are published monthly and will gladly run your lost ad. Many local TV stations also run free ads on the community channel. Sometimes radio stations also run a similar service.


Most Importantly: Be stubborn and dedicated about finding your bird. Parrots are very adaptable and can live successfully in the wild in many parts of the United States. Your best chance for getting your bird back is if you are proactive! Don’t give up and don’t just do what I have mentioned once. Several rounds of fliers, ads and calls might be in order to get your baby home.


More Links:







Your local Craigslist

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there are a ton of trees and bushes around here, we've gone through the woods..everything.


i hate that there is so much water around tho. i hope she didnt fly towards that.


we've been telling literally every person we see outside that we lost our bird and to call us if she is found.


im still searching today by myself, everyone else is at work..then tomorrow my parents will hopefully come out and we'll spend all day looking for Pepper.


my poor baby.......

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Ok someone just called me from my ad on Craigslist.. she has a grey, and she heard an unusual bird cry not from a regular bird.



The noise she described didnt sound like Pepper but im going to check it out!! Its about 3 miles away so its possible....


I hope its Pepper

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Brittany wrote:

The noise she described didn't sound like Pepper but im going to check it out!! Its about 3 miles away so its possible....I hope its Pepper


Looking at your neighborhood map and all the water around it, 3 miles is totally possible. Once over water, they will keep flying to the land point in front of them, if it is in view and not that far away. When they fly frightened, they rarely do a 180 and head back. They keep fleeing from all the scary "Stuff".


They do not make normal noises for the most part, when out of their environment and scared. Now if they see or hear your voice, which they know, they will return a familiar contact call to you.


Praying it is Pepper!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/19 20:33

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I'm so sorry you are going through this! I lost a Pionus (who's wings were clipped, just slightly grown out) this very same way. I know it's hard, but you have done everything you can possibly do. My birdies and I will be sending good vibes to Pepper and praying for her safe return.

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SOMEONE FOUND HER!!! SHE WAS FOUND AT BIRD SONGS APARTMENTS. lol at the bird part..its less than a minute away from our apt on the same street.


OMG my baby was obviously trying to come home..i am so blessed.


i took her to the vet, and she has a bloody wing but he said its cuz she burst something, then her feet are swollen and a few cuts on her face but he said her weight is good.


shes sleeping right now..she drank, and i gave her some crackers cuz thats all i had in the car. [went straight to the vet]


THANK YOU EVERYONE for the supportive words..and keeping me positive. I am so thankful, and yes her wings are now clipped.


I am so happy I feel like a million bucks. Theres nothing better.


OMG I am so happy.........I AM ecstatic:laugh:


Check out the new pics of her.....shes home!! YAY

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btw this is how the guy found her:


he saw the bird, and a buddy of his was listening to one of the radio stations we called into...so the guy picked up Pepper and she sat on his shoulder for an hour and a half bc the guy thought she couldnt fly LOL so then she flew away over a building


well he went working over there and she followed him from tree to tree and he got her down again and safe in the apt office.


his boss uses the vet we use, so they called the vet and i left my info with the vet so there they got my number!!!:)

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