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OH MY GOD. Pepper took off


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Today I was going to take the dog out and Pepper tried to fly on my shoulder as I was walking out.... she bumped my shoulder a little, not able to get grip and took off outside.


I spent all day looking for her, we put up fliers..everthing


God..please pray for me. I am so distraught I feel like I lost a child......


God I'd do anything in this world to have my baby back...{Feel-bad-0002006A}

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GPS isn't available for birds but some people have their birds microchipped so that if a bird is found, the only thing necessary is for the person to take the bird to a vet who will check out the chip ID and notify the owner.



Best of luck in finding your bird. Put posters up, tell neighbors, put a poster in the vet's office.

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I am so sorry to read this. Everything I have read suggests looking high and low, make familiar whistles and try leaving a small cage out with treats. Does she like your dogs? If so maybe bring them out to call for her. Another member on here lost his bird in December and is still looking. Don't lose hope you will find your baby just don't give up. You have my prayers stay strong.

www.birdhotline.com may be of some help. Good luck

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Brittany, I am so sorry to hear of this, one of the dangers of having a flighted bird but do take the suggestions of everyone who has posted so far, do not give up looking.


That was excellent advice Chris about putting Pepper's cage outside with food in it, she may just come to it and do involve the neighbors, go door to door and get the word out that she is missing. I pray for her safe return.

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Oh Brittany I am so sorry :( I will definitely pray for you and for Pepper's safe return. I canno even imagine how this would feel and what to do. Everytime I see a post on here where a bird flew away, it scares me to death. Stay strong sweetie and keep looking!! *hugs* and prayers!!!

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Thank you everyone for the kind words...



My babies perch is outside..with her food waiting for her. God its so cold out, I went out again to look for her. We've spent 7 - 8 hours looking for her..nothing yet


I will NOT lose my hope!! I love this bird more than anything in this entire world (next to my boyfriend) and tomorrow morning I will be up early to go looking again.


God..Pepper..i miss her so much already I cant stop crying I cant even eat..ive barely eaten at all today.


If I am blessed, I will find my baby :( we spread the word to everyone around, we have fliers up, we have radio stations mentioning it tomorrow...


I pray that she is safe. I hope we find her, I can't wait to give Pepper the biggest kiss of her life....and feed her , her favorite food...fresh water...oh my god i will not stop looking for her she is my child!!!


sorry if this is so long and ugh im just so upset right now. im waiting for my dad to come out here and hes going to look again also. we all love Pepper to death

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Brittany wrote:

God..Pepper..i miss her so much already I cant stop crying I cant even eat..ive barely eaten at all today.


I know you don't have much of an appetite right now but you need to keep your strength up to continue to look for Pepper and you will find her, it might not be tomorrow but you will find her.


I know you will continue to hold good thoughts that she is safe and waiting for you to find her, I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers that you two are reunited soon, real soon.

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Oh Brittany, I know how much you love Pepper and I know how you must be feeling, poor you.


Have you tried all the forums, informing all the local vets, pet shops? Try putting notices in the local supermarkets and newspapers. Get as many friends and family members to help in the search and try looking for Pepper just before dawn and again evenings, he is more likely to be vocal and you are also more likely to hear him.


Sending you hugs and wishing you all the luck in the world. Please don't waste any time crying, put all your efforts into finding Pepper, never reproach yourself, you don't deserve it and it serves no purpose.

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Prayers coming your way for you and pepper. Pepper will most likely start returning contact calls at daybreak and she is less fearful. It is normal for a bird that flies away to "Clam Up" due to fear in a new and scary environment with predators out there.


You have done all the right things. Walk the entire neighborhood using the normal contact call you use for her.


I wish you the best.

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I have never been this depressed in my life:(


My baby is probably so hungry and cold......I want her home so bad. I keep searching, had to take a quick break my body is so sore.


Im never gonna give up on her.....tomorrow morning I'll get up earlier about 5am and start searching also.

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Also I have binoculars because someone around here let us use them...


we just moved here like 3 weeks ago but it seems like everyone is trying to keep a look out.


i would seriously give up everything i have to get Pepper back. take my car, my apartment, my clothes, anything i just want my Pepper

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Brittany please don't dispair, you have a great tool in the binocs, you will be able to spot her if you are near her. Look for the nearest area where there are plenty of trees. Walk, stop and use the binoculars to scan the trees, look carefully up and down the trees. Don't forget to call her. My guess is that Pepper will make her way to the highest spot - or near highest anyway. Don't forget buildings, look out for the red tail as the grey won't show up as much on buildings. Carry a few treats with you to entice her down and don't forget to enlist others situated at different areas. Please know that we are all with you in spirit. Everything is crossed here.

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OMG! I am so sorry Brittany. My birds have done this very same thing...fly to my shoulder as I have gone to let my dog or guests out the door, but thankfully, my quick reflexes prevented their escape by mistake. I now stand back off behind the door so it prevents them from flying out when the door does open ever so slightly.

I hope and pray for Peppers safe return, never give up. stay outside as much as you can calling, searching, comforting Pepper. He needs to hear your voice.....you are in my prayers. Keep up the faith.

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I feel so helpless..


I've been looking today we looked all day yesterday where is my Pepper at..:(


This is where we live: *Point A on the map


Pepper flew Straight towards the ocean....I hope to god she didn't go that far







Is it possible she would try to fly back home? I doubt she knows where home is though..and its so cold out im so worried but im trying to stay positive

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Can you get somewhere up high? If you are high up you might be able to spot that red tail. Also call the local Veterinary offices, pet shops and take some fliers to the local schools and ask if you can post them there. Lots more eyes to help look and lots more ears to hear if someone has taken Pepper in.

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