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A Bird Sitter


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So, finding a bird-sitter has been a big stressor for me over the past few months... Let's face it, we don't have an easy animal to care for, both with the requirements around the knowledge required for keeping a bird, as well as meeting their emotional needs.


I looked into the possibility of using a "commercial" bird-sitter, there are two in the area who will mind parrots (experienced)in my area. I haven't actually gone to investigate the premises, but I found them to be expensive at approx $80.00/day, and of course I can't help but worry that I am exposing my baby to parrot/bird diseases as well as wondering how much actual attention my bird will get while he stays with these people... Major problem for me.


Don't get me wrong, I'm no jet-setter, I actually dislike travelling, but it will need to happen inevitably for some reason, and there will eventually be a trip that I will not be able to take my bird on. I wanted to be prepared for this.


So, a few weeks ago one of the ladies who I work with was telling me how much her husband had always wanted a parrot, and that if I ever wanted them to bird-sit for me that they would love to do it. The only reason they never got a parrot was because she is allergic to their powder, but that her allergy wasn't bad enough that she couldn't be exposed to it for short (under a month) term visits.


Her husband has been so excited about the prospect, so tonight after work Paco and I took a trip to their house, they are a few blocks away... Anyway, after about half an hour, Paco started to stretch and preen, and I could tell he was getting quite comfortable in the new environment so I encouraged a step-up with my co-workers husband Rick. Sure enough Paco went to him well, and spent some time perched on his arm just checking Rick out. I kept track of time, and was able to amaze both of them with Paco's pooping on demand to avoid a "mess" on Rick - funny how that seems so common-place to me now.


Anyway, to make a long (great) story short, it seemed to be love at first sight for these two. Rick was just enamored with Paco, and Paco with Rick. After a half hour he climbed up onto Rick's chest (he is a big man) and demanded a kiss before he started to preen Rick's beard for him. Rick was calm and comfortable with Paco, they had a lot of trust in such a short amount of time. I am thrilled!!!


Paco won't be a year until June, and our anniversary together will be in September, so I'm not planning on taking any holidays until after that, but even for times when I know I will have long days at work, or any unforseen issues, it'll be great to know Paco is going to be hanging out with someone who he seems to love and is comfortable.


We are going to keep up these visits over the next few weeks, this will be to further Rick's knowledge of parrot keeping, and handling as well as to give Paco more of an opportunity to get to continue to build trust. I am looking forward to leaving Paco with Rick for a day alone (Rick is retired), while I'm at work, I have a feeling the two will have a blast together!!!


I can't tell you all how thrilled I am! What a relief to find someone that both Pasco and I are going to be comfortable with!!!





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That's great news Ryan to know that you have someone you can depend on to bird sit for you in an emergency or just if you need a break! Rick will also be able to enjoy having a parrot around so this is a blessing for both of you! Congratulations!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/18 20:49

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Oh you are so lucky that is great news, it's so hard to find someone that they like.


We had a potential bird sitter come over last week and Kea took one look at her and turned her beak up in disapproval. Rangi went for a closer look and got on her arm, but I could see he wasn't really in to her.

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That's great news Ryan - I left Harvey with my parents last year and intend on doing the same this year - although he's one year older and not a baby any more so I'm not sure how much "out time" he'll get this year - he sometimes refuses to go back to the cage for me - so I guess they'll have no chance! He'll learn his lesson though - I'm one year tougher than I was and realise that no detrimental effect will come from leaving him in the cage!


Great news that you've found someone you can trust :)

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