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Bitting after some reaseon - what to do?


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Hi Alls,

I have 2 greys, and since few month I have BIG problem. My female was seek. Doctor recomend to sepret both parrots to avoid infection in other one. Any way I don't sepret them becouse they was too much disturb when I was trying to put other one in another place. So, I was giving more attension to my seek feemale ( she had bad infection with diarrhea and vomiting) - feeding her and medicine and ect. So, main time my male start to be little aggressive. I know he want my attention too. I was doing my best - but he doesn't understand in his greys's way. When fenmale get better ny boy start to showing me his bad mood's. Firet he was sitting on curtain rod, without permission me to put him down. So I ws trying first politely take him down, bot he was flying in whole romm afterword and showing his angeyness. later I was trying to catch him by some pice of fabrick - but it was my mistake - afterword he get angry with me - and till now he is not camming on my finger. He eating from my hend, he talking and as usually alss exccept coming on my hend. When Im trying to scare me, and he bitting me. So....do you have some advice - how to make him again good boy and take him on my hend?

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Welcome, Kausar, and I think you are going to have to bite the bullet and make him step up, and that means you will have to force yourself to hold your hand out to him to step up on and if you get bitten then don't pull back, to make him know that you are not afraid of him and that he has to do what you want him to. When he finds out that you aren't afraid of him then he will stop it. I know this sounds harsh and you may suffer a bad bite but it is the quickest way to get in control of him. Don't treat him roughly or speak to him in a loud voice, just ask politely for him to step up and then extend the hand and take what he dishes out, he will stop the biting when he finds out it does not make you go away. Try this and let us know how you make out.:ohmy:

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Welcome Kauser,


It sounds like the environment or atmosphere in your home has changes drastically due to the sickness of your other Grey.


Your Greys were together, separating them is the first major change because they were "friends" and possibly mates?


He is the Male and the Protector of his Mate and is trying to let you know that he is not OK with this change in living arrangements.


To him, I would imagine this is an act of aggression on your part and the chasing him around the room with fabric just put the icing on the Cake.


I would give him his space for now and once the Female has overcome this disease, you will be able to place them back together.


Once the reuniting takes place, I would think He would start lowering his aggression and protection mode regarding the welfare of his mate.

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Thank you Dan, I like your advice better than mine, I am afraid I was thinking like CeasarsDad, that would be the way he would handle it. You are so right, he is picking up on her illness and it bothers him, so after she is well then things will calm down I'll bet. :(


Dan, you just kick me in the head if I get out of line here with my advice,:blush: I admit I don't know everything and 2 heads are better than 1.:P

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Thank you, Dan, as always you are so correct, as they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat, no offense cat lovers of which I am one, but it is an old expression.


I knew you wouldn't kick me, you are too much of a gentleman for that, but you have to admit that sometimes we all need a good swift one once in a while, at least I do to keep me in line.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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