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Amazon Quiz


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Jay asked me to prepare an Amazon Quiz. So here is our first Amazon Room Quiz. The person who answers the most questions correctly wins 15 karma points (ties will share). The contest will be over February 24th. Good Luck!



1. Which are the three most volatile species of amazons commonly kept in captivity, often referred to as the "Hot Three"?


a) Blue front; lilac crown; orange-winged

b) Double yellow-headed; blue front; yellow nape

c) Yellow nape; blue front; Mexican red head

d) Double yellow-headed; mealy; blue front



2. Which species of Amazon parrot is Tiko in the book "The Parrot Who Owns Me" by Joanna Burger?


a) Mexican Red Head

b) Blue Front

c) Red Lored

d) Double Yellow-Headed



3. Which is the largest of the Amazon parrots, measuring 48 cm in length when fully grown with a green back, purple neck, and green-tipped red tail?


a) St. Vincent's Amazon

b) Imperial Amazon

c) Spectacled Amazon

d) Yellow Naped Amazon



4. Which is the smallest of the Amazon parrots?


a) Mealy Amazon

b) Lilac Crowned Amazon

c) Spectacled Amazon

d) Imperial Amazon



5. The Yellow-billed Amazon is native to which island?


a) Philippine Islands

b) Orcas Island

c) Jamaica

d) Boston Harbor Island



6. Which Amazon Parrot species does Talon of Grey Forums have?


a) Double Yellow Headed Amazon

b) Yellow Naped Amazon

c) Yellow-Faced Amazon

d) Blue Fronted Amazon



7. There are two species of Amazon parrots that have some visual characteristics that may aid in determining sex (dimorphic). One if which is the White-fronted Amazon and the other is?


a) Puerto Rican Amazon

b) Panama Yellow-headed Amazon

c) Green Cheeked Amazon

d)Yellow-Lored Amazon



8. Stephen Spielberg owns a parrot named Blanche which is a(n)?


a) Orange Winged Amazon

b) Panama Amazon

c) Blue-crowned Mealy Amazon

d) Belize Yellow-head Amazon



9. Which actor/actress owns a Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot?

a) Brad Pitt

b) Little Richard

c) Elizabeth Taylor

d) Paris Hilton



10. Who is said to have given the Amazon parrots their name?


a) Sir Francis Drake

b) Christopher Columbus

c) Amerigo Vespucci

d) Ponce de Leon



11. Amazon parrots are most vocal?


a) when frightened

b) when sleepy

c) at sunrise and sunset

d) when ill



12. Amazon parrots normally lay how many eggs?


a) Only one

b) Not less than five

c) Two to four

d) Always six


13. Which is not the name of one of our Amazon Room fids?


a) Owen

b) Nilah

c) Salsa

d) Burrito

e) Paddy



14. When do amazon parrots mature?


a) 10 to 12 years

b) 1 year old

c) 2 to 4 years

d) 6 to 7 years



15. Unlike the African Grey, Amazons don't have which gland?


a) ultimobranchial gland

b) thyroid Gland

c) salivary gland

d) preening gland<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2010/02/17 18:25

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