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Comparison of Amazons to other Birds


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In comparing an Amazon to other birds I have had (past and present), I like to think that they are most like some Conures. They are not overly demanding like Cockatoos or Greys can be. They can be verbally corrected like you would a dog and it appears they know right from wrong. They do have their evening "war cries". They are easy to feed and very low-maintenance. They definitely let you know if they want something, when they want it and will let you know if it is not right. They will live in any cage available to them and they have a marvelous curiosity about them. They don't require the constant attention and if you have to leave them alone, they will keep themselves occupied and happy until you can come back to them without begrudging you the time away (to a point).

Don't get me wrong, I won't trade ANY of my birds for another. I need each of them and their various personalities and idiosyncrasies in my life. But, I truly believe that if I was only going to have one bird in my life, it would have been an Amazon.

What are your feelings on the subject?:whistle:


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I had budgies when I was younger (sweet, but useless) and then obviously my cockatiel Spiky for 17 years (not so sweet, but still useless!!) and loved him to bits. Now, Spiky was incredibly low maintenance - I only had to feed him and he was happy!


Moving on to Harvey - I would just say exactly the opposite of everything that Jay has described an amazon as! It's sad that so many greys end up in the classifieds - but unfortunately I can see why!!


Through these pages, if I was adding another bird I think I honestly would take an amazon - but because of my limited variances of birds - I would have to say Harvey, my high maintenance, high cost, constant attention seeking Grey! :)

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Well, I really don't believe that *comparison* of 2 or more different species is legitimate.


I believe that the word *comparison* should be only used within each individual species.


Greys are at a great disadvantage here simply because there's only two to pick from, CAG or TAG. So, it's very easy to have people pick one over the other. Their personalities, habits are different. I think that a more legitimate *comparison* would be if there were at least 7 or 8 different types of greys. Comparisons would be more legitimate in that bunch.


I believe that because there's so many different types of ZONs, comparisons of those types in the ZON world would be more accurate.


The same thing applies to Macaws. There's many different types of macaws so comparisons within the Macaw world would be more legitimate.


The same thing applies to conures. There's many types so people could compare all of those conures strictly in the conure world.


The same thing applies to Cockatoos. There's many types that exist to compare with each other.


The same thing applies to Ringneck parakeets. There's many types to pick from so comparisons can be accurately made in their world.


The same thing applies to Lovebirds. Many types so lots of comparisons. Believe it or not, they have different personalities.


No one can tell me that all conures are the same within their world and the same holds true for amazons and Macaws or conures, ringnecks, all of which are not the same within each species.


I don't own all of these species but I've worked with all of them through the years as well as some of my friends.


Just about all of these different species have differences within the species.


I base all of this on the fact that 2 or more of the same species can be totally different and I can gurantee you that I've seen this close up.


As far as cockatoos----In the cockatoo world there's the most beautiful of TOO----the Leadbetter. Yes, beautiful, but also the most aggressive and most untameable and most untrustworthy.


As far as Macaws, the Scarlet macaw--some say it's the most beautiful but it's also the hardest to handle and has a very short fuse and will quickly bite with evil intentions.


All of what I speak of can be easily varified on bird boards that deal with all species of parrots, not just one.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/17 19:07

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Taking on board what Dave has said, maybe a better question would be "which bird would you chose if you could add to your flock?" This question could be aimed at individuals and my guess it there would be dozens of different answers.


For me, if I had a huge house and lots of spare time & money I guess a hyacinth would be my most longed-for bird but if space and time was limited I think I'd go for conures and lovebirds. One grey is enough for me, I adore them but they are hard work.

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I have read that Amazons can be very agressive. I've never owned one so I really don't know. I adore my CAG and can't imagine life without him. My friends that have known me a long time say that I now have laughter in my voice that didn't used to be there. I love that Tobie doesn't scream me awake in the morning, but as I walk out of the bedroom door he sais "Goodmorning, give me a kiss". When I come home from work he greets me with "Hellllooooooo, I love you". I owned cockateils for 30 years and had one exceptional cockateil in terms of a pet. She lived the majority of her life free on a playstand and not caged and came to the dinner table when we had dinner and sat on my lap looking over the edge of the table for goodies. I have many funny stories about her and she lived 18 years before she passed away. She delighted me by raising several clutches of babys for about four years of her life giving me experiences I'll never forget. Like Dave sais you really can't compair species. She was very instinct driven compaired to Tobie. People used to ask me if she was smart (they heard that parrots are smart) I'd have to say no, not really. Is Tobie smart? Absolutely!!!

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;) Sorry all, I have to stick with my interpretation of *comparison* The post was meant to be light and hear your opinions and feeling...There's nothing on-line to back-up my question like Dave007 has. Dave, I stand corrected. Karma to you...

Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/17 20:43

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Knowing the personalities of a few different conures, zons and macaws after having worked with them.


I would chose a Grey, if I could have only one parrot.


As it stands, thats why I have not taken in any other birds. I want to give the ones I have the attention they need to fully flourish and have all the interaction they would like to have.


I must say, the conure is much less "Needy" and does well flying about and getting into things on his own. Compared to Dayo that must be the center of the universe and where you are, there he is also.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmmm....interesting opinions. Knowing what I know now, if I could only have ONE bird, it would be an amazon. Although I LOVE my 2 greys to death. I really enjoy the 3 different personalities and differences. Having a tag, cag and amazon, all 3 are quite different.

As I told my 10 year old one morning as I was at the kitchen table feeding my flock oatmeal and peanut butter toast... "I have 3 birds too many, but I wouldn't have it any other way!" :cheer:

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