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My Baby Is Growing Up


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So today, Issac, whipped at the feeding syringe after one little sip of about 5cc's. He seems to be over his morning feeding. So I am moving to only his night time feeding. And continuing to give him veggies, fruit, seeds and nuts.


Today, I tried steaming some of his veggies to see if making them slightly softer would entice him a bit more. His poops are still consitant so he seems to be getting something. I always make sure to leave more than enough for him to select from.


If anyone has any other key advice for this period I would love to hear it. Otherwise, my friend and I continue on.


Oh yes...his harness came yesterday too, going to watch the video this afternoon and get ready to show him the great outdoors. :)


And OH....A special thank you to everyone on this forum for all the advice through his weaning.




Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 19:36<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/16 19:39


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Elvenking wrote:

If anyone has any other key advice for this period I would love to hear it. Otherwise, my friend and I continue on.


Well, offering cooked and uncooked veggies is a great way to see ho he prefers them. Also, they seem to each prefer chopped, unchopped (depending in size) etc. Try all different type of veggies to get a good idea of which he prefers and how he likes them prepared.


This is the time, if your not already doing so, closely monitor his weight as the weaning process and diet changes to ensure plenty of food is being taken in.


You will start seeing a drop in weight (which is natural instinct)as they automatically start eating less to lighten up for the all important "Fledging" process to make flight easier.


He is a beautiful baby grey. I really miss those "Baby" days. Enjoy them while they last. :-)

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Thank Dan. I do offer quite the variety of veggies and fruit. The checkout lady at the store must think I am a freak getting one of everything in the produce section. Today, i tried something different, I steamed some broccoli, yams, and carrots. Also put a little bit of cabbage. Then a pear slice along with some apple. And some seed and nut mix. I do put pellets in there but not sure he is eating thim up or breaking them up. He is still staying plump and looks healthy. Seemingly good poops too. I am keeping a close eye on him.

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So...I have been causing myself a little stress over Issac eating his veggies..and some of you know this. Well....this morning, I remove the cover from his cage to notice that the veggies have been at least chopped up and gone through...looking somewhat like some was missing. So I am no longer worrying about him. I mean jeez, I take the little fellow out, and I couldn;t imagine a happier bird...so he is doing well on his path to completely weaning. He could care less about his morning feeding...and at night he is swatting the feeder away at 15 cc's. I did give him the option to eat from a spoon too...he took me up for a couple spoonfuls and happily went on his own way.


My baby is doing good :)

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I still remember the day I was going to visit the breeder just to go 'see' the birds. But I knew in my heart that I would not be walking away without my name on a bird. She had 4 week old ones too....insanely cute. Making their little 'cheep cheep' noises. I ended up picking Issac because he was trying to nestle in the crook of my arm where I was sitting. At the time he was just EMR 040...but would soon be affectionately known as Issac. :)

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Actually Judy....he is flying...started in his 10th week. He is very good at it and can target landing sites very well now.


Oh yes...I was running underneath him the very first time he started going up instead of down. It was an amazing sight. He is happily destrying a plastic lid to a piece of tupperware right now....lol. I love him oh so very much.

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Oh...and by the way...the mixed frozen veggie idea was great. i got him a 'Fiesta Veggie Mix' warmed it up and he not only ate some of that...but got to his fruit during the day today. I no longer worry about his diet. I still offer the night feeding and he is still taking just a little amount....almost totally weaned. :)

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