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Update on Rishi


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I have had no time to post.


Sabi has gone to India for a much deserved 10 day break and I have been handling Rishi, Pakshi, Khushi and the 3 Muscateers. I never imagined the demands that could be made by two tiels who are raising chicks. They are voracious and need fresh food every 2 hours at least.


The chicks are very healthy and coming along fine. Sabi has taken our camera and I am not able to take pictures. So, I am not able to post the progress photos


I have completely changed Rishi's diet. I now give him a mash on the lines of Mike's Manna. The added ingredients in the mash are baked sweet potatoes and casava. The mash also has crumbled boiled eggs with the shell.


Just before I give it to Rishi I mix in finely chopped vegetables.


He seems to love it and his appetite has improved considerably.


He gets his seeds and pellets only in the night.


I can see that he misses Sabi very much. He would not let her leave the room even for a minute and this is the first time that she has been away since Rishi decided to cone with us to share our life.


To make up for her absence, I have now contrived to arrange a sleeping perch for him that is attached to our cot. He now sleeps close to me during the night and seems to be pleased with the arrangement.


With the change in the diet and also more exposure to the light(we now take him out to a park near our house everyday), we are hoping and praying to see an improvement in his condition.


It is now 5 months since he fell sick. The vet at that time had said that he suspects PBFD. We have not seen any alarming deterioration in his condition and are cautiously optimistic that it may not be PBFD.


I will update after the current efforts with Ranaz's assistance to get a vet to Muscat have some results.


Again our deepest gratitudes to this wonderful flock.




The Shis, The 3 Muscateers, Ram & Sabi<br><br>Post edited by: ramsabi, at: 2010/02/16 18:26

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That is a great update.


Holding weight, good appetite etc. :-)


One note on PBFD, it is not always a death sentence, even if Rishi has it. It all depends on how strong their immune system is when they come down with it.


Some make it through with relatively no signs they ever had it. Some suffer feather loss etc. and the worst is some die quickly, especially the very young chicks.


All the positive thinking and prayers continue for you all.

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