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Harvey's Scared of Nothing!!!


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Last week I asked for ideas on how to introduce a "big bad" new java tree into Harvey's life and received some great advice - which I planned to follow........until I opened the box and saw how big the flipping thing is!! There would be no room for both in my living room (well, unless I moved a sofa out or the TV)! So, I had to just throw him in at the deep end. These photos were taken 11 minutes after pushing the tree into the living room!!




and he obviously didn't move with the flash of the camera and had his head stuck firmly in the bowl!!



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Great-looking stand Jill, java is a really nice wood, full of unusual twists & turns, I wouldn't even want to guess the cost of this, Beau's pine stand was expensive enough! I remember thinking it seemed huge when it first arrived and that it would dominate the room but you kind of get used to it.

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Well, obviously this morning it was "bomb time" - 10 hours post bedtime and I thought he might have forgotten his new tree! I apprehensively took him out of his cage (as usual), chatted to him whilst travelling to the living room (as usual)and then he saw it.........jumped on and let one rip! First morning bomb success story!!!!! :laugh:

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Jill, love the Java tree you have there - now I want one...don't even want to know the costs. I knew Harvey would be in true Harvey spirit and take to the new toy with great ease and cheerful abandon. So truly great to hear he christened the new toy with such great enthusiasm. Fabulous job on making Harvey a happy little camper!

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kittykittykitty wrote:

And would my aunt let me have it in the BIG room. She's so picky!


Ha Ha! Well, I'm the same and believe me this isn't something that would have ventured into my room pre-Harvey days! I now don't have a focal point as my beautiful fireplace anymore - I have a 5 ft Java tree, with it's colourful adornments that get chewed!!


Michael's hung some extra hooks off it to put Harvey's favourite toys on and he's hanging out there all the time! It's great!!! :)

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Because the base is made of wood we were worried about the wood being damaged by moisture (food droppage, water splashes etc) so my husband rang a local "plastics place" and got them to cut a bit of perspex to line the bottom of the stand!


I'm still putting newspaper over the perspex, which is over the wood, but I think that it will protect it very well!


Here's the latest photos of Harvey on his stand:







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Harvey sure has taken a liking to his new stand. Its no wonder, what's not to like for birds and humans alike. He has a great assortment of toys and it is so solid and lovely too. No wonder he isn't talking prolifically when he can just send you telepathic thoughts and you fulfill all his wishes. LOL. Really, I think he is just very intellectual, he is patiently in the observation stage and will soon start his poetry readings and sharing deep thoughts when he feels like it.

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