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Grey Toys


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Anyone else find that their Grey likes things that you would not typically imagine. For example...I get Issac some toys from the pet store, and he is somewhat engaged with them on occasion. But I swear to you...there is nothing like the rubber handle to my dish wand that really gets him going. I think I am going to get him a rubber handled toothbrush too, he simply loves it!


With that said, Any good ideas on rubbery toys. He seems to like things that he can really sink his beak into. I want to satisfy his urge. Thanks. IMG_0833.JPG


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Lol...for the cost of it...I could make a little rubber handled toothbrush mobile and throw in the handle of a dish wand and call it a day...he;d probably chew for hours!


Another funny thing when i was in the pet store over the weekend looking at bird toys...I ran into someone from these forums....think he said his handle was 'JayZ'. But what a small world eh? IMG_0839.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/15 21:43


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Mine seems to enjoy the $20.00 toys that he can rip apart in a few hours lol I am really picky about his toys and where they are made. I find that a lot of the pet store toys are made in china and I hate to be that way but I avoid getting those at all costs. I do not trust the dye and metals they are made with. I am sure that is silly but after some of the lead and crap found in children's toys, I just can't chance it. I am dying for a bird fair to come around where I can get some good old "made in the USA" toys...lol Does anyone know of any great toy makers for parrots? I always manage to find him some but sometimes it takes hours of digging and flipping through tags lol


Great pics btw :) Gorgeous baby you have!

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Yeah....someone brought over a little blue wooden toys with little ropes through it and plastic thingies on the ends. He made quick work of it. It was a blue bear-shaped piece of wood. He dismembered it, then totally obliterated the body in a couple days. LOL...I think he liked that....I chouls get more rope toys. And rubbery toys for sure.


Thanks you for your sweet comment regarding my feathered friend. :)

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I bought this one toy, it was BUNCHES of little, brightly colored wooden stars attached with leather pieces. Shaka zulu loved it immediately, which is unusual. Typically he prefers to assess toys for a few days to make sure they won't be attacking or killing him...lol This one, he immediately started playing with. It was close to $20.00 but it was well worth it. If I can find the toy again, I will buy more. He demolished it in a few days time hehe


You're welcome :) I never knew a bird could be so loveable until I started researching and ended up with this guy. Now he is like my child and I would have to go to jail probably if anyone ever messed with him :P

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Dixie has a love of chewing leather pieces, so I bought a roll of untanned leather lacing, a dowel rod and drilled holes in it, ran the lacing through it, tied it into a million knots and she is still trying to untie them all - think it cost me $5.00. I have several dog choke chains that I use to hang the toys on that I've made and use only vegetable (food safe) dyes to color pieces of untreated pine, oak and ash for her and Beau. Beau's favorite thing to destroy that isn't a bird toy - erasers. I had several "pink pearl" erasers on my desk and before I realized what he was doing I had several piles of "pink pearl" eraser bits. I've wondered if he wouldn't like chewing on an unflavored nyla bone but haven't been able to find out if it is bird safe.


Great pics by the way.



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I found some cat toys at a local pet store. They are made of rubber pieces with a bell inside them. Bandit loves them. I do have to take the bell away when she gets to it but she still loves to chew it. The great part about it is there are 5 balls to a pack for about $2.


The other thing I found Bandit loves is the caps off plastic bottles. After I have a water of soda I rinse the caps off and put them aside for her. She is currently, for the past week, trying to climb the side of her cage with the cap in her beak to get to her perch, almost succeded but not quite. It is entertaining to watch!


Our tax guy gave us a foam cut out of the US we didn't know what it was for so we gave it to Bandit. She loves chering that also.

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What lucky birds we all have! hehehe :blush:


My Quaker loves Toothbrushes, Calypso was a little scared of them, But I did hear to be careful with some toothbrushes, they have little metal bit that the bristles go into, I guess it is what holds the bristles in the brush...I cant remember why though, haha, Maybe a bad kind of metal for them, But my quaker has never tried to pull out the bristles so this was never a problem, He is like you baby grey, He just likes the rubber handle part ;)


You know what you could do!? I remember in school people use to do this, You couldnt use a rubber handled toothbrush though, But you get one of those cheap plastic brightly colored ones, cut the Toothbrush "head" off, and boil it in water till it gets hot, and it gets real flexible, and you make it into a circle, So in school people would wear them as bracelets, But you do a bunch of those and drill little holes in them, and hang a bunch of them on a chain or something, I bet the fids would love them! I think I am going to have to experiment! You could even make a ring with beads on it (caitB entered it into the toy contest) You know like a big circle, then hang little chains off that with the tootbrushes on them, Then atach a chain to the big circle with beads on it and hang it like a little mobile.

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Thank everyone for the toy ideas. I tried to buy a little rubber dog toy with holes in it, and I put treats in it and hung it from a chain. We will see what happens when I come home today. ;) I am totally giving him the handle to the dish wand. He just likes it too much. I will get a new one. I also have 9 new toys coming from someone who closed their bird store. Sold em cheap. There HAS to be something he likes in there. I will rotate those in slowly though to keep things fresh.

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Careful with the use of toothbrushes. I just read this posted in the health forum. I don't know why toothbrushes are listed under lead. Maybe because of the metal that jungledreams mentioned that holds the bristles in. http://www.avianweb.com/heavymetalpoisoningbirds.html


then again they also name plastic and vinyl - So I guess everything could be risky. What do you do?<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2010/02/17 18:11

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