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Uncertain about Greys


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HI Robertskitty,


Grey's do not need cuttle bones for calcium. Their diet, if varied enough with Veggies and fruits is sufficient.


Too much calcium causes serious health issues in Grey's.


Millet is a great snack for them :-)

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Really? Could have sworn I read somewhere they needed it! Ok thanks! Also I have seen spray millet used as a training treat. Allowing the bird to get a few good bites as reward so thats always an option. It shouldn't be left in the cage all the time though is that correct? I know you can with other birds but I don't know about Greys on that matter.


I think the only area a REALLY don't know much about Greys is diet.

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Here is a fun question. What if I take it into my mind that I feel like cooking on the stove. I'm sure it will happen. In a small apartment what should I do with the bird? Does it need to go outside on a flight line with my fiance when I cook or can it be moved to a far away room? When can I move it back in after cooking?

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Kitty, you will be able to write a book on greys when you finish here on this forum, you are getting lots of useful information and should know everything you need to know before the time comes when you do actually get that grey.


Kitty, that book, "For the Love of Greys" is available on line at several sites and at lower than cover price, so check them out, this particular book is one of the best ones on greys.:P

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I am going to meet with a breeder on the 11th to look at how she/he(?) operates and discuss perhaps getting a bird from them in the future. I have read 3 Grey books and I'm working on a parrot behavior problems book(what better way to know how not to create a problem bird than to know what causes it before hand!)


I really hope I am able to meet with the breeder. My mom has never seen or held a Grey and she will probably be coming with me so I really hope things go well! I'm off to Hastings to read through as many Grey books as I can in 3 hours!

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RobertsKitty wrote:

I have read 3 Grey books and I'm working on a parrot behavior problems book(what better way to know how not to create a problem bird than to know what causes it before hand!)


Oh you're good, real good, Kitty, you are doing what all prospective grey owners should do, what a fine example you make, thanks so much for what you are doing, to find out everything you need to know before you get that bird.


But even with all that, I am sure you will be back after you get your grey because you will find out something you didn't know you had to know or have some question that didn't come up before. It always does.


You go girl.:P

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I'm sure. I know with every other animal I have gotten I have had to scuttle back to the forum and say what the heck is it doing!? I haven't heard back from the breeder yet but I only just emailed them awhile ago.


I got through 200+ pages of Parrots for Dummies at Hastings. I'm off to start my own 'book' That is writing down everything important and relevant in the books I've read so far. I have 3 more books coming in Monday! Yay! lol.


I can't wait till after my bird has bonded to my husband and I. I am going to take it to Petsmart and show it off. I want everyone to see my beautiful baby! I hope to use having my Grey as a way of reaching out and helping warn prospective parrot owners about the difficulties of having a parrot as a pet. I'd really like to make a differance in the number of birds having to be re-homed in my area.<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/05 05:42

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RobertsKitty wrote:

I can't wait till after my bird has bonded to my husband and I. I am going to take it to Petsmart and show it off. I want everyone to see my beautiful baby! I hope to use having my Grey as a way of reaching out and helping warn prospective parrot owners about the difficulties of having a parrot as a pet. I'd really like to make a differance in the number of birds having to be re-homed in my area.<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/05 05:42


You sound like one smart woman, and if we had more people like you we would not have so many parrots in need of new homes. It is a pity that so many people will get that parrot and have no idea what they are in for, but you do, and if you can make a difference then I am all for it, you go girl.

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If it is fully weaned and perching well, it should be ok but you may have to leave the perches lower than usual and maybe pad the bottom of the cage with towels or something to cushion the fall if he does fall off a perch. Some of the members us a sleeping cage or you can use a travel cage, I don't.

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Thanks for the help and support. I read somewhere that a big cage is terrible horrible the baby will freak out and that just didn't seem like viable information to me...I need a little cage opinion.

I have two that I like. I am sure I can find room for either in the apartment when I move in. Here are pictures of them both:




The dimensions are as follows:

First Cage: Width 40" Depth 30" Height 76"

Second Cage:Width 40" Depth 25" Height 52 1/2"


The second cage has a removable divider that I could keep in if the baby seemed afraid of the large space or keep out if it acted alright. I am also leaning slightly toward the second cage because of the play area. I will PROBABLY have enough for a play stand but that is still nice to have.


Which one would be best? The cage will have at least 4 perches, 1 ladder, several hanging and floor type toys including shredder toys and puzzle toys. I will have all 4 cups in the cage. 1 will have water, 1 pellets, 1 fresh stuff and 1 will either also have fresh stuff or full of foot toys. I will have an extra set of 4 cups so that way I can have one clean set and one in the cage. How often should I clean the food bowls? Water should be changed in the morning and again at night right?

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I like the second cage, it is almost identical to mine except for the divider, mine does not have that. I like the play area that is not up so high.


If you are worried that the big cage will freak out your new baby you could get a small travel cage, it probably would be a good idea to have one anyway. I use one a lot, to take her with me to work and such. She also uses it if I have to go away for a couple of days and I have to board her with someone.


My Josey took to her big cage ok, but I guess it depends on the individual bird, some it might be a little scary.


Extra bowls would come in handy to have a clean set to put in while you take a set out to wash. Just refill once daily unless they mess in it or some say their bird demands fresh water more often than once a day, but your bird will let you know if that is the case.

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Awesome. I am defiantly leaning more towards the second cage. And at only $20 more its a bargain! lol!


I will get her a travel cage but it will probably be after she is home. Not sure on that...I'll see what happens on the water situation. I would prefer only once a day but who knows right?

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Guest briansmum

i'm biased towards the second cage also, as like judy it's very similar to the new one i got for brian, except mine also doesnt have the divider and the top doesnt open, which im not bothered about as it would make him way higher than me.


and for me it depends what brian does to his water as to how often i change it. but it is usually at least twice a day.

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Robert and I are trying to decide if it would be possible for us to start out renting a house instead of an apartment. If we could do a house I wouldn't need to worry so much about neighbors and the occasional Grey scream. Then I could also let the bird out into the yard(on a flight line of course) if I knew it wasn't being sprayed. The only problem is, like most couples starting out, money is not going to be incredibly plentiful! Still if we could find a house that allows birds and if I could get one with mainly tile or wood floors the bird could have much more of the run of the house.


How do Greys respond to other smaller animals such as guinea pigs? I have two of them in a cage of my own design. I just wouldn't want my Grey hurting them by accident...


Also, last night I read about some people put a kitty litter box full of clean sand like what is used in sand boxes and their Greys dig around in it since digging is so much a part of their nature in the wild. Is it safe to do that?<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/05 20:46

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Most greys are not too loud, in fact they are quieter than most other birds, but a house would be preferable to an apartment where if it does vocalize some it would not bother anyone but the two of you of course.

And wood or tile floors would be better than carpet, poops can be wiped up much easier on those floors.


I would not worry about the guinea pigs, they are kept in their own cage and the grey is not gonna hunt them or anything, but she might try to bite one of them if she gets close enough.


I haven't heard that one about the kitty litter box for them to dig around in, Josey will scratch like a chicken sometimes but I don't know if she would dig in a litter box. Now that would be something if you could get them to use it for a potty, the poop box.

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Heres a question. Since I am going to be going out and showing people what a joy it is to have Greys (along with explaining the downsides and such) I really need a bird who is socialized and all together willing to allow at least slight physical contact with strangers.


Is the best way to enforce this to allow friends and family who come over hold the bird and give it a treat or something of the like then give it back and then over time build up to going out and doing the same?


I do plan on walking around in town with the bird on occasion and they do tend to generate some...attention to say the least. It will also, hopefully come to Petsmart with me while I pick up its pellets and such.


Also, Greys and moving. I will have the Grey for 1 to 2 years before Robert and I are moving out of state. What is the best way to help a bird stay relaxed in that situation?


Also, some play stands I've been seeing appear to be made of PVC pipe. Am I seeing things? Also if I were to make my own T stand should I glaze the wood in any way?


Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/06 07:45<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/06 18:19

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