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Uncertain about Greys


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I have been doing some research lately to determine what kind of bird I would like to get. It will be quite awhile before I am actually able to get a bird as I am going to wait till I am out of the house. This however gives me the opportunity to save a large sum of money to spend on my future bird.


After all of my searching around I have determined that while other birds are nice I would love to have a Grey. I want a bird who I can train alot as I am going into the animal training profession after college. Just watch the videos online and looking at pictures its impossible to miss the intelligence staring back at me from these beautiful birds.


My biggest concern is that I may not have enough time for my Grey. I will, as I have said, be in college and then working. I am prepared to spend over $1,000 on a giant cage, toys, and so on but I am still concerned my bird might develop health problems.


As I am also getting married fairly soon I also worry about my bird for when I start having kids. It will be several years after college before I do have children but I don't know how the bird will react to the baby and again I worry about giving it enough attention.


I am really looking for opinions on if, with enough toys and such, would the Grey be alright. Would buying two birds as opposed to one help this?


Also as for a cage, I have picked out several that I really like but I was wondering if they are good models for a Grey. Here are the pictures and info. If anyone could tell me if they think the cage would be good for Greys that would be extremely helpful.


The first one is:


This cage is 48 inch tall, 48 inches wide and 36 inches deep. The cage comes with the toys and such listed in the picture plus I'd add several puzzle toys.


The other cage is:


It is 60 inches tall, 60 inches wide, and 36 inches deep. I would probably remove one of the two swings and add some good puzzle toys and a few other toys like that.


Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to your replies.

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The cages are wonderful.. Either one would be find.. No problems there.


Regarding you going to school and then to work... What amount of time will you actually be home? I really don't think you want to get ANY bird at this time if it means having that bird spend most of its' time locked up in a cage. So perhaps you can tell us more about when you will be spending time around this awesome creature.


By The Way.. Welcome to the family..



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Thanks so much.


As for time spent out of the house. It will vary from day to day. I will not get the bird till after I am married so my husband can have the bird out if I'm not around. It will probably work out that I will be out of the house from 3-5 hours 3 days of the week and 2-4 hours two days for school. Since I have recently quit my current job I am unsure how things will work out regarding work. When I am home I am more than happy to let the Grey out for supervised wandering about, training, and just generally being with the family.


Also, a few more questions. What is the best way to find a breeder in my area? What type of Grey should I get and is it necessary to worry about if I get a male or female or is it not important if I don't plan to breed or have a second bird? Is one gender better than the other or one type better? I know birds all have different personalities like people but is there any one gender or type that is as a general rule better than the other.<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/01 19:47

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Welcome, RobertsKitty, to the family and glad you asked these questions, before purchasing.

Just how much time do you think you will be able to spend with your bird? I work a full time job so mine is in a cage during the day, but she comes out as soon as I get home.


Children shouldn't be a problem unless you spend a lot less time with your grey after the kids are born, they need to be included in family activities so they don't feel left out.


Those are some wonderful cages and would serve the purpose well, but you need to determine what kind of time you can devote to a grey to see if this is the right thing to do at this time.


Keep us informed as to what you decide to do, but whatever you do decide, we will help you all we can with answers to your questions.:)

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One more question along with the ones in my second post. Are Greys known for being 'one person' birds or with proper socializing can they be friendly with everyone. What kind of socializing is needed to get them to be relatively friendly with everyone?


I am also planning on, if I do get a Grey, clicker training it. I have a fair amount of background knowledge of clicker training and it works amazingly with most animals.


Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/01 20:11<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/01 20:12

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Kitty, I would do an internet search for breeders in your area or you could look for local bird clubs, animal rescues and such to find where some breeders are.


Gender makes very little difference, they all have their own personalities and it varies accordingly.


Greys can be one person birds if not socialized properly, my grey is kind of a one person bird and that is me, because we don't have a lot of different people come into our home. But some members here do and the more people they meet and have a chance to interact with the friendlier they may be.


Some here already use the clicker method training, I personally haven't tried it, but they say it really works good with greys.


I hope I have answered most of your questions, if you have any more, feel free to ask, we will try our best to get you the answers.

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There's a few things about this that I figured I would comment on, hopefuly I don't get anyone miffed at me......As far as the cages go, I absolutely love them I think they look neat. However with the glass front, and the picture on the side that eliminates a lot of areas where not only they can climb around, but also a lot of areas where you can put toys. I personally think they look neat, but are more for show than for your birds, just my opinion though. I would rather spend the money on a bunch of toys and a "boring" cage than one with pictures. As far as having time, I wouldn't get a Grey if you don't think you will have the same amount of time to spend with it on a pretty much daily basis. Now I worked nights 40 hours a week, and went to school for 2 years while getting my degree and had birds. They always have a minimum of 1 hour out of their cage per day. Now that I'm done with school and work days, they all get about 3 hours out of their cage. But the minimum that I do isn't a standard by any means. Just don't get your Grey or any bird for that matter used to coming out for 3 hours a day, then a couple months later it only being out for 20 minutes and constantly switching them back and forth. In my opinion it's easier to manage behavior issues if you have them on a schedule similar to children, by that I mean if they're on a schedule and start plucking lets say, at least you can say to yourself well I know it's not a crazy schedule that is stressing them out if they come out of the cage between 6-8 everynight or whatever, like I said just my opinion and also what I've seen from others with Greys.


As far as Greys being one person birds I think it depends on how well you socialize them, and also to an extent the bird's personality. I do know that they're a flock bird, so they can do good in families. Problem is, in the wild they flock with a certain "posse" so to speak and don't typically let outsiders in. Greys do better when they are introduced to a group of birds already in the household, same with humans. My friends Grey she had for years, it was bonded to her and everything. Got pregnant, had the baby, her CAG apparently didn't like the new addition, attacked mom, and tried to get off her cage and attack the baby. It wasn't the birds fault and my friend knew that, but she had to rehome her. Her vet suggested that it was flock territorialism, which is what it sounds like to me. I've noticed that my birds wil shy away from strangers, but that they will let strangers hold them, they just aren't thrilled about it LOL I live alone though so I try to socialize them as best as I can. I don't mean to go off on a tangent oops! Either way I hope you end up loving your Grey as much as I love mine, they are entertaining and just a pleasure to be around to say the least!<br><br>Post edited by: loviechick, at: 2007/08/01 20:37

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Lovie, that was a very nice post, very informative and well thought out, and I agree with what you said, you have given her some things to think about.


You brought up the cage being lovely to look at but you are right, not as many places to climb around and my Josey has gotten so she climbs all around her cage.:)

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Thanks so much for all the info. I could defiantly have the bird out for at least an hour. I would assume I could have it out for at least two or three. That shouldn't be a problem.


I understand what you are saying about the cages and I will consider that as well when it comes time to buy a cage.


What are some of the best toys for grays? I know they like puzzle type toys and the like but what are some of the best toys for them? Do they enjoy ripping or tearing up toys like paper and dried grass balls?


Also how do Greys do with cats, dogs, and other small critters?

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Most greys love anything they can tear up, but wooden toys are good for them to chew up. We have a thread called, "Toys" that someone started that has a lot of items they purchased from a dollar store that they make a lot of inexpensive toys from. They need hanging toys and foot toys to keep them busy when they are shut up in the cage.


There are a lot of websites that carry a varying array of all kinds of bird toys, check them out for ideas.


They can get along with other pets in the household, they just have to be introduced slowly and gently and never leave your bird out of the cage unsupervised in the presence of dogs or cats, we have had a few casualties here that way.:)

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Wonderful! Thank you all so much for the information. I fell confident that as long as I am going to be home as much as I am planning on that I could make a good home for a Grey. I will make sure and do as much research as possible over the year or so that way I am sure I know what I'm getting myself into. I will also look around for a breeder. With any luck I will go up and visit a breeder in a month or so just so I can start getting used to being around these birds and perhaps get some advice from an expert.


Thanks again for all your help! I will try and hang out around this forum and keep you all posted on progress.

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No problem! As far as toys though, that depends on the bird. Red likes wood toys, while Zsa Zsa really likes the colorful plastic ones. Just get a variety at first and see what he/she goes for. Also not that I'm necessarily against breeders, or that I think everyone should get a rehomed bird, but its something to look into. You might pay a little less which is nice, and the bird could already be trained to step up, potty trained, etc. however along with that comes bad habits that you might have to train them out of. All of mine are rehomes, some abused, some not, and none of them have had any major behavior issues, other than being territorial, which I can work through! Just something to consider!

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Yes Congos are slightly more expensive depends on where exactly you live. I live in Oregon, and around here they cost about $100 more for a Congo. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a Timneh, but I can't find them anywhere, and a breeder is a last resort for me if I think a bird out there NEEDS help ya know? I've heard Timnehs are more laid back and less easily spooked, that and I just love the slate gray coloring on them! Just research breeders in your area, typically they are cheaper, depends on the supply and demand though!

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Guest briansmum

i think it is simply because the congo is the more saught after one, people think "african grey parrot" and the immediatly visualise a congo with the bright red tail, a lot of people don't realise there is another type. there for breeders can charge more for the more highly desired bird. which is wierd cos i know a lot of people who have said they'd like a TAG me included.

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Thanks for your help. I cannot seem to find any breeders in my area. All I can find is the lone bird here or there that the owner no longer wants.


I think I have decided on a cage that is 4 feet wide. Is that good or should I try and find larger?<br><br>Post edited by: RobertsKitty, at: 2007/08/02 06:16

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Welcome RobertsKitty,


I think you have rec'd some great info in the posts above. Definitely good to research as much as possible and try to consider various things about being a parrot owner. Its a life long commitment.


Looks like you are doing all the right things! Regarding the cost factor on CAGs/TAGs, I think its simply supply and demand economics. More people want (for whatever reason) the CAGs, so breeders focus on this species and can get away with charging more simply because the market will bear it...TAGs are wonderful pets as well (and one may even think they would be worth more, because they are generally harder to find)...but again its mostly just breeders charging more because they can. :blink:

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Thanks for your help! I am busily working out exactly the costs I should be shooting for so when the time is right I will have more than enough to buy my new baby.


Based on everything I would say I'd like a TAG better but I'm not picky and they are both beautiful and wonderful so I don't care either way!

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