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Alfie's newest move.


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This is our latest endeavour. It seems to have taken ages to get to the point where I could start teaching her stuff because she just couldn't concentrate!! But she's picking this up really quickly!! She's such a little star - I love her to bits.



Hope you and yours are all well.


Lyn & Alfi



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Spinner wrote:

Next: how about training her to fly to you on command. It's Gabi's favorite. It's a good starting point towards other fun stuff.


Dave, this was the very first thing we started teaching her. She learned it really quickly and always obliged for about a year. Now she decides when she is going to play along or not. It's soooooo frustrating but I don't know how to get her back to coming when I call!! She knows fine what I'm asking her!! She just sits and looks at me!

I think timing has a lot to do with it. You can tell when she is receptive to a spot of training.

Any tips would be greatfully received!!

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