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2109 The GREYT Grey Forum


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B) Sitting here thinking how amazing science is, in less than a hundred years we have the "Century-Plus" pill, [that's how I'm here to right this post, LOL]. All the rain forest and natural bird and animal habitats have been restored to original pristine condition. Poaching and illegal bird and animal trade are a thing of the past... Now we have wonderful "Designer Parrots". You pick out the colors, size, attitude and abilities, and it's programed and in a very short time they give you a container of appropriate size [can you imagine the size of the container is for a "4ft Josephs' Multi-colored coat Macaw] you plug-in, and in a day or so, wham, you have your life companion...(?) What do you want? a Iridescent Pearl-White Giant Triton Cockatoo, a Quad-Yellow Headed/Naped Amazon, or how about a Platinum-gray Grey Congo or Timneh African with a Glow in the dark Red Tail???? So simple now, just program it...

No more psych problems/feeding problems only one pellet and it self-adjusts to the birds[?] needs. Every one complained about what to feed their birds, veggies, pellets, seeds, some of all. Science solved the problem. With the advent of the "Psych Drugs", no more worry about if your Grey will adapt or talk or worry about "plucking" [glad for that], Wing clipping, no need, flying isn't even programed into the bird's genes, they don't care. A hundred years ago we wanted the perfect companion bird, didn't want to take or spend the time not only adapting the Grey to us, but adapting us to the Grey...We solved that problem with "The Designer Grey". All the intellect, Talking ability, and character of a real Grey without the need of all the time of interaction and training of both the Grey and the owner...Isn't science wonderful?....Let's see dark-gray/light gray? Accent?, Vocabulary...



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I hate the idea of designer parrots. Its taken 300million years for evolution to develop the parrots we have and it's done a fine job. Unfortunately it has rather screwed up on us humans! To many of us are ruining the planet for all the other inhabitants. The best we can do is to develop a space ship to take us to another

planet we can F*** *p and leave this one to repair the damage we have done!



Steve n Misty

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Oh dear Steve, I'm afraid you're right. The human race is doomed!

But Jay I do like the sound of problem free pets - as long as we are here we are going to keep them and hopefully problem free pets will mean fewer abandoned, neglected and abused animals there are.

A double edged sword this one I think!

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Oh Jay, that's too scary to think about - I'm more than happy with my less than "perfect" companion and learning about their idiosyncrasies, that's what makes them them. Otherwise all I'm looking at is a robot of what once was, there's no mystery, no bonding, no joy in learning the trust and living with life's next challenge. So glad I'm not alive then.



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Update, forgot to mention Judygram broke the 2 million post record a couple years back, nice going. Kudos to you. At the new "HoloDome" at Disney/20Flags, someone let a real Grey loose and it bombed a couple of guests [LOL]. They commented on how realistic the "Dome" was.[sic] When they cut the work-week to 4-days, everyone thought they would be able to spend more time with their Greys. No-no, they posted a law that everyone had to donate a days work to "community service". I understand a parrot org from a hundred years ago are making "ILLEGAL" trips to the Congo to view Real African Greys, you know some people have never seen a "Real Grey"....Till next time...



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Hello again, Remember Danmcq? we'll he disappeared a number of years back, he did that post "What are they [CorpWorld] really putting in our bird food?", Thanks to him and Dave007, Talon [remember her?she started it all], and the list goes on, started the "We Want to Know" riots on the Forum,which brought down "Corp World"...

A few years back a group started collecting "DNA" samples of all the companion birds in captivity and putting them on ice, They want to bring back "real" birds and keep them in a sanctuary for all to see, we'll the battle still rages on in courts around the world , I'll keep you posted...;)


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Fortunately, I peered into the future using Dayo's superior mental powers and saw my kidnapping and death by the "Corps". Thus I have avoided that.


The future will change, but not in mans favor. The Greys will rule the world and set things right. All has been restored back to peace, harmony and ensuring the poisoning of our planet, foods and ultimately us and our wild kingdom for $$$ has been outlawed.


The Greys rule the world from their rightful domain, the sky. Thus they can see all the happenings in a 360 degree panoramic view pattern, due to the superior placement of their eyes.


They are kind rulers and grace us all with the glory of seeing them majestically soaring as bright silver objects in the sky with a fluorescent red tail shined on by the sun.


When we see 1000's flying over we can only stop and stare in awe. They give a wink, a shout similar to a pterodactyl and let us know all is well.........

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;) So glad Dan's ok, you can't hold a good man down, we all love him. And for the "GREYT" "GREY FORUM", that's what it is today and we'll always be, a group of people dedicated to the "Health, safety,and well being of our Feathered Friends...;)
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;) I guess I should clarify The post "Were Retiring", Being I'm almost the same age as "Mose", our intent is to spend more of our time with our own fid's. All our past endeavors have been "Volunteer", and what I used to do all day long, takes me all day to do now... You must understand, I'm posting to hear what I have to say to myself...Jay ;)
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Well, am I pleased to be back. After the kids put me in a care home (and insisted I took Harvey with me) they took my finger top from me, no means to communicate on the uww (universal wide web) - but I did meet a galacton from 1 million light years away when doing my morning marathon today who gave me this communication means. I thought I'd try that grey forum that I used to be a member of (Harvey's 101 now and hardly ever in - goes off to all those clubs and wing groups in the sky as described by Dan). I'm so pleased some of the old faces are still around though, but perhaps since none of us actually "own" greys anymore, we should be joining one of the other forums for our new "pets". Oh, by the way, I've just got myself a sabre toothed tiger - cute little thing - Mr Smith down the corridor had one and I needed one too......;)

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