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Bismark - We Are Back!


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Hey all!


Yeah it has been a long time since I've posted up here. Life has just been extremely with school, work, looking for a new job, etc...The only free time I have I spend with Bismark...We will spending Valentines Day together haha...


Bismark has doing great...He has most certainly been going through changes - his red tail is almost all grown in! His eyes are yellow now, not sure if they're completely turned yet...I don't think he has been molting, but he has a good amount of feathers growing in that are still in their sheaths (mostly notice them on his head and neck where I pet him).


I bought him a little travel cage, and have made it a point to take him out from time to time...We spent almost a week at my mom's for Christmas - and he loved it! Still doesn't like the dogs though...I've taken him to a couple friends' houses, and he's always been a good sport...I have to admit though, it's taking some learning to take a parrot out! It's tricky!!


His attitude has been changing too....He seems more confident, and nips a lot more now....Like if he suspects I'm going to put him somewhere he does not want to go he'll reach down and start biting the hand he is sitting on. He has not truly clamped down on me yet, but sometimes it takes all my courage to not flinch when he does that!


Bismark is also truly starting to talk....He switches up what he says weekly it seems, but it's so funny to hear random words in his odd voice...Right now though he's been obsessed with making this maniacal laugh that sounds like a monkey....


Anywho, enough from me....Below I attached some recent pictures, and some from Christmas....Wow it's been a long time since I've posted....Also some recent videos....


Bismark and I Christmas Day



A second after the picture above - am I good or what? :-)



My dear sister and a 'deer in the headlights' Bizzy



Bismark and I spent several days at my mom's house, and he grew to love this lamp....



I am forced to share my meals...He loves granola!



Like I said, what is mine is also Bismark's..



Remember how I said that Bismark was scared to sit on the hanging perches? Well he got over that..



Yeah, he got over that fear...



Now he just shows off...



His poor clipped wings :-(



Bismark's pad - he LOVES that rope perch on the outside - soon to come: legit play gym for downstairs - I built him one with vet-wrapped PVC he uses now, but it's kind of ratty looking...



Bismark's closet - 1) drawers (full of toys, cleaning supplies, first aid kit, etc) 2) file box with his medical records and stuff 3) food box 4) basket with treats 5) dedicated trash can (that needs to be emptied) 6) you can't see it, but his travel cage is in there 7) MOST IMPORTANT: Dewalt Shop Vac - spent over $100 for it, but it's been worth every penny.





This is the first and only video clip I have where I caught him talking...It's a little hard to hear him because the webcam I have sucks, but in the first couple of seconds you'll hear him say: "Oh boy!"




Took this video of his crazy monkey laugh haha it's creepy sometimes when he does it out of blue...



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Thanks Adam for the great update on Bismark and glad to hear things are going wonderful for you and him, I know how life gets busy sometimes but its great you found a little time to let us know how you two are doing.


I love the pictures, he is very handsome and looks to be enjoying himself immensely, it just took a little time for him to become accustomed to that new thingy hanging there.


Please don't let so much time go by that you don't stop in and give us an update on him and share all the pictures and videos you want, we love them.

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Thank you all for your nice comments!


Bismark's an awesome bird and quite fascinating....I feel like I learn something or notice something new about Bismark every day.


Oh, and I won't stray away from the community that long again ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2010/02/16 03:39

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This may make you guys laugh.....I snuck Bismark into the family Christmas card...my mom had no idea he was on my shoulder until recipients started commenting on the feathered addition to the family :lol:


The family: (from left) Mom, younger (but taller) brother, nephew, step brother, sister, bismark, niece, me


20058_707086875227_15601127_39828249_6440618_n.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: snakeopus, at: 2010/02/17 05:12

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