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Amazon of the week, 2/13/10


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;) My favorite day of the week!!!This week's Amazon is an endangered species. It is know as the Red-Browed Amazon (Amazona Rhodocorytha) also known as a Red-topped or Red-crowned Amazon. This Amazon is one of the largest of Amazon parrots, reaching 35-40 cm in length and 450-650 g in weight. The most obvious feature of the species is the red forehead and crown, which fades toward the nape to a reddish-purple tinged with blue. The lores are yellow-orange with cheeks and neck blue. Other features include a horn-colored upper mandible that becomes pink at the base, an orange-brown iris and grey legs.


The Red-brow is found mainly in small groups in eastern Brazil in Alagoas and from Bahia and eastern Minas Gerais south to Rio de Janiero.

Conservation Status: The Red-brow was listed as CITES Appendix I on 2 June 1970. IUCN classifies the Red-brow endangered, with a small, fragmented range and total species occurrence over less than 5000 sq. km. In addition, the Red-brow has experienced continuing decline in observed areas, and in the extent and/or quality of habitat and number of mature individuals. IUCN estimates a total Red-brow population in the wild of 250 mature individuals or less.


Threats to Survival: Once a common parrot in south-eastern Brazil, the Red-brow is now altogether extinct across most of its original range due to deforestation and human encroachment. Unchecked habitat destruction compounded by exploitation for the local pet trade remains the driving force behind the Red-brow's decline in the wild.


Rosemary Low wrote in her monograph Endangered Parrots (1984):


"Were there as many as one dozen pairs in captivity there would be some spark of hope for the future of the Red-browned Amazon. Instead, there is none."







http://www.parrots.org/index.php/blog_mcgovern/<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/14 05:59

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Jayd wrote:

:whistle: Sorry, I really blew it, I posted under "Spock"...Hope you enjoy this weeks Amazon...;) Jayd


Spock, Jayd, who cares, we all know it is from the same wonderful family:laugh: just don't let it happen again.:whistle: just kidding:laugh: :woohoo:


Another beautiful amazon and I love the first picture, a head on shot, another winner Spock, opps I mean Jayd:blush: :lol:

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