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My baby brother hates baths as well! He used to love having a good dip and i hated it, its the other way round now and if mum squirts him he just splats on the floor trying to get away!:laugh: :laugh: I have to get in the way of the squirty thing with my wings open to protect him! :laugh: B) B)

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Phew! She's gone back to work, he's at work and those pesky kids have plans for the day! Peace at last - although it's her short day at work and she'll be in early!


I've got to say though - I'm loving my new stand - I'm barely away from it at the moment - and he's added all my favourite toys - so I'm in heaven! She's happy as well, all of my food and poop falls to the paper in the tray - instead of all over the carpet!!!! Roll on the weekend......:laugh:

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Im having a horrendous day, mums friend has come to put a new front door in, im surprised really cos i terrorized him last week when he fitted the dish washer, i was only trying to help by passing him his tools and saying words of encouragement, :laugh: :laugh: anyway mum has kept me locked in and im right next to the action! Its all going on in front of my beak and i cant reach it!!!:ohmy: :ohmy: Ive tried shouting "OY" and whistling but im being ignored, im even flapping my wings in time to the hammer bangs and drill! My whole body has been pressed up against the bars to get as close as i can! :ohmy: :ohmy:

Chocko xx<br><br>Post edited by: Debandbella, at: 2010/02/19 13:53

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Chocco I do sympathise, I've not had a good day either, that stupid Argyle asked for a shower and so I ended up having to endure one as well, ugh water every flippin' where, I hate it, why couldn't Argyle have kept his beak shut :evil: I hate that green thing grr!


Harvey, I hope your parrants are better today, how inconsiderate of them to keep rushing to the loo when they have you to serve :P I have also had to endure an extra child the last couple of days, I don't much like kids. Why do they always think you will talk to them??? Ha in their dreams!


Anyway, I have some serious drying off to so. Laters xx

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Hi guys, its me Bellino, im the quiet one in our family, Mums friend has just gone so were now playing out,he was making a really loud noise when he was here so ive just been copying it, mum says its a drill! :laugh: I may be quiet but im very observant, :laugh: Chocko has already ripped loads of paper up all over the settee and flung it everywhere, shes not in the good books as mum had just vacced up and Bella has been in mums handbag and taken everything out! Mum says she wishes the girls were as good as me. :laugh: :laugh:

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Morning feathered mates! First of all I'd like to say how happy I am that one of our colleagues has been found safe & well, I am one happy birdy to hear this! Argyle is delighted with this news too as is mum. Precious, I'm sorry to hear you have a little sick human in your house not least cos you don't want the germs do you? :laugh: :P


Mum was late getting my breakfast this morning, humans can be sooooo lazy sometimes and we have mum's older human son staying in the house this weekend, he is SO LOUD, I like it best when he goes :laugh: I guess he means well but I like things more quiet and normal tbh. At least he didn't bring that huge thing with strings that plays "music" pah! I can sing better than that thing and they call THAT music??! Never mind, mum will be next to me doing the ironing this afternoon whilst we have the radio on, I like the radio, we listen to this noise, mum says it's Plymouth Argyle playing football but whatever it is it makes mum :angry: and she bangs the iron down most of the time. What does "goal", "lose/lost" mean anyway?


Must fly, serious singing to do. Beau XX

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At last!!! A thread by the people who really matter!! I have no idea how it took you humans soooooooo long to figure that one out!! Well done Debbie - you're a genius (as much as a human can be I spose).

So my name is Alfie - I have two humans, david (I just luuuuuurve him!) and lyn (she's quite a good slave really and gives the best cuddles!)

I don't have to worry about being allowed to use the laptop - it's mine anyway. In fact this whole house is mine, so's the car and the town we live in. It's all mine. My chihuahua thinks that everything belongs to her, and for the most part I just let it go, but sometimes I have to remind her who's the boss. My big dog is a real keeper - she always clears up after me - when she's done there's not a crumb left on the floor.

So at long last lyn seems to have given up on feeding me that Harrisons muck. She's been trying for almost a year now - she must be soooo thick not to understand that I JUST DON'T WANT IT!!!!! I decided a couple of weeks ago to give it one last try (she's persisted so long there must be something good about it!) I perservered for a few days, but nope.....it just tastes crap.

So a couple of days ago she got me some new pellets and they taste so much better, I've been eating lots of them. I may decide to dislike them next week but we'll see!


So it's been lovely to meet you all - I'm off for a spot of sunshine.

Take care you all - and make sure you look after your humans - they do have their uses!!



xx<br><br>Post edited by: pearllyn, at: 2010/02/20 14:14

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Alfie, its time they learnt that what they think is theirs is actually ours! :laugh: I get told off for playing with mums things but i just blow a raspberry at her, :laugh:

Last night mum put me in something and took me out, we went to this huge place that mum said was a pub and it had lots of men in it, (i love men!) including the one who put the new door in, it was ace fun, i made my way round them all, one even got a photo of me on his shoulder! There was one who talked a lot louder than the rest and he played my favourite record and dedicated it to ME!!! I was singing and dancing along, i even flew for the first time as i was taken into a quiet dimly lit room and the only way to get back to where the action was was to fly, its amazing what you can do when needs must! :laugh: Mum was so proud of me,:laugh: I got very overexcited though so mum packed me up in the carry thing and took me to my usual place at her friends house for my weekend party. I love it there, its a noisy house unlike ours and the more noise the better for me. As usual i got over excited there as well so i got told off, my reaction was to challenge mum to a play fight, she pretends to punch me and i do all the punching noises then she picks me up puts me on my back and we both shout "tickle tickle tickle" I love my party weekends.

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Good morning,its Charlie hear or Charles if you don't mind lol.I am feeling very formal today.Mum is on that computer thing and I hate her being on there I know,if I go to the couch and bite at it she will jump up and come and get me. Yes it worked, never fails, I even got a nut to keep me behaving for a bit.I have her very well trained.Its easy.I have been sitting on my stand looking out the window at all this white stuff on the ground,mum does not seem to like it but I cant see her problem.Little Cracker my friend is still in his cage,mum will let him out in a sec.He is a torment that bird,don't tell him I said so though.He dive bombs me and thinks its fun.My wing has been poorly and mum took me to that horrible man who put a collar on my neck, well I was not having that at all. who does he think he is,far too undignified for my liking. Came off the same day and he gave me medicine instead.I love the medicine its nice and sweet.Maybe if I pretend my wing is still bad mum will keep giving it to me.oh no stand by your cage,the little monster Cracker is out, If he thinks I am letting him in my cage he is mistaken,yesterday he came in while I was on my stand and he ate my fruit , if I could get in his cage I would eat all his food and see how he likes it,better go and guard my cage, see ya.

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Morning Charles ~ it is Sunday after all!! Oh, she was on about that white stuff this morning - she says we seem to have just had a sprinkling compared to the North West, and some big airport was shut over there this morning she said.


A collar - pah, are they stupid! Like we are going to wear one of them - anyway, they just get in the way don't they - you're lucky your mum was nice enough to remove it - and that medicine sounds yummy! Glad your wing is getting better. Anyway - you need it to go and batter that Cracker - eating your fruit - pah, I'd have him!


Well, I'm off now to see how much palm oil I can throw on the carpet - she's whinging about the stuff that she's put on my food and I'm managing to aim for the middle of her cream carpet - well, stupid idea for flooring with me around methinks ;)

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"Hello." Precious here. No I don't want those germs from the Little Person. The big people don't let her ger close to me when she's sick, but, MAN, does she ever get a lot of attention! Sometimes I have to talk real loud so they pay attention to me, too.

What's the white stuff? We don't get it here. Mom was talking about something called snow in the mountains though when it was really cold. The Little Person said she liked to play in it. Imagine! Playing in cold stuff!:ohmy:

Gota go "Bye, I'll be back".

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Well it was gorgeous outside today so my parront misted both Sully and me down to the skin, she soaked us both and put us in our travel cages outside. What a glorious feeling it was to have real sunshine warming my skin and wet feathers. I preened and preened my dry feathers and Janet gave us both (she always give Sully his treats first, something about him being the mature one! Baa!)apple slices and walnuts. Sully was so excited about the sunlight he fluffed out his feathers (well what he still has that is. He is a bad plucker!!) and climbed all over his cage. It was totally delightful until Janet said something about not wanting to bake us and made us come back in. Two hours of sunlight, that's not very much it takes longer to bake a beef roast. Silly parront!!!

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Morning fellow fids and welcome to the new ones ;-) Well I had a nice day yesterday, mum's eldest human son allowed me out of my cage so mum could finally give it a good scrub. I must admit I took a few nips of him but I was only testing him to see if he would get :angry: but he didn't so I let him off. I sat on his shoulder most of the time preening. Mum put a cement perch in for me as my nails are getting long and sharp. Anyway my home is so much cleaner now but generally I don't like humans messing with my home, I don't like leaving it much either. I liked that particular human and he seemed to like me, I heard him say he would like a green bird like me but he thinks it would be too noisy in a flat (noisy? Me? Huh!) anyway it is quiet today without him around. Better go now, I'm tired - gonna take a nap. XX

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Beau - you've missed a trick! He wanted a green one - you could have offered him Argyle!! The moment has passed now - you've missed the boat :laugh:


Ana Grey - you and Sully are so lucky! If my mum were to mist me outside she'd just need a lolly pop stick and I'd be a popsicle! It's freeeeeezzzzzing here!


Well, back to me! It's strange round here - she hasn't gone out today - so I'm getting more out of cage time than ever!!! Whoops, here she comes - laters xxx

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Too true Harvey, if I'd have been quicker we could've been shot of that green pest :evil: mind you don't let on but I quite enjoy his company ;)


I've started saying "good boy" today, I've been practising all day, at first the humans seemed delighted with this but after a while they seemed to get tired of it. What is it with those humans, they're never satisfied are they :P Anyway I'm the only one who knows if I am actually a boy and I'm not about to say, keep 'em guessing I say! Anyway I'm off to practice more words it seems to please the humans but I only talk when I want to - not to order. Laters, Beau xx

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Oh that's great news Beau - new words! She's jealous that you can speak - says we are about the same age and that I'm a thicko and a mute! Well, I mightn't say anything in front of her - but when I'm on the telephone to my mates - hah! That'll show her when the bill comes in!


So, you're a bit like me too - they say I'm a boy too - but haven't had the conclusive evidence! I'll show them one day too - they thought that Spiky was a boy for 11 years - until "he" laid an egg! Watch this space!!!! ;)

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"Good morning!" I like to say good morning to mom and to you, my friends. I LOVE walnuts! I don't get them very often though, have to just reach out and grab one fast off the humans' salad. Mom doesn't mind:cheer:, but the older aunt, she gets mad:angry:! The other aunt, she doesn't mind but I don't take from her very often. I like taking baths in my water dish too.;) Mom put a bigger pan in my cage, but I didn't like it. So now when I get in my water bowl she comes with the spray bottle. I get really wet then. It's too cold still for me to go outside.:(

"Bye, I'll be back." Precious

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HI Guys, im in trouble, mum heard a thud and realised i had managed to open my dinner door, throw my bowl out and climb through the hole. She has no idea how i did it as its a parrot proof but obviously not Chocko proof house. Shes sure she closed it properly as since we all came to live here she checks things constantly to ensure our safety. :laugh: :laugh: Im so glad mums dont have the same intelligence we do, :laugh: :laugh:

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Precious, the same happened here, mum bought me a bigger water dish to bathe in but I still don't get as wet as I do with the addition of the spray bottle :P I love it and open my wings ready for a good soaking.


Haha Harvey, you are too smart for your humans, they just don't get it do they? Chocko, you have also out-smarted the humans..well it's not hard is it :laugh:


Catch you later, Argyle xxx<br><br>Post edited by: Joolesgreyuk, at: 2010/02/23 15:59

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