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Parrots only thread.


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On another forum im on Bella started a thread called parrots only, no parronts, it was for her and her mates to meet and discuss naughty things and everything seen from a parrots view, it soon became the most popular thread both read and posted on and is absolutely hilarious to read. Poor Spock seems to be the only bird on here that has any input, can they not have their own thread to be able to talk to each other? Thats if any of us parronts allow them on our computers!! :ohmy: :ohmy:

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I think it's a fab idea Debbie - and I've just handed the "mic" over to Harvey.


Sunday 14 February 2010 ~ God, they are so lazy - they didn't get up until 09.30am - I'd been awake since 7am - but chose not to wake them, but gave that Jill an evil eye when she eventually decided to uncover me. Breakfast - she's just fed me that muck again that she calls "scrambled egg". I only eat it because there's that lovely palm oil mixed in - otherwise she wouldn't stand a chance.


I was sitting whilst she was on this forum thing - I had my toy telephone to play with, but the one with British Telecom wrote on it is far more appealing - and it annoys the hell out of her when she is trying to type. I've thrown both the toy phone and the human phone off the desk at least 20 times now and I can tell she is getting sick of it - but I'm not going to stop. Oh, I couldn't be bothered to fly all the way back to my stand and the desk looked a nice dumping ground, so I did just that - she's not happy either - kept saying I was naughty - well, what's the saying "water off a parrot's back" - yip, that's me.


I'll be back later - there's plenty more I have to say about the morons I live with, but since I've just tried to pull the "enter" key off the keyboard I'm being removed from the study! Laters!!!!!

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Hi Harvey, my names Bella, i used to be the naughty one til i got a new big sis last year, im still mums favourite though, we like to just sit and cuddle together. You get up very early!!! We dont get up til we hear mum and if shes up early we just ignore her. You also sound very naughty too, i like to keep my beak busy on things i shouldnt have, toys are boring, remote controls, phones, pens and cups are much more fun. Dont cups make a lovely noise when they smash on the floor! :laugh: :laugh:

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: What an inspired thread, excellent idea. Right then over to Beau:

Ello Bella & Harvey, those flippin' 'umans have been exchanging card thingies this morning oh and some yummy looking stuff they won't let me near but you just wait 'till later :evil: when their backs are turned I will swoop, I have to be quick or that green thing will beat me to it. He has been getting extra attention lately and well frankly it's not on, I am the biggest, bravest of all and this is my territory. He tries flying on my home when he is let out so I have to be brave and attack him. Well I will update you tomorrow but right now I have some of those yummy palm nuts to get through. Laters xx

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Hi guys, im Bellino, im Bellas and Chockos baby brother, mum calls me her "little flapper" as i grip onto her fingers and flap all the time, i dont pluck my feathers but i do tend to shred them so my wings are quite short, mum took me to the Drs but was told im a healthy little chap and not to worry, i could have told her that myself!! Im the good guy, i like to keep myself to myself although i do like an occasional cuddle with mum when i can get near her for my bullying big sisters! :ohmy: I also do the worst noises when im in a good mood and when mum tells me off for being annoying i just blow a raspberry at her, :laugh: :laugh:

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Hi Beau, Bella, Chocko and Bellino. You must be more patient than my parronts - they've only got me - they couldn't cope with another and are trying their best not to murder me today. Well, she was ironing and I was sitting on the top of my cage (or so she thought) when in fact, I'd come in here and hacked a nice big chunk out of the lovely leather computer chair that they've only had three months (they had to replace the last one because I chewed that too). She's not too bothered - she says "he's a parrot, he chews", but he's a bit more annoyed and told her to keep me out of there! She had nothing to do with it - I sneaked in.


So, if she can't keep her eye on me 24/7 - what chance would she have with others! Right - gotta go - she's coming!!!!

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Hi fellow fids, don't listen to that grey thing, he may be bigger than me but he's a dreadful scaredy bird, I may be small but all good things come in small packages even if it is poison ;-) That flippin' grey thing they call Beau (stupid name) tries to lord it over me pah! in his dreams! Talking of names, what's with the name "Argyle"? Just because I happen to be green they think they can name me after 11 idiots (who wear green) running around a field (who btw can't even put a ball in a net!) anyway just thought I'd introduce myself. Bye for now. XX

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Josey here, I can't believe how my parront sleeps in on two days out of the week, makes my breakfast late and I am not a happy camper when I have to wait for my food, whats the matter with her, doesn't she know she needs to feed me at the same time every day, one of these days she will pay for that mistake, you just wait and see what happens and then she will be on some greyforum crying her eyes out to get their sympathy, fat chance!

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Oooh! Another lady! I'm going to like it round here! I've just been on my playstand and snapped every rope toy that hangs from it - well, I really want to bite her - but I take my aggression out elsewhere!!! She was moaning before that I never sleep during the day, that she has to run round after me and I'm never happy in one place for long. I have the attention span of a bouncy ball she said. Hey, I'm only 14 months old - what do they expect - FOOLS!

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B)Spock here...okay, this is greyt! We have to remember though that the Forum has rules. And, even though we know better about ourselves and more logical (some of us), it's our parronts computers and some of us have to sneak to use them...

Being a Grey, and logical, I have no interest in politics or what the president does. [whats that?] My interest lies in food, and health and food and toy's and food and my parronts and my cage, and snacks, and what you all do for fun, and especially to learn more about Grey's... I have nothing bad to say about anyone unless some one hurts or abuses one of us..,.First question I would ask is,"WHAT NEW TOY'S DO YOU HAVE?" and "What did you have good to eat today, Plastic? Hair pin? Earring?, I won't tell your parront's...Did you bomb them?[hehehe]:evil:


P.S., I do like a good joke...[ssshhh, emotion..] :whistle:

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:huh: Greetings, I am Joey...is this really necessary? I have to talk to these other guys all day and now my parronts tell me I have to contribute something. This is my quiet nap time and I use this time to contemplate and instead I am here talking to all these aliens. Well, a bird's got to do what a bird's got to do. If Spock can do it and Salsa has her own room (unbelievable):pinch: , I can do this. How are you? I overheard my parronts talk about my favorite seeds (pomegranates) were out of season but they brought me some liquid that tastes just like those...and yes, it is very yummy. They bring me a spoonful every night and it is very relaxing. I read what Spock wrote...why would anyone want to bomb their parronts? How juvenile! There is a time and place...as for toys...I enjoy mine and don't mind sharing up to a point. Well, this was fun but I have my meditation time coming up...


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:kiss: Hi, Tango here...this is so exciting! I haven't ever been this close to this machine before. This is so much fun...

Freddy here...Move over...they say I am a plucker...that's not true...I am just trying to keep my weight down and I want to get a tan for summer...;)

(Tango) Oh, Freddy, get real!!!...:angry:

Tango, move over, you had your chance...boy, the food here is great!! So much variety and I get to climb around on the curtains and the couch and the floor. Our parronts don't like it when I chew the couch or the wall molding. They don't understand that I am trying to add my own flair and use my creativity...everyone's a critic...:whistle:

All right Freddy, you had your say, now it is my turn...what a show-off that bird is, always yelling "over here" or "Freddy's here" and dancing. I am more restrained and polite. I just raise my voice and let them know what I want. It is great here, though. I get all kinds of veggies and seeds. For eight years all I got was mainly pellets and now all this good stuff...WOW! Well, they just put a block of wood in for me and a bag with surprises so off I go...Toootles....Tango;)

Whew! Fred here...what a woman!!! Don't tell her but I love big women....and she has some nice....:whistle: Oooops! Got to fly...Freddy

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HI Its Bella, im sneaking on here now cos im in serious trouble, mums trying to cuddle me cos shes upset over my grandad being ill and ive poured her whole pint of lager on the floor, i was only thinking of her health, whys she so cross? Ive only just pooed on the floor as well, chased the cat round the kitchen, dropped a cup on the floor and terrorized my dad just what is their problem? :whistle:

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Hi 111111111111111111111m Chocko. As you can see mums letting me type instead of dictate, im the boss of the 3 of us, Bella, Bellino and everyone else apart from mum darent argue with me, mum thinks shes my boss as well but what i say goes, im so cool, anyway my really big sis Becki has just picked me up like im a brick and it looks like im off to bed, good night guys, i love curling on up on a quilt for the night.:kiss: :kiss:

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Hi Ana Grey here, finally a place so we can tell it like it really is!!!! I have the most fun sitting on top of the computer screen punching the screen off button with my beak. What a laugh when Janet swats at me shouting "stop that"! I just fly away. So glad I can finally fly. At least she did something right!!! I'm much too fast for her now and she always misses with her swings. Besides I'm improving her cardiovascular system and she gets some exercise at least!!! Oh poo, I hear her coming. She promised to bring me back some apple slices from the kitchen. What a sucker! :evil:

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Oooh! So many friends! I am so excited - well, this is what's happened in here tonight. Those two (the ones who seem to run after me the most) opened this big cardboard box and this knobbly, bobbly tree thing was in it. The man one had to put it together (I get the idea the woman one could do it, but just lets the man think he's better). Well, the discussions that surrounded it included "he's never going on that", "what a waste of money", "Jeez, I didn't realise it was going to be so big" etc etc. Well, I can't do anything about the size, so I had to prove them wrong.


I sat on top of the door for about 8 minutes, checked it out and flew over to it - I could tell they were impressed - oh well, if I do something naughty tonight, perhaps they won't jail me - I've shown them alright! Right - best go and eat some more on that new tree thing - oh, and the bowls are made of pottery and I'm sure I'll get my beak through them.......!

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Hi fellow fids, Beau here. (human)mum has been out most of today doing cutting & styling of humans' feathers (why do humans do this to their feathers?)so she was late in but she filled my toy with lots of yummy treats before she left this morning so I've been quite content, actually I listen to that thing they call a "radio" I love repeating the lunch-time noise the radio makes, such fun. Argyle's been quiet today, probably planning a sustained beak-attack on the humans ;-) Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm looking forward to my long-weekend break at the end of May, Argyle has to go to the human grandparents' hahahahahaa but I get to go with mum & dad (well they said there isn't room enough in the car for us both) anyway, mum has had a dreadful time trying to get me a safe travel cage but she says she finally found me a powder-coated one, says they are like rocking horse s**t they are so scarse in the UK. Mum says I have a beak like a pnumatic drill and can't be trusted with anything less than powder-coated cages - dunno what she means by that but it didn't sound like a compliment! I've had fun tonight, mum has this huge houseplant in Argyle's room and it looks soooo yummy, every time I go near it mum panicks, such fun giving her the runaround ha she needs to lose some weight after the chocolate fest she had yesterday - didn't let me within a mile of 'em. Oh well gotta go, munchin' on a malted milk, some things are more important than chit-chat!

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Wow, theres lots of new friends on here!! Most of you seem very naughty as well. :laugh: :laugh: Does anyone know how to decorate? I stripped the paper off the bathroom thinking it was looking dingy and thought i was helping, for some reason i got told off?:unsure: :unsure:


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Oh Beau! Lucky you - going on holiday ~ how nice of your humans to take you - mine just dumps me at the old people's home (the woman says it is her mam & dad's) and they've got this four legged thing "Suzy" who I'm not scared of either! Plants, now, I'm good at the plant thing - lucky for me my favourite is a Yuk Yuk plant or something like that - but it's on the safe list and I get to chew chunks out of it in the summer when I'm in the conservatory!


Oh Bella - I'm not a decorator - but I'm a great carpenter! Him and her have painted walls, so no wallpaper, but they have fantastic door frames that I enjoy imprinting with my beak - why do they get so annoyed? Oh well, best go - she'll be back soon....!

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Good morning! I'm Precious. I always say good morning when I awaken. This is fun having so many friends.

My parront mom isn't here. She got sick just before Christmas a long time ago (2008). I came here in my big cage in a truck. It wasn't so bad because I had a human man sing and talk and whistle to me all the way and now my cage is in a BIG room. I like that!:)

Mom came when she got out of the hospital and brought me new toys. Was I ever glad to see her! She needed lots of rest so I was very quiet every time I saw her close her eyes. It took her a long time to get better.

One night I had water coming out my nose. Mom was scared and called a man she called an avian vet. He came to the house the next morning in his big van to examin me. I didn't like him very much but he said I was all right. He did lots of tests just to make sure.

Ater six months mom went home with one of my aunts to see if she could take care of herself. She cried when she left because she couldn't take me. My aunt came back in a few days.

My two aunts take care of me. I get lots of goodies and I am out on my stand a lot. My aunts play with me and sometimes I fly. They are always afraid I'll get hurt. I don't know why!:silly: My favorite landing spot is the ledge of the highest window.

A little person they call Tiernin comes and stays lots. She gets very loud sometimes. She likes to cary me on my perch. She is very careful. She gives me grapes and other goodies.

My mom has come back two times. I call "Whoooo" to her as soon as I hear her. I sit on her lap and we get lots of cuddles. We sing to each other and do lots of talking. She bought me a new swing and other toys too. I LOVE chewing them!

The cpa aunt works in a big office and is gone most of the time. The rn aunt lets me out a lot. She says I am eating lots more variety and I'm better at my flying and landing. I can't wait to show mom! :ohmy: I hope she comes soon!!! Maybe sometime she'll come and stay and we can be together forever.:kiss:

"Bye, I love you, I'll be back."

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Precious, how do you cope? We all make fun of our mums and take the mickey but theyre still our mums, i coudnt cope without mine, Bellino and Chocko would be ok cos theyre not mummys fids but i am, i really hope things work out for you, at least youre being loved and cared for in the meantime. :kiss: :kiss:


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Afternoon feathered mates, Argyle here. Good to have you on board Precious, I hope your mum gets well soon, no one quite looks after us like a mum do they and I'm on my second mum now - boy do I let her know who's boss around here. Want to know a secret guys? That Beau is a dirty :evil: he hates having a bath or shower, when one of the humans approach him with the mister he starts squaking, ugh the shame of it! Glad I don't sit too close to him. Mum has got me a water dish big enough for me to use as a bath now because I couldn't get enough of them. I smell so sweet these days :P Mum has been busy putting Beau's new travel cage together, ha if she had a brain cell she'd be dangerous, you could almost see the cogs going round as she tried to work out how it went :laugh: Looks like I will stay with mum's uncle when they go away, I just could get spoilt as he likes parrots :whistle: Anyway, must go, preening to do. Catch y'all later. X

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Hey Precious! Glad you've joined the gang! Your mommy will be thinking of you day in day out - so just hang in there!


Argyle, you sound like you're looking forward to going to your mum's uncles - it'll be like a lovely holiday for you away from that Beau! Pity we didn't have "parrot cam" that would have been some film your mum trying to put that cage together!!


Well, I'm sick to the back teeth of "company"! It's half term - so the kids are here and then to add insult to injury - him and her have both been struck down by some illness - I know it involves the toilet, and the house stinks of domestos!! Where she works has a 48 hour "clear" rule so she's been at home today and yesterday too - I wish she'd go back to work - but rules are rules I suppose!!


They seem to think we need to be active all the time - I want some peace again!!! I'll update you tomorrow though ;)

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