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Eating Food? Or Destroying it?


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I give my birdie some veggies like carrots, broccoli, cabbage, and kale...and i honestly cannot tell if he is eating it or just destroying it. Has anyone had experience with this. Any ideas on introducing veggies to him.


He loves going through seed mixes and nuts...but I need to be sure he eats his veggies. Any help is great.

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Visually calculate how much veggies you give in one feeding and after a few hours or after you've seen him eating them for a while, check the bottom of the cage. Some birds will discard certain veggies and eat others.

Parrots will never eat the wjole variety that you give and when they flip it it's a good way to find out what they dislike.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2010/02/13 20:12

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Isaac is still a baby right? There is lots of information from previous posts in "The Nursery" on introducing new foods to a baby African Grey, you should check that area out, it is dedicated to those of us who have babies under a year, and has been invaluable to me over the past five months! Plus, it is a great place to gush about of litle bundles of feathers!


What has worked for me in inroducing new veggies to Paco has been giving it to him in his "salad" that I make. I add new veg cut up super small in with the veg that I know he LOVES, green beans, asparagus, peppers, carrot and yam, with that base I'm able to sneak in other veg that I want him to eat and he does. Next thing I know, I am able to add the new veg to his list of favourites. I've also found that buy cutting up the veg really small, less is thrown across the room, even though I still have to wash the wall next to the cage!

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I feed my fids the things I want them to eat first thing in the morning namely their veggies. This is when I believe they are most hungry. I save their nuts mainly for out-of-the-cage time as they love these best. Their fruits are for just before nite, nite with some seeds and oats, if they get any. There are always pellets in their cages which Ana Grey loves to crunch into tiny, tiny pieces and my ekkie, Sully, loves to dip in his water! I weigh they every day or so and know their weight is consistent. My fids are both great eaters and poopers!!! :blink: :laugh:

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They do waste a lot of food when eating and you can usually tell what they don't like or care for, it will be some of the first things to hit the bottom of the cage as they flick it out of their bowl.


I can tell you one thing though, a sliver of cheddar cheese is never wasted, both my birds will eat every morsel, none of it is dropped.

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