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Most Beautiful....


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Wow, this is amazing....the way they enjoy their freedom and wild life, it makes me wonder, do we have the right to take that away, just to have them with us. I mean we do give them lots of love and care, probably more food than they get in the wild, but still, where would they be happiest...???



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It is a great video, it makes Paco go wild with vocalisations every time he hears it... Which does leave me with guilt. I reconcile my guilt with how spoiled he is, and with his general happiness that he displays, but at the same time I see how he looks out the window... I'm afraid I'm not qualified to say which life would be a happier one for him, here with me, or flying fee with a flock. What I do know, he was bred, I had no control over that, someone was going to get him, and it just happened to be me, who could offer him a good life, which then causes me to consider that by my wanting him, I create a market... What a tangled web.

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