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Finally home, with questions...


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My Timneh came home last night, so exciting!!! He (she?) took the move well so far; I thought he would be hiding in the back of the cage, but he has stuck right up front and has eaten and vocalized already - so far, so good!


This is the same bird I had issues with in the store with biting, who has not been socialized after being there a year. I do find that if I can keep myself from being afraid and push back into the bite, it will usually stop and he will step up (it's just a matter of pushing through the fact that I know I will get bit!).


I am giving him some time to settle in... not sure when to start working with him outside the cage, but will see how he is and figure that out. Any suggestions?


Here's another question ~ his beak looks as if the bottom tip has grown longer than the top layer, do you know what I mean? Does this signify anything??


Also, I'd like to know if Grey's like having a tent in the cage to hide in. I had covered the top of his cage to offer more security in a new place, but he stayed toward the lower perches and kept looking up like he didn't know what to think of that.


Any suggestions regarding your Grey's favorite toys, cage items (do they enjoy swings?), or foods are welcome - thanks!





p.s. How do I find out about creating a signature & posting pics??

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Julie, to answer your question on signature, go to your profile page and then to edit, then forum settings, you can add a signature there.

Your photos have to be below a certain size to post them so maybe that is your problem. PM me and maybe I can help you.


Glad you got him home and he is doing well. You should let him come out of the cage first then try getting him to step up, maybe he won't bite that way, but in any case, don't pull away and you may get a bite but in the long run he will know you arent' afraid of him.


I don't quite understand about the beak, it would help if you could post a picture of it, that would help a lot.


Some members use a tent, I don't as I have a female and I don't want her to think it is a nesting area when she matures, but it is a matter of personal preference, if you want to use one then do so.


I do cover my grey at night with a black sheet, some of the other members do not cover, again a personal preference.


We have some excellent threads here regarding toys and foods, please feel free to read them for ideas and suggestions.


Looking forward to hearing more about your new grey and have you decided on a name yet?:)

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Guest briansmum

i've read different things about introducing greys to new surroundings and i've come to the conclusion that it depends completely on the bird as to how long you give them. if he/she is young or particularly easy going and is relaxed in the cage then i would say begin out of cage time after a couple of hours, if that. i was reccomended t leave mine over night before i got him out, but i didn't. just be sure you are in an enclosed area, there is nothing for the bird to panic about and hurt it's self and you have a towel handy, just incase.


some greys like to hide in things, others prefer to be on things LOL each to their own, the best way to find out is to get the tent. theres some great threads on toys and food here. toys can be anything from a plastic bottle top to the most expensve thing in your pet store, whether or not your grey wants to play with it is a different matter. most seem to like things with bells though.. or something that fights back, or they can destroy easily.


as for food, what is he/she eating now?

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Hi again, I'll definitely check out the other posts for insight into food & toys... he has been on ZuPreem natural pellets, and I think that's about it. I am going to switch him gradually over to Harrison's, with the usual supplemental fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. like my Senegal. I was just wondering if there are any special treats they like which would be useful in training -- will look in the forums though!


Forgot to mention how much I hate putting together bird cages... this was the second one that we mail-ordered. What a pain!


I will post pics when I can figure out how to reduce them in size... I have a Mac, so if anybody else does too let me know how you do it.




Julie :cheer:

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Guest briansmum

uh-oh, ive got a bird cage to assemble tomorrow... you've put me off now ;)


you sound like you've got it all sussed. have fun with your new family member!

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Assemble bird cages, a piece of cake, I had no trouble putting mine together, and I did the one by myself, no help from hubby, of course he was not at home at the time is the only reason, otherwise he would have been helping.


Julie, I would be no help with a Mac, maybe CeasarsDad can help you, he is the goto guy here for any kind of picture help, the man is a photo genius.:)<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/08/01 16:21

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Ha ha.... thanks Judygram... :lol:


Also, that's what I figured about the beak, loviechick, but I wasn't sure if it meant anything like a nutritional deficiency or something. Will make sure he has enough things to chew on to keep that beak trim. Perhaps the vet will smooth it out if needed as well. Thanks!

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Julie, in the wild they use their beaks to break open hard nuts, and to chew on things, forage for food. They really can take a beating, and they wear them down in the wild. In captivity, they don't have to work to get at their food, so their beak tends to not get as worn as it should. Our vet recommends you give them hard toys to forage with, putting treats in them so they have the opportunity to grind their beak down themselves.:)

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