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Birds and Canada customs


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We drove from Ontario, Canada last year to the bird show in Youngstown,

Ohio. Had a great time. Fell in love with some terrific birds. In particular, a little eclectis called Stumpy, who had a minor deformity. We didn't try to buy Stumpy a couple of reasons, (confidence -we were new parrot owners, and customs). It was such a great show we're definitely returning this year. I'm not going with the intention of buying another bird ;-).....But if it were to come up...


Can anyone give me some idea of what I'd be facing at customs if I returned to Canada with a newly purchased bird? Are there any forms that need to be filled out to make the process easier?


All I can find on the web is information about travelling with a pet bird you've had in your possession more than 90 days.

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Guest cyberknock

Well Judy, I think things are getting tougher... and 'stupider'!

Last Fall, hubby and I decided to take in a 2-3 days getaway. We loaded the car with parnaphelia, plus the dog/cage and CAG/cage and all their foods toys etc. We don't mind, we enjoy having our pets along. They are good travelers!


Well, good thing we stopped at Canadian immigration and customs on the way there! I wanted to know if there would be any problem returning. They told me I would need a form approving my 'exporting' a bird to the US and a form allowing me to 'import' a parrot from USA in order to return!

I tried to explain that my bird was domestic bred, banded as a young baby, microchipped and that I had complete health records from birth from my avian vet! Didn't make a dent in the guy's attitude!


We ended up having to go back, stop at the vet to board Echo and then continue on our trip. I was told that if I had passed the border and stopped at US immigration and customs they probably would not have allowed me in, and that as I turned around to return to Canada they also would not let me in... in short, ECHO would have been CONFISCATED!


I needed a CITES certificate of import ( or along those lines) I have not called the gov't of Canada yet, but this reminds me that I need to do that.

Since that experience, we take the dog but leave the birds on our few days here and there...

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