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Developments With Issac


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Had a great night and morning with Issac. Last night we played 'peek-a-boo' on the floor and he seemed to like this game. He was making all kinds of sounds and crawling under to join me. Super cute. We played with his toys some as well.


What was really, really cool is that later when we were hanging out on the couch, he came up to my face and i started talking to him...saying thing like i always say..."Hello, Issac", "Pretty Bird", and "Who's a good boy". And he came over by my ear and for the next 10 or 15 minutes...he was garbling and mumbling as if to try to say some of these things. So I praised him for giving it his best. I am pretty sure this guy is gonna talk one day. He was sure making a very good effort at 13 weeks. I love him.


This morning I brought him in the shower and let some of the water hit his back, he didn;t seem to mind too much but he didn't want to stay under the shower for very long so i just got hima little wet. Baby steps.


Anyway, question of the day....When I feed him his formula, at some point...he continues to purse his mouth open and make the feeding noise...and i will bring the syringe to his beak...but he will quickly make a slight turn and flick the end of the syringe with his wing. And he will consitantly repeat that action. Whaddup with that? Does this mean 'no more daddy'? Is my little boy growing up? This morning he did it after about 35cc's. Let me know your thoughts. I don;t want to force him when he is telling me no...but I also don't want to stop short on him. Thanks.


PS: Here is a new picture of my baby from just an hour ago. IMG_0829.JPG


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What a beautiful and healthy baby you have there!!! Issac is starting to refuse his formula because he is full. I would continue offering it until he no longer wants any at all. I am assuming you are giving him pellets and fresh veggies and nuts and seeds that he is liking more! Congrats on being very in tune with your grey, it will last a lifetime!

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Thank you for all the responses.


Firstly, regarding his size....he is flat out the biggest Grey I have ever seen. It is really beautiful and amazing to me every time I see him.


@danmcq: Thank you for your comment. Yes, I have always had a special way with animals in general, but mostly birds...I love them and I am sure they can tell. I am quite sure that this little guy has come along and has really made my life new. I am such a more happy person these days. Issac and I pretty much hang out and I talk to him like I would talk to a child growing and learning. What ever is higher than 'love' is what I have for this bird.


@luvparrots: Yes, he is certainly starting to gnaw on his veggies and fruits. One of his favorite nightime activities when he is on his T-stand is to crack seeds and pellets. He was not digging the pellets too much at first but I think he is giving them a shot now because I see them in pieces on the floor when i come home. Jeez, when i came home for lunch today....looks like there was a bird party. Carrots, broccoli and seeds all over the place. It is hard to tell exactly how much he is actually ingesting though.


Thank you for the insight on his behavior during feeding. He was kind of confusing me with the normal chirp he gives when I feed him, and following it up with a 'whack' to the syringe tip. LOL....cute little thing.


One mroe picture of my beauty. :)IMG_0836.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/12 22:32


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Thank you for caring, I really need bird fanatics that can relate to the constant excitement and wonder I get everyday for living with this beautiful creature.


Okay...I can't help it...just tonight he was doing it again....we sat on the couch and he litterally leans his head up against my cheek...listens to me talk...and makes an attempt to say something after I talk. It is by far...the sweetest interaction I have ever had with a bird, or any animal for that matter. He goes from trying to form high pitches to lower ones...trying to draw them out. I am pretty sure he thinks he is meant to talk. I love it!! IMG_0821.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/13 04:00


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Sweet looking bird! He is pretty scukum, how much does he weigh now, he looks like he's near the size of mine, but he is big and 8 months!


You can get pinenuts at almost any large grocery store, if not in the baking section, then definatley in the bulk foods.


That's cute that he is trying to repeat what you are saying. I get garbles and clucks during cuddle time, but it's more of an attention thing which is part of our game where I pretend to not offer scratches until he puts his beak in my ear to tell me he is ready... Just silliness.

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