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Life experience - What youve Done


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Born and raised in Brooklyn New York so I guess that qualifies me as a "city boy" Had a really tough time growing up. Been in multiple street gangs.. Been in many "gang fights". I was surprised I made it out in one piece and without being arrested. I played in a rock band and can remember how exciting that was. I was the bass guitarist.. I should have stayed with it.


I was sitting in a college economics class one day when I realized I wasn't cut out for any of that.. So looking in the parking lot of the school. Seeing just how many cars there were, I decided to learn how to fix them.. I have always been a car lover.. So this was an easy transition.


I enrolled in a automotive school. My first job was at a Chevy Dealership. Then I want on to work for companies like VW, Porsche, Audi, Nissan and Honda at the dealer ship level and just about every other car in my side business. I build a Baja Bug. Race engine, roll cage, modified everything. Loved that car.


28 years later I'm still in the car business but as a Diagnostics Sales Developer for a team of 40 Snap on tool franchisees . I am responsible for the New York Automotive Market.


There was a time a few years after I became an auto mechanic that I was at a crossroad between Cars and Photography/Video.. I always had the passion for Photography and Video production. I actually worked on many local TV commercials, rock concerts, Special Olympics and other "events" I chose the auto business because that's what was putting food on the table at the time but I always retained my contacts in the TV/Video business. Still to this day I work projects in both Video and Photography. Mostly corporate stuff these days..


Always a gadget guy my first computer was a Commordore 64.. I've had every computer since that time.. Usually buying a new one every 2 years.


Married at 20 years old to my grammar school sweetheart Anna. Yy oldest son Frank IV is 26. Nicholas my next oldest is 19 and I have twin daughters at 15 years old.


Had lots of pets. Lots of "fast" cars. Once had a Porsche 911 turbo.. It was the fastest car I ever had.. Easily over 150mph on the highway.. Ask me how I know that..


Got into motorcycles.. Got out alive... Almost went over a cliff when I hit a pile of sand on a windy mountain road on year.. Low sided.. Bike slid OFF the mountain.. I stop just short.. I quess god had other ideas for me..


I love that bike.. It was a BMW K1200RS VERY fast.. Faster then my Porsche... Ask me how I know that.. :P


Anyway.. As you can see I am sort of long winded so I'll pass off to another of our family members now..


Thanks<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/08/04 15:00

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Great history CD!


It sounds like we have a lot in common.


Wow - Two 15 year old twin Daughters.


So you have a Queen and two Princesses in your Castle. :-) High maintenance I would assume and I'll bet you don't spoil them either ;-)


Thanks for sharing this!

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I'm 35 years old and have been a sign language interpreter in various settings for 16 years. I'm a huge fan of Olivia Newton-John. I've been married for 5 years. I've had a roommate for 12 years. She has developmental disabilities...she's more like family than just a roommate...my husband and I get paid for living/working with her...she doesn't have physical disablities, just mental.


For some reason, I've had a lot of death in my life. It started New Year's Eve 1994/1995 with my grandfather...I was very close to him. Then my uncle June 1, 1995, then a good friend of mine was murdered July 1, 1995. August 14, 1997 my father died after years of drinking. My best friend died from a brain tumor died on May 27, 1999. My sister died September 11, 1999 from a drug overdose. My grandmother died December 3, 1999 from old age. More friends died between then and now...my mother died a year ago today. My other grandfather died October 11, 2006. It seems like I'm forgetting someone...hmmmmm...


I really think all the tragedy has made me stronger...'course I miss everyone...sometimes I feel sorry for myself...I think "I have no family left"...but I do, I have some family left. I have a brother and some aunts and uncles. I have one grandmother left. My husband and my roommate. My animals, of course.


Well, I really don't know what else to write.

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Heather, My, you have been through a lot at such a young age. I'm sure it's made you stronger and wiser. I know it was hard to share that with us, but Thank You for doing so. I believe all things happen for a reason, and all you've endured seems to have made you a very sweet & caring person. :)

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Okay Dan, you asked twice for it, so you win!


I was born and raised in Massachusetts. Been to many other states on vacation, but never left the United States. I am married, have 4 children, 3 boys, Matthew age 8, Joshua age 12 & Jeffrey age 18. One daughter, Melissa (Talonsis) who will be 15 in less than 2 months.


I grew up in the country, and now live in a rural town pop.1200. My husband is a vegetable farmer who farms 12 months out of the year. I own and operate a Dance Studio. I am also the Bookkeeper for my husband's business.


I have danced all my life. I love reading, my favorite being scary murder mysteries. I have a 2004 Kawasaki 450 motorcycle, but don't drive it much anymore,(no time).


I've always loved animals, cats especially,(we have 2) but now I prefer Birds. Have had many different pets over the years. We have 3 horses that really belong to Talonsis, but she enlists the help of her mother in the care of them. I have a 55 gallon aquarium filled with exotic goldfish that I love, in my office. I enjoy running a couple of miles every day, as long as my Ipod is working!


I have driven tractors/farm equipment. Harvested & packed many different types of vegetables. (hate it)


Had many different types of jobs over the years before having children. But mostly teaching dancing & running my own business has been it.


Oh and Tari, I love to crochet also!

So, there you have it, a short version. :side: :silly:



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Guest briansmum

sounds good talon. whats it like dancing for a living? if i could be little again i'd get into dancing, i was a majorette for a while, not marching majorette, performance ones. we wore leotards not knee socks and hats. what kind of dancing do you do?

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

everyone is so interesting! so hard to believe that such a varied group of people with so many different life experiences could all end up in the same place, and why because we all have one thing in common.


How would we get to meet a Dan or a Beccy or a Judy or a Frank in our real lives?


Isn't that what makes this place so great? That we all have such different lives and different experiences and live in such a diverse range of places?


How varied life really is and how little opportunity we have to see enough of it and meet enough people outside our own circles. No boundaries, no borders, no colours or religions.


I love it here, for that reason.

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Oh Lidia, I absolutely love your post and you put it so eloquently, I love the people here, it is what makes this place so appealing to come to and the information we get almost takes second place.


We are all individuals, living in different places throughout the world and we experience some of what each other's lives are like by contributing what we know about our own.


But if Frank has anything to do with it, some of us will get to meet each other in the flesh and that would be so wonderful if he can make it happen. He WILL make it happen, he does not take no for an answer, and he is the best thing that has happened to this forum and I am forever grateful for that.

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Judy, OMG.. thank you so very much for some of the kindest words ever spoken about me by anyone here in this forum..


We will have the get together.. I am gonna announce a date soon so everyone can make a plan... We will have to get together every year.. I think it's important for us as a family to do this.. I certainly look forward to seeing as many of my extended family as I can... :P :P


Thanks again Judy... :):)

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Hi Beccy, I teach many different types of dance, tap, ballet, jazz, etc, things like that. I have also taught baton, so I too was a majorette in school. Which reminds me of a story about my sister. She was doing a solo and twirling fire baton at a Thanksgiving Football game one year, and while she was twirling, one of the fire ends went flying off the baton, and flew into the crowd! Luckily no one was hurt, but it made for an exciting halftime!!:woohoo: :woohoo: :side: :silly:

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Wow - What a strong, giving and special person you are!


To do, what you do, for the deaf and handicapped can only mean that you are a very rare one of a kind person that provides a much needed service. Few are willing to take on that challenge.


Thanks for sharing this and all the great photos, sunshine and love that we all receive from you!


It is rare to find this and I bow to you.....



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Thanks for posting this.


You teach dance, jog, run a business of your own, help with the farming, raise your children, care for horses and your Grey, ride a motorcycle, drive a tractor, admin and post ....etc.


Do you ever sleep? :woohoo:


What an interesting life you have and do lead!


Thanks for shining your brightness into our lives too here on this forum!! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/06 12:50

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