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Life experience - What youve Done


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Hi All,


To perhaps get to know one another better, I thought it might be cool to just post some of our life experiences and trades or hobbies we've picked up along the way.


So here's a few of mine:


Raised on Ranch\Farm first 12 years then moved into the City.


Tried riding a Cow when I was 5 that was laying down in the barn...it stood up, I fell off end of Rodeo career..:woohoo:


Learned to drive on my Dad's tractors and and old pick-up from about 12.


First Car was in pieces, had to put it back together including engine assembly before I could drive it> I'll bet you never had a garage mechanic get your car going that fast :-)


Love Cars..Had a 57 2 dr Ford Fairlane with a 410 cubic inch Edsel engine it. Had a 61 Chevy Impala 2dr, a 58 Corvette 283 and 3 deuces (Carburetors) on it Yeee Haaaw


Love Motocross, especially with my Son's when they learned to ride. There is no that creates more adrenalin than climbing a vertical hill face 200 feet or jumping Waa Hoo after several years and Son's left the nest, sold the Bikes ...


Built a Tubular Dune Buggy from scratch, rebuilt and bored out the VW engine, placed dual Weber 40 carbs on it, turning brakes and ran 24 inch wide Paddle tires on the back...oh yeah climb those Sand Dunes


Military - 1971 - 1978 US Air Defense - Stationed in Germany 5 years as Electronic Field Engineer on Radar and Missile Tracking Systems. Our second son was born in Germany.


Boating, have a V Hull 21ft Chevy 350 powered boat that is great for just going fast, pulling tubers, skiers and fishing...The whole family has fun !!


Presently have a 2001 Camaro SS (only 851 made in 2001) Kim bought it for me on Fathers day 2002 :-) Oh Yeah, it's Faaaasssssstttt :woohoo:


Love Back Packing for days in Mountains with my Son's...Kim went once on a very short one and only comment was "You Call this Fun??" :ohmy: er yes dear..ahem nuff said


Had Fresh Water Tropical Fish for Years 200 gallon and 100 gallon tanks. Bred Striped and Gold Lace Angel's and Siamese Fighters and Guppies (like who can't stop them from breeding)


Well that's enough for now to give you guys a very short background and experiences of mine.


Now lets hear yours my extended Family!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Guest Lidia

Good heavens! Dan, you do get around!


We just missed one another in Germany by a few years. I lived there from 1980 to 1986 and worked for the American Army part of the time I was there, I worked in the contracting agency, the logistics support agency and the motor pool, all in Frankfurt! Wow, that's a flashback for me!


I love bird watching and collecting fossils (the Dublin coastline is a terrific place to fossil hunt, it having been a coral reef some millions of years ago.


I love cycling, and when in the full bloom of youth cycled from Basel in Switzerland to Naples and back (over the course of a boozy month). This was in 1983. I still cycle everywhere, but am no longer built for speed or steep hills.


I ran my own business for a few years in London (where I got Joshua), providing secretarial services to criminal law barristers. I was also involved in local politics there, which was great fun. I loved London, and I lived in the East End near Bethnal Green.


I take my camera everywhere with me, as I collect photographs of "Changing Dublin", so I will have something to remember it by when I am too old to tootle around it on my bicycle. I think I am a reasonable photographer.


I also use my camera a lot for my own field research when I'm in Israel and Palestine. I dig there a couple of times a year, but my own research is into the development and identification of pre-70 synagogues.


I love reading and am one of those sad people who will take a book to bed and not go to sleep until they've finished it.


I worked as a secretary for most of my working life (except for when I ran my business) until I was 37 when I went to college to do my undergraduate studies. I am now going into my eleventh year at Trinity, where I am working on my PhD full-time.


One of my case study sites is on the Greek island of Delos (where Apollo and Artemis were born) and I was allowed to stay on the island, which is uninhabited for most of the year. It was quite an extraordinary experience, as the digs house I stayed in was right on the edge of the Sacred Way. I had no electricity or running water, and I saw the night sky for the first and only time in my life.


I have got used to being a poor student and don't mind it so much now. It's all relative. I have everything I need, just not much cash.


Okay, boring myself now, so will stop.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/01 14:36

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I've had nothing of that magnitude, but I grew up on a farm, we had dairy cows, pigs, chickens and a big garden and fruit trees. I always tried to run away from the work, but I didn't succeed much at it.


I didn't learn to drive until after I graduated from high school, after I was married. Of course I got married while a senior and had my first child 5 days before graduation. I did graduate but I didn't participate in the ceremony. I had my second child 4 years later and I guess you could say I grew up with them.


I have always been a cat lover, have had at least 1 cat at all times in my life, but have a love of birds also, and acted on that love several years ago with the purchase of finches. Because they are not a hands on bird I got my sun conure and later my grey. I'm now hooked.


I've always lived in Virginia, with almost my whole life in Botetourt County. I have never traveled outside of the states, always wanted to but never had the money, the kids always came first.


I went to community college late in life, graduating right before my 50th birthday. Was a great achievement for me since I never cared much for high school, but I loved my college classes and of course my friends were with me. We were in the same boat having just lost our jobs due to the business closing.


I love flowers and I have a small collection of orchids which have bloomed for me several times. I love to surround myself with beautiful things. Which leads me to another passion, jewelry, I love gold jewelry and precious gems, I have more than I can wear but I love them and besides they say diamonds are a girls best friend, well I have many friends.


While I don't have the college degrees a lot of you here have, I like to think I make up for that in common sense.


Enough said for me, next!!!:P

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Wow Lidia, You REALLY get around!


How interesting your stay on Delos sounds wonderful and intriguing.


I would love to see some of your Photo's here that you have taken. I would bet you have tons of them from over the years. Please share some of the ones that you consider most interesting or rare shots. :-)


We were stationed in Wurzburg, which is only 60 km from Frankfurt. We really enjoyed traveling the country side and visiting castles and meeting people in local Guesthouses.


Anyway, your post is anything but boring!! What an adventure you live and I can only imagine the Digs you have been on!


Thanks Lidia!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/01 14:57

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Guest briansmum

wow what exciting lives. i don't have that much to contribute really.. i haven't lived enough yet.. umm..


parents divorced when i was 3 mum remarried when i was 6 and had 2 more daughters.. i was confused most of my young childhood life and kicked off quite a bit.


grew out of that though always did well at school, student council, prefect, etc.. got 11 GCSE's and 4 A-levels and was accepted to all 6 universities i applied for to study english literature and creative writing with journalism, met steve my other half at 17, we're still together.


been on 2 wonerful cruse holidays, seen rome, pisa, montecarlo, barcelona, sardinia, egypt (been in a pyramid!), beirut and others.


took a gap year to work and save up some money and ended up being in a car accident at 19 which pretty much put my life on hold for the next 2 years.


i was hospitalised for months, then had a wheel chair and basically had to go through the process of learning to walk again. ended up not being able to go to university, was very depressed for a long time and often feel like i've lost some time somewhere. i couldn't do much or go anywhere for a while.


life has improved in leaps and bounds over the last 6 months, i can now walk sufficient distance without my walking stick (still have a limp that makes me walk a bit like a duck :P ) got a decent compensation payout from the accident which means i have started getting things back together. we now have our own house, i have brian who has given me something to focus on and i am looking for work until next september when will either finally go to university or begin a course to train to be a councellor because after everything all the wonderful people have done for me over these last couple of years i'd like to give something back.


for now though i'm just enjoying having some freedom back, being back to my happy self and making up for the time i lost.

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That's a great story and history!


It sounds like you have enjoyed your life, though tough at times, as all experience.


What an accomplishment in going to College that late in life. That is rare and say's tons about you !!


Your absolutely right, your life experience and common sense make up for everything.


A High Level College degree does not make a person "Smart" or even intellectual. It is pretty much a statement that you completed classes on certain subjects and passed at whatever grade point level.


It does give the young a quick start in a career, but is no guarantee that they truly are good at it or even have common sense.


Believe, I have met some highly degreed individuals in my career, that were worthless in their field and just asked to move on to another company...


Never sell yourself short! Your a wonderful person, well spoken and I consider you highly intelligent :laugh:


Thanks for sharing this!!

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Wow you have been through a lot for such a Young Lady !


It shows just how strong and determined you are :-)


It sounds like you have enjoyed a couple of great cruises and seen sights many never will. What wonderful times to cherish.


I would imagine you are getting anxious to get on with your life, education and career now that things are turning more towards normal.


I appreciate this post and know that you have many Decades a head in which you have to look forward to the great adventure in life ahead :woohoo:

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Well, if Beccy thinks she hasn't lived enough yet to have many interesting things to say... I definitely haven't.


I've lived in bergen county, new jersey all my life, moved once to a town that was only a few miles away from the old one. I have two older sisters, 5 and 7 years older to be exact (21 and 23). My mom is a music teacher and my dad is a computer programmer type sort of thing at a water reservoir. We're a very musical family, and have been called "the partridge family" on more than one occasion. my oldest sister and I are very into theatre, in the school musicals and such, and the middle sister is an artist.


I went to Jamaica when I was six, but other than that I haven't really left the east coast of the USA. My relatives all live in virginia or north carolina, so i visit the south quite often.


We own a 260 searay sundancer, and boating consumes out weekends in the summer. We've been boating for most of my life.


We're cat people as well, had a silver maine coon named Mozart from the time I was 2 until I was about 15. We're getting a red maine coon within the next few months.


I kept hermit crabs for many years when I was younger. =P



In the future I'd like to move to australia and work with animals in some way.

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Well it looks like we have an interesting bunch of members for sure! You asked for it, so here is a short book about me:


My story is I am an only child. Mother from Switzerland and Father from USA (though his family is from Israel). That sort of makes me a mutt…I spent every summer as a youth in Europe with my Grandparents, so I had a bit of an unusual routine as a kid. My grandparents lived in the German speaking part of Switzerland for many years, then the Italian canton Ticino, then moved to Spain for several years and finally back to Switzerland. Therefore I was exposed to many parts of Europe during summer trips: Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, England, Scotland, Whales…I can fluently speak Swiss German, which more or less is a non-written dialect of High German.


My first trip to Switzerland was around 1 month of age! So it started early. As I got older I would be “shipped” off to Europe in the summers by myself…travelling internationally etc. I have fond memories of summers in the Italian canton of Ticino, riding my bike with our Amazon parrot “Fipo) on the handlebars, just a few minutes and cross the border into Italy. Eating gelato and pasta at grottos (outdoor restaurants in Italy).


I was always interested in science as a kid. My grandmother wanted to tell me about world history etc but my interests have been in the present/future. She often tells me that as a kid I told her “I am not interested in yesterday, I want to know about tomorrow”. That has slightly changed as I have gotten older and recognize the importance and value of the past, but fundamentally I am still focused on the future! My interest, education, pursuit and appreciation of science leads me to be agnostic in my beliefs. Though my mother was Protestant and my father Jewish. I was exposed to both religions as a child and basically reject them all, though I certainly respect people’s beliefs. That is not to say there could not be some “higher” power, but for me to believe with all the different religions in the world that one is right and the others wrong just does not seem logical to me. They are all different widows trying to look at the same thing, none of them are totally right and none totally wrong….ok , enough about that topic.


I was on a pre med tract with coursework in college and received a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from the University of California. However, it became clear to me that practicing medicine was not where my interests really are, rather it is in biotechnology and the pursuit of new/novel techniques to benefit humanity. I also have a natural ability to deal well with people. This has led me to work in the field of molecular biology and move into management of a pretty large laboratory operation. I am fortunate that I like my work a lot, get to apply the education I have received and have been provided opportunities to grow. Another thing that has become clear to me is that doing direct research is not something that I would be suited for…Its too focused on the details, I am more suited to multitasking and problem solving. Biotechnology is an exciting and rapidly growing field.


I got married last year to my wife Christine and we bought our first house in Mar Vista California. We both love animals, travelling and camping. I own an RV and we like travelling to US national/state parks. We had also Sea Ray ski boat for many years (best boats made!) though we sold it in 2004. Perhaps one day I will get another as I enjoy water skiing, wake boarding etc. With my Swiss roots I am an avid snow skier/snow boarder (though I like skiing MUCH better). Living in California I surf as well. My father lives in Malibu and I lived there for many years so surfing is something I love and try to do as often as I can. I have also been an avid mountain biker since 1988…California has some epic trails available (though the poison oak totally sucks)...My wife’s family is from Hawaii and owns property there. So we travel there at least once a year…but with being married, work, home owner and of course our animals its tough to find free time these days! I cant imagine how things will change if/when we have children!!…


We currently have Kipusa (our african Grey) and Scrufflez (a chinchilla). We want to get a dog soon as well. I used to have a budgie “Lucky” who lived for 13 years and was an absolutely fabulous friend. Budgies are amazing little birds, can get vocabs of hundreds of words, are beautiful and just plain great. Having Kip is a wonderful experience and has not stopped amazing, surprising, challenging and bringing us enjoyment. I look forward to many happy years with her and imagine there will be lots and lots of great adventures to come…whew! {Feel-good-00020069}

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hmm let's see my life probly won't be as exciting but here goes..


Born and raised in Salem Oregon, still living here.


I was dropped down a flight of stairs as a kid and fractured my skull. That should answer some questions for you all LOL


I have 7 tattoos and my lip is pierced, but I won't wear it around the birds, I'm smarter than that!


Never been married


I love vegas, I've only been twice, planning my trip for next year.


I love playing poker and would love to make it to the world poker tour one day!


I never had any pets as a kid.


I travel every other year on my odd birthday to Canada as a tradition. I've been 4 times, and planning my trip for my birthday next May to have the rest of my tattoo on my left foot done.


I have a degree in Psychology.


I turned down a full ride art scholarship to OSU because I didn't want to major in art, Biology and Psych are where my heart is.


I have seen and heard more weird things from working in a hospital than I think I will ever see again.


I've been to Hawaii twice and I'm going back for Thanksgiving, my sister lives in Kaneohe Bay which is a Marine Corps base. Can't wait to go back, nice weather + men in their dress blues = one happy girl LOL.


I currently have my 4 birds, my dream bird is a Black Palm. My semi realistic dream bird is a hyacinth, and my dream bird that I WILL have is a Blue & Gold. I would also love a Goffin's and a Caique.


I love cars, and anything fast. I wanted to go into F1 racing when I was a kid, still do!


I'm the oldest of 3, I have 2 younger brothers, might explain why I'm a tomboy LOL


I've been snowboarding for 13 years.


Hmmmm thats all I can think of for now, definitely not as exciting as others on here, but I'm young, hopefully I will get a life soon LOL:laugh:

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Hi Tricky,


Well I sure like the thought of the musical portions description of the partridge family. Do you all play together or just Jam?


I know when young as you, it seems NORING, but it sounds like you have some exciting times on the Water!


Maine Coons are HUGE cats with good personalities.


Australia is a good goal to shoot for even if visiting, much less your dream of working with animals there. Keep the dream alive...It's a Great One. :woohoo:


I spent 3 weeks there installing some vision systems and robotics. I did get to see some of it, but not as much as I would have liked too, as having to work 10 hours most days in various cites across the country.


Thanks for posting this !!!

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Guest briansmum

everyone is so interesting! so hard to believe that such a varied group of people with so many different life experiences could all end up in the same place, and why because we all have one thing in common. one simple little thing can bring together so many different people. surely that should tell us something about the world.


dan thankyou for the lovely things you said, it made me smile, yes i have been lucky to see some wonderful places, and i intend to visit the US and cruise the caribbean next year when i can walk better. like everyone i've had my up's and down's but nothing could keep me down forever!

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Dan, yes, we've played together on occasions, for a friend's wedding, for a few funerals. Mostly my mom is focused on the string quartet she has decided to make out of my sisters and I and herself, it's working out nicely except for the fact that our violist actually plays flute, not viola. :S She's learning. =P



My dream of moving to australia is much more realistic than my #1 plan which is to be a pirate and travel around the world. Well, I still plan on doing that... but moving to australia is just something to do in the mean time. =] As long as I am NOT stuck in a suburb of america, I think I'll be fine.


And yes, many fun times on the water, I could never live landlocked ^^<br><br>Post edited by: Tricky, at: 2007/08/02 00:06

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I have travelled to australia and new zealand as well. Beautiful countries, definitely worth visiting. I could imagine living there. Seems to be a nice lifestyle in general and I found the people to be friendly.


I agree Tricky, I too could not be "landlocked". I need access to open water. Lakes and mountains are nice and a lot of fun, but for me no substitute for the open ocean.

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dblhelix -


You are a very interesting fellow :-)


Bio-Techonolgy was really becoming the HOT start-up in the Bay Area as the .com bomb took place and all the VC's lost Billions in what I kept saying was "Vaporware". You had a couple of young college grads in an office with a PC and small server and a website...then VC's would dump Tons of money into it hoping it would take off...1,000's didn't.


So I Watched many of my professional affiliates lose jobs and stay unemployed for up to two years :-( Even though they were some of the most talented and brilliant engineers in the country.


Bio-Tech started taking off, and some were lucky enough to land engineering jobs to develop advanced robotics to automate many mundane tasks..


So you are in a great field and it sound's to me like your are a "Problem Solver" helping those so close to the minute details, they can't see the HUGE issue that's blocking their progress.


That's my function now as well and I must say I enjoy it much more than the "Detail Work" also. :-)


It also sounds like you have a well balanced life between work and play!


Thanks for the great post!!


Very interesting and we could start talking "Tech", but it would probably put most here to sleep :woohoo:

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B) True Dan, true...we actually are working at automating significant portions of our lab systems now. Basically taking repetitive human tasks for DNA analysis and automating it for high throughput/accuracy etc. We have several prototype robotic systems in house we are working with. Its is very challenging as the business I am in is one of the only FDA licensed in what we do for testing of human plasma, cells and other factors. This makes us very unique and sought after, but also very regulated with high standards to comply with...change requires months to years of validation, testing, and $$! ;) As you said, enough tech talk for now or we'll put others to sleep!<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/08/02 04:44

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Not much.

Got kicked out by my parents when I was 17.

Been married three times.

Had a liver transplant in 1994 but now my liver is messed up again. (something different this time.)

Groomed dogs for four years.

Use to show and raise Chihuahuas.

Im married to the best man in the world.

I can crochet sell taught.

Thats about it.

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Hello Tari,


You are straight to the point :-)


Sounds like you have had a tough road to follow.


Yet, look how you project yourself here on the Forum as a great and caring friend to all!!


I hope your Liver problem this time is manageable with proper Drug treatment.


Thanks for being here on this Forum and sharing your time and knowledge with us! :laugh:

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