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mojo day two update (pics)


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well, today is day 2 and what an amazing creature the Lord has blessed us with! my wife and i spent over an hour talking about the enviroment, and making it bird safe. we went to whole foods and purchased all kinds of organic veggies for him. when we got home, we double checked everything to make it as safe as possible. and then...... opened the cage. wow! what a cool bird. we took lots of photos as you can see lol. and he has opened up to us quite niceley


cuddle bone! my favorite training tool.

this afternoon we took him out and let him fly from cage to us, and to monkey tail. put him back in cage after an hour or so (cause we had to leave). after we got home, we hung out and did not let him out for a couple of hours. then we decided to have a 45 minute training session. i took him out adn stood 10 feet from the wife. she called him (with cuddle bone in hand) and he flew to her. got the praise and a moment with the CB. then i called him back and did the same. anyway all went extremeley well and he is amazing.


BTW... blah blah blah blah rant and rave blah some more.....lololol



first one is by far my favorite!







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bigbird519 wrote:

BTW... blah blah blah blah rant and rave blah some more.....lololol


:laugh: Don't you worry about it - you can talk to us all day about your baby - it's your friends at home who won't want to listen and will start talking about the "mad bird man and lady" that lives down the road!!!


That is a fabulous picture on the boing. He is obviously enjoying himself and his time with you.


Great pictures - thanks for sharing :)

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Mojo is quite the handsome fella and is settling right in, what a great start to a lifetime relationship that will be so rewarding, just remember there will be times when you might question why in the world you brought this creature into your home but they will be few and far between.


You are always welcome to come here and blah blah blah all you want, you are in good company here and we understand because we are just like you.


Love the pictures and thanks for sharing them with us, post more whenever you like.

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thanks all! my wife asked me if i needed to go into such detail.... and that i was ranting. you all make a good point. people at work could care less, and friends are like.... "o.k.?" know one gets how groovy this little guy is. lol


btw, i am going to find out how to use you tube, and take videos of him. i am very excited!

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