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:( hi my baby african grey who was 12 weeks last friday

tonight she was in such a hurry to get from one side of cage to the other then she jumped onto my hand

next thing i seen blood and knew i wasnt bleeding on checking susie (my ag)the front nail had come right out

there was the nail and then the bigger bit that fits inside the toe

i rang the vet asap and was told if it had stopped bleeding it will be fine

it has stopped bleeding us there anything else i should do as with it being the whole lot of the nail i can see the hole at the end of her foot.

so if any one can give advice please on will she be ok with this happening is there anything i should be doing etc

ty so much look forward to hearing any advice


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I would still take her to see the vet asap Pep. Without looking at it maybe he/she cannot be sure. That sounds like an awful injury and how much blood did she lose? What if it reopens and starts to bleed again? I will let some more experienced grey owners answer, but me I am paranoid about my baby and if I even think there is a need to talk to the vet, I want him to be seen. Is she acting okay? Vocal? Is she standing straight and not dizzy or unbalanced acting? Is she eating and drinking okay after the incident? Let us know how she is doing later!

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she seems fine eating drinking as norm she gets really excited when she wants out

ive just had a look at her and she is sleeping in her bed

i will recheck her toe in the morning again but dont see any blood in cage it didnt bleed badly and stopped bleeding in a few mins

i dont even know how she managed it ive checked and checked but no cant see anything

but will be keeping an eye on her

i will update you again tomm

ty again pep x

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:( Do you have "styptic" powder? keep it on hand and use immediately if it starts bleeding again. It should be rinsed in a solution of "hydrogen peroxide" 20 parts water to 1 part hp, than rinsed for a couple of minutes with clear water, then dry, "not to warm of water", you can then apply "Neosporin Cream" [NOT Ointment] very lightly.... Better yet, go to vet.....A Grey can bleed-out in a few minutes, get the baby to drink some "Pedialyte" [Gator-aid,Poweraid] product, full strength at first the 50/50 water dilution to help build blood.....Jay<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/11 01:27
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Kea did that once with her nail. Just make sure you keep an eye on it, that no infection starts.If bleeding occurs again which can happen then just like Jayd said the stypic powder and if you don't have that use flour.


We also kept Kea cage bound for a couple of days to let it heal.

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Everyone's said what I would say: Flour or corn starch if you don't have styptic powder (get some you'll need it), and don't panic! In the wild this thing happens, and they do survive. The real dangers are (correct me if I am wrong here) with losing wing feathers, if the shaft doesn't seal up in time they can bleed out quickly -- I've been told as soon as a 20 minutes.

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I have padded the bottom of my 12-week-old CAG, Issac. He gets excited that way sometimes to and I will see him occasionally try to make leaps across the cage like that. I try not to make a fuss over it because I don't want him to associate that with attention. I just hope he learns that it is not fun to go flying across the cage. He's been okay so far. Glad your Grey is okay.

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