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Posted for Mandi - In Hospital


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All- Mandi asked that I post this for her:


hiya dan its mandi .


I have to go bk in hospital yet again dont know how long it will be this time could be a few weeks maybe a few days who knows.


I really done it this time . I fell out of bed and done me left hip in now my foot has turned inwards and will need to be pulled round to normal again .


Buddy will be with steve again . please can you let others know thanks mandi.


Love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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hiya all just an update on mandi this is steve again . mandi might have to stay in hospital up2 6 weeks we dont really know at this time. he foot is turned in that bad it wont straighten on its own and to be honest im worried that it will do more damage to her pelvic joint. buddy is progressing well he will come to me now cos mandi not here dogs goin mad cos she aint here i will soon have no hair left this rate. she says she will be glad to get home and wil deffo rest like hospital told her i told her to stay in bed for week but of course mandi is a bit stubborn and u cant tell her to stay in bed when told too.she only had a week left and she bk in now with left one. i will of course keep everyone up to date with mandi`s progress as she tells me how to write on here and send pm`s i have to ask her cos im not computer lit yet but one day i will be . she was wondering how all ya birds was getting on with things.i must get all animals settled in for the night dogs are the worst they keep pining for mandi. tc all steve xxxx

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Steve, I was hoping for better news than this, but I am sorry she has to stay in the hospital for so long. Its good Buddy will come to you now but I know he misses Mandi, and her poor dogs don't understand their Mommy can't be with them. I will keep her in my thoughts and pray for a quick recovery so she can come home to the ones who love her and miss her. Give her my best.:(

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Guest briansmum

thanks for the update steve, i feel so sad for mandi, hospitals are lonely places :( my thoughts and love is with her

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Steve, if you could make a video of Mandi in the hospital and bring it home and show it to the animals and then they can see her and maybe it will help them adjust. Do the same with the animals and take that to Mandi and show her how her animals are coping, that way each has a visit with each other. Just an idea.:)

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Hi Mandi, So sorry you have hurt yourself again. I know how you feel. Though my experience was not as serious as yours, I re-injured a break the same day the cast came off. The next day the doctor could not believe I was back for another cast. First time I broke two bones. The second time I broke those same two, plus another bone. I sure felt stupid.


I am wondering if you re-injured the same leg or is it the other leg, hip?

Get better very soon and we will all be here waiting to hear how you are doing.


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update on mandi, she having her foot turned round today they have found a way to do it

without breaking her bones. someone got to sit on her hip and someone else has to pull her leg which also should put hip bk in.if that dont work then she will have to stay in hospital until it goes in itself im keeping fingers crossed on this one. cos if it goes bk in itself 3 months it will be and she wont like that at all. will elt u know more later tonight when i visit her . and judygram thanxs for the suggestion think thats what i mite do cos shes fretting over buddy and the dogs .

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Steve -


Thanks for the update.


One would think that with the knowledge and technology available in the Medical profession today, that this would be a routine task for them.


Let Mandi know she is in our thoughts and were hoping the best for her. :-)

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update on mandi , just spoke to the hospital and they havent broke any of mandi`s bones. they simply sat on her hip and pulled her leg its gone bk in place thank god still mite be in hospital for a bit longer. they are gonna do an xray on mandi pelvic joint just to be on the safe side to make sure no cracks or breaks in it.i had a hell of a job to get buddy in cage last night but he does it so good and quickly for mandi i hope he dont fret too much for mandi if so how can i stop him from doin this . steve xxxx

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Ouch, I am glad they were able to get the foot back into place, but I know it was painful for her and I hope it is over soon.


Maybe you can put a treat or something he loves into the cage at bedtime and see if he will go in more willingly, but he misses Mandi very much.


Give Mandi our love and keep the updates coming.

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Steve, glad to hear that so far so good. Give her our best wishes. When you put Buddy into his cage, immediately reward him with a treat that you give him in the other hand. That usually helps, I give Talon an uncooked egg noodle, or a nutraberry, whatever Buddy likes and doesn't get often. Good luck, and I hope it helps!

Thanks for the update, and keep it coming! :)

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mandi sends all her love to u all and the parrots u all have. she also sends a sepcial message to judygram. and this is what it is. she says judy she cant wait to get home and hoping to catch up with u all she really misses not being able to chat with her friends she has made on here. xray tomoz for mandi to see if pelvic joint has been damaged if not then she will be home in 2 weeks maybe 3 depends if mandi stays in bed to let it calm down.which i know she wont she is stubborn mule

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