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Mikey's Arrival--A Few Questions


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Mikey finally arrived on Feb 7. He is 5 months old and is settling in nicely. He makes a lot of baby noises and likes to fly onto my head. He is sitting on my shoulder now checking out the laptop. Everything is a toy to these curious babies. It has been 2 days and nothing has been destroyed yet that is a good sign :) He is a good flyer. He flies from his cage to my hand and head. I love him so much already he is a great little guy. A few questions I have about him:


1) How do you go about training them to go potty on the newspapers or their playstand while they are out with you?

2) I have read that when their chest vibrates it is a sign of relaxation. is this true? He did it a few times when he was getting comfortable after fluffing out his feathers. It wasn't his whole body just the chest.

3)After I take a shower is it okay for him to climb on my head when my hair is still wet? He likes to bite on my hair. I got worried that the soaps might hurt him so I covered my head with a towel.


4) He is not big on stepping up. I can get him up but he yells and beaks a lot. Is this because he is young and still needs training? Any ideas on making that a little easier? When he gets back into his cage I give him treats. is this okay or a bad habbit?


I am sorry I have a lot of stupid questions but a lot are slipping my mind right now Now that he is here I am so worried I will do something wrong. Thank you for any help in advance. Any other tips for a baby would be appreciated.













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Oh what precious baby photos! He is so sweet!


1) patience and repitition - and pay attention! They need to go around every 15 minutes when they are active so just watch him, and every 15 mins take him to his place and give the poop command. Reward him when he does, and ignore the accidents.


2)not sure on this.


3)so long as your hair is clean and well rinsed it should be ok, but don't let him play with it if there may be products left on it. Alfie loves to play with my wet hair too!!


4)stepping up will come with trust - don't force him, but encourage with treats and praise when he does. treating when he goes back into the cage is also a good thing.


Hope this helps - thanks for sharing these lovely photos.


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Ah, he's beautiful! I remember the honeymoon period well........!!!


Lyn has obviously given excellent advice and another thing to note about "whoopsie" time is that he will squat just prior to "going" and give a little wiggle. If you see this happen before you're planning to take him just whip him up, take him to your nominated poop point and say "go poop". You'll find once you catch him and disturb him he'll not go until he reaches the destination.


What a great question about the chest - I've never read that - but just thought Harvey was a little anxious or cold! Like Lyn, haven't a clue and will await the answer with interest.


If he is downright refusing to step up, just put your hand level with his feet and slightly push at the front of his chest - you will knock him off balance and he has no option to step up - then give him heaps of praise.


And as for saying you have stupid questions - they aren't stupid - you are a caring parront wanting to find the best way forward for your new baby - we don't class any genuine questions as stupid - so ask as many as you want - we are all here to learn from each other and if I hadn't asked the "stupid" questions too I am sure Harvey wouldn't be the bird he is today! ;)

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Thank you very much for all of your replies you have all helped me feel so much more comfortable with him. I don't know what I would do without this forum. It is such a great feeling actually having him here and now being able to join in on sharing stories. I read about the chest vibrating in one of the Grey mannuals. It says if their whole body is shaking it is fear but when it is just the chest it is contentment. I sure hope that is true. This morning when I took him out for breakfast he didn't seem very intrersested in it. He did eat his pellets and treats though and is still vocalizing and snuggling. Maybe he just didn't feel like the food I made him? I am just worried about his health until the avian vet is in on Friday for his full check up. Also there is a blizzard here and we have the house up to about 70. Do you think that is warm enough? Thank you all again. 


This site doesn't say anything about the chest vibrating but seems to have some more about body language than the books I have read if you are interested http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?c=15+1795&aid=3334

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Congrats on Mikey's arrival. He's such a beautiful baby! I've also heard that the feather's quivering only on the chest is a sign of contentment. So I'm going with that one...lol.


If' he isn't interested in the veggies you've fixed for him you may have to show him how to eat them - and that's really easy - you eat them. I guarantee if he's like Dixie or Beau he will eat what you are eating in a heartbeat!


Ask all the questions you want, read the forums, you'll find a wealth of information here and we all love to talk about our greys and hear about everyone else's.



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What a nice setup you have for Mikey. He certainly looks happy and content in all the pictures. I love that he snuggles you and that you are getting along so well. I agree with Judy, that picture of him sleeping is my favorite. It looks like he is smiling. Of course he is content, he has a really good mama and a great new home. My blessings to your new little family member and a long healthy life with your little companion.

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Thank you for the advice Robin. He does get more interested when I eat the food in front of him. I guess if you make it like they can't have something then they feel they must have it. Thank you for that. Thank you very much for your kind words Dee it means a lot to me. I truly hope all is going well with you and your family. A few more questions if you guys don't mind:


1) Today when he was playing with his toys he started screaming like crazy. I made sure he wasn't stuck or anything and he seemed fine. I have read it is normal for them to yell at their toys and sometimes fight with them is this true?


2) I have a feather tether for him to wear but it seems complicated to get on. Do you know of any videos or anything to help get it on him?


3) He doesn't like to take a bath by being sprayed or going in the sink. Any ways to get him more comfortable?


Thank you again everyone for helping me get through this first week. I hope all is well with everyone and their fids. Take care









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So happy to hear you brought a new baby home. I brought my lil Issac home in his 9th week and my life has not been the same since. I used to live by myself, but now I do not feel that way anymore. :)


Anyway...regarding poop training...which I think is just a great add-on if you can get it wired. Which I have not had yet. But...at the early stage...best you can do is to be proactive and take him to somewhere where he can poop...hold him there and say poop...make a few sounds resembling it...maybe even dip you butt to show him what you are waiting for...and say 'poop' Do this for every 15 mins of out-of-cage activity and he will begin to catch on. I have my boy at about 70% compliance. Just hoping one day when I am holding him...he will say 'poop' when he has to go. He knows I don;t like it on me...mainly cause I go, "awwwwww' when he does...then i momentarily go to clean up while he sits on his perch. I think he does recognize this break in activity...and i assume that soon he will get the picture.


One thing I do find consistantly true among training...is to be consistanly consistant. ;)


Good luck and congratulations on your new life long friend.

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Thank you for the advice Elvenking. Mikey is actually doing well with the potty training. We have gone 2 days without an accident. He gives kiss on demand and shakes his head when I ask within about a weeks time. I have a feeling I may be in trouble with a bird much smarter than any of the humans in the house. Congratulations on your little baby as well. They truly help you feel less lonely. It is so beautiful to watch them grow. I wish you many many happy and healthy years with your sweetie. Thank you again for your reply :)

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