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Bear with me please, I have to vent a bit. Because I am incapable of saying no, I am going to be dog sitting for my brother and sister-in-law for 9 days while they vacation somewhere with cabanas and pool boys. Lucy is a hyper little mostly Jack Russell mix with no obediance training. I mean, she's cute, and I love all animals, but this is going to be a pain. She's never seen a cat or a bird in a cage before, my cat Jac (aka the white streak of fear) has never seen a dog, and Dorian isn't a fan of dogs because people used to bring them into the pet store all the time. What if they all hate each other and I spend all week trying to keep them separated. :blink: I'm going to have to keep bedroom doors closed because Jac has a habit of leaving deposits on the beds of his people when he's mad at them. We worked hard on breaking this habit, but I feel a regression coming on :unsure: Also, I don't have a fenced-in yard, so that means going with her on a leash every time she has to go out. My brother informs me that I can't tie her out because "if she gets away you'll never get her back, she doesn't come if she's called":angry: I realize this is her humans' fault, not hers, but IMHO if you have a dog it's your responsibility to train it.


Do any of you have a person or persons in your life who only ever call you if they need something? When I heard her voice I almost said 'what do you want?' Again, I am fully and painfully aware that this situation says as much about me as it does about them, but right now I'm seriously cheesed off.

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What a nightmare! You are quite right that it's not the poor dog's fault - your brother and sister in law need a swift kick up the jacksy!!


Harvey went to my parent's house last year when we went on holiday and they have a four year old Weimaraner, who is the sweetest dog you could ever meet - but had never seen a (captive) bird and Harvey had never seen a dog either. Obviously the dog (Suzy) was in her own home and therefore it was the exact opposite of our house (Harvey's out all day) and obviously Suzy was out all day.


We introduced Suzy to Harvey in his cage - for a few moments there was a bit of hissing and uncertaintly from Harvey, but then he was fine. We went off on holiday and my folks sent pictures to us of the dog and the bird together by the end of our trip! Suzy wasn't bothered by Harvey and vice versa! Harvey would sit on his stand and Suzy would lie underneath in order that she got first dabs on the dropped goodies!!!


Can you not tell your brother and wife that on second thoughts with the cat and the bird it's not a good idea - it's going to be like an episode of Tom & Jerry or Tweetie Pie!!!


In answer to your question, I don't have anyone in my life that only calls when they want something - they were all told to get on their bikes a long time ago (but then again, I am a harsh, intolerant person!!!)


Bite the bullet - tell them you're not having any doggie whoopsying on your bed - URGH!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: JillyBeanz, at: 2010/02/10 08:17

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Acappella wrote:

What if they all hate each other and I spend all week trying to keep them separated. :blink:

I think you'll be spending the week doing that wether they hate each other or not!

It does sound like you'll have your hands full unless you take Jills advise and say no.

If you do decide to take her on it might not be that bad. How old is the JR? She might be still young enough that you could teach her something? I took on a colliex when he was 8 years old - he was an avid bird chaser. Now he not only doesn't chase wild birds while we're out on walks, but he doesn't look twice at Alfie when he comes to visit!

Secondly - some dogs are a bit like kids, in the way that they always behave better when their parents aren't around!! She may very well behave for you!

You know the dog - if you really think it's going to cause trouble you'll just have to be honest with your brother and say you have to do what's best for your babies!


P.s. My Mum has a jack russel and she's a huge pain - cute - but a pain, BUT...she's thoroughly trainable - she too can visit without causing mayhem with Alfie!


And yes, we do have those relatives who only call when they need something!!!!


Good luck with whatever you decide.

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I think venting is good. Sometimes it helps in finding asolution.


You didn't ask for advise or suggestions, and you're already kicking yourself too much. Even said, this is one time you could say, on second thought, that with your fibromyalgia and carple tunnel syndrome you do not have the energy to deal with this untrained JR. It doesn't matter how cute she is. You might add that they can take her to a pet hotel (where she just might get the training she needs) or keep her home and hire a pet sitter. If she messes on their things that's their problem. It really isn't your responsibility to train their dog.


You are scheduled for surgery, are't you? Are they going to help you then?


And yes, I've had my issues of not being able to say no, and I have family members who show up only when they want something! :angry:


Good luck with whatever you do.

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Well, I decided that I'd said yes so it would be childish to go back on my word, but we're going to have to have a serious talk after they're back on how they treat me, even if I have to go in with notes to keep myself on track. So, we're in day 4 of dog-sitting and sad to say it's a bigger pain in the butt than I'd anticipated. I didn't realize how big a problem separation anxiety is with Lucy. She crys and barks as soon as you're out of her sight, even if you're just around the corner in another room. The first night I tried putting her in her kennel, which is huge for a dog her size, in the same room I sleep in. After 5 hours of barking and crying I had to get some sleep and let her up into bed with me, even though I know that's the worst thing to do as far as reinforcing the behaviour goes.


I had to move the cats' litter and food dishes upstairs because, instead of being afraid of the dog, he's been really going after her aggresively. I had to go to the lumber yard and build a gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep them separated. They were supposed to come with a baby gate, but they "didn't have to to call around and find one":evil: They also showed up with only one toy, telling me "she's not one for playing with toys". Like heck she isn't. I got her a couple from my pet store and as we speak she's happily playing on the floor in my office. They didn't bring any of her winter coats. The poor thing shivers the whole time she's outside, and tries to keep two feet off the ground all the time.


The first two days were so bad that I called the vet down the road from my brothers' place where I know they took their other dog Sadie, who just passed away, only to find out that they've never had Lucy to the vet, and they've had her three years. Even if I wanted to I couldn't board her anywhere because she hasn't had any shots at all!


The good news here is that having Lucy around hasn't phased Dorian at all, even though I have to keep his cage door closed at all times. The first time I walked Lucy downstairs on her leash, Dorian said "dog" and started barking.:laugh: The other good news is that my neighbour has a scotty dog named Dougal and he and Lucy have become fast friends, so I'm able to let Lucy off her leash in their yard and let her run off some of her energy.


She really is a sweet natured little thing, but even the sweetest dog is exhausting when they've never had a moment of training. I've been working with her and have gotten to the point where I can leave her for a couple of minutes and she only whines, instead of barking like a lunatic. No one has ever owed me the way these people are going to owe me when they get back. Four more days to go guys. Wish me luck, and again, thanks for letting me vent:S

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Aahh karma to you for letting this little dog stay with you. It sounds like she's having so much fun with your neighbour and her new toys - it's probly what she needs. Dogs are sooo much easier to cope with when they don't have any pent up energy! Good to hear Dorian isn't phased at all.

Well done to you for coping so well - good luck for the rest of the visit.

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Oh Marguerite, you have a good heart to watch such an unruly little Lucy. You can take heart in knowing that Lucy will be better for her stay with you and much more obedient. I hope your brother and sister-in-law are appreciative and return with a marvelous thank you gift for you! I hope you give them what for for not immunizing their dog. You're a loving sister and your points to heaven have jumped sky high!

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Marguerite you can vent anytime you want to but you know what you have to do when these people come back from their vacation, they owe you big time, so much so that I bet they don't ask again.


I can tell you I wouldn't have been so accommodating to people who can't control their own dogs then put them off on other people, a simple no would suffice. The next trip of theirs they will be looking elsewhere for someone to babysit their spoiled dog, you will be a doormat no longer.

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Marguerite, you are amazing! Dorian is one cool bird. I would love to have seen your cat take care of Lucy! I'm feeling vengful!:evil: But you are right, it isn't the dog's fault. It is beyond my comprehension that those people expected you even to build your own gate! Yes, take your notes with you so you remember everything!!! It is most fortunate that Lucy has a playmate. Again you are amazing!

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