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acclimation questions/ behavior


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i have a couple of questions about acclimation time and acclimation behavior for a TAG. first off i would like to thank all of you for this amazing site.... IT KICKS BUTT!


i purchased mojo a little over a few hours ago, we had an hour and a half road trip, got home and i put him in his cage. (after he flew to the top of it, lol) he was really not wanting to step up to me (go figure, i am a total stranger at this point), but i did try to make his cage intro as stress free as possible. since he has been in the cage, he has not done much. he appears to be in good health and all. but, i am wondering at what point i should try to open the cage up and let him start hanging out.


i know that i am not to push the issue (nor will i), so i guess i am wanting to hear from all of you who have gone through the intoduction to a knew home, how long did it take to accept the new enviroment? was your bird quiet for awhile until comfortable?


not to rant, i was just curious on the subject.


anyway, i have the pics uploaded so here we go. besideds what good is a post without pics lol.


ladies and gents meet MO-JO.....





and this is his rediciulousley large mansion....



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Whoa, slow down, 2 hrs and you're already in overdrive. One step at a time. He's quiet in his cage right because he doesn't know the cage, the environment, you and any other family members, habits and everyday household sights.

The cage will become the home so let him figure it out. Let him investigate the cage and everything in it. Let him take in the sights from the cage. He has to get used to where he eats, the toys he plays with etc. Eventually, he'll know that the cage is the safest place because it's become his home and he'll be receptive to many things.

Of course he didn't step up. He needs to be trained to do that and it takes a while. Never bring in a brand new bird into a house and allow him to take off. You don't even know what his flying ability is right now. He doesn't even know where he's flying to.

It will take quite a while and this is the opportunity to study the bird without scaring him. None of this only applies to a TAG. It applies to CAGs and to all parrots in general.

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Wow what a gorgeously large home for Mojo. He is totally lucky. My TAG Ana Grey and I are totally bonded. She is fearless and very much at home. I did as my breeder suggested. When I got my baby home, I cuddled and loved her in my arms so that she felt warm and loved. She was taken from her 4 brothers and sister and her care provider and I wanted her to bond to me and to feel safe with her new flock, Me! When I put her in her new cage, I left the door open so she could come and go as she pleased. The only time her door is closed is when I am busy, not available to watch or interact with her or when it is bed time. I believe we need to let our greys know they are totally loved and part of the family.

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dave, don't be so harsh. i did not plan on a bird flying to the top of a six foot cage, where it was near impossible to reach him (hence he did not step up). i would have left him there to enter his cage on his own, but i have a dog and couldn't.


please don't get me wrong, i will not be taking him out of his cage until he is ready. i am just trying to hear other peoples experiences and try to guesstimate how long i may have until he comes around.


fwi, at the breeders he did step up without a prob. and i am fully aware of his flight capability. he can fly quite well actually.

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Mojo is beautiful and he is a lucky little guy! Look at that awesome cage! I want that one for my baby hehe If I were you, I would shut the dog out of the room some if possible and leave the door to the cage open and let Mojo come out to see you. Just talk to him and spend lots of time with him. He will be comfy in no time I am sure. Keep us posted on how he is doing!

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What an adorable little baby. I love the expression on your face, and your excitement in having Mojo home jumps right off the screen:) He's obviously going to be one spoiled little guy so you'll fill right in here.


Did you just meet each other today, or did you get to visit him while he was being weaned? If today was his first time with you he's been through a lot, even if it was mostly good, and he'll need some time to sit back and get the lay of the land. It's good you have his cage against a couple of walls where he won't feel so exposed. I would keep things calm and quiet around him. Maybe sit by his cage and talk to him, or just sit and read, watch tv, just let him be the observer for awhile. Once he begins to feel safe he'll probably start moving around his cage and investigating. How fast he'll 'come around' depends on how well his breeder socialized him, and on his basic personality. Just like us humans, some birds are introverts and some extroverts. If, after a few hours he's chatting away, playing with his toys, and banging on the cage door - Extrovert! If he sits quietly watching what's going on and slowly 'beaking' his way around the cage - Introvert!


This is when you are building your trust relationship with your new baby. If Mojo turns out to be a naturally careful or timid grey and you try to rush him you could damage that trust. You didn't say he was visibly shaking in fear and his feathers are not all fluffed up in his picture, so he doesn't sound truly frightened of you. Just let him set the pace and keep reminding yourself you and he are going to have decades together:)<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2010/02/10 02:48

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first off, the excitement that you see is my wife. lol she is soooo hot! he has been in his cage for about four hours now and he is starting to move around and investigate. i love it! he has eaten and seems to be settling in quite well. i am talking to him as he looks up at me. the wife and boy are also gingerley in all actions. i think i am in love lol.

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