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New Playstand Introduction


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Harvey's new java tree is being delivered on Thursday and I am wondering how to introduce it? As many know, he is scared of nothing, and takes to new toys like a duck to water. Now, this isn't just a little toy - this is a great big thing, alien and replacing his usual "hang out" place in the living room.


He won't know it's better for him, more challenging, more stimulating and will be much more fun when he gets used to it!!


So, the query is - do I put it alongside his "old" playstand or do I just go hell bent and remove his current one and replace it with his new one? Like I say, he's not usually scared of anything - but this is a biggie for him! Your experiences are greatly appreciated!

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I would leave the "Familiar in place and see what Harvey does.


It took Dayo 3 weeks to get on his new Tree Stand.


Jake the conure...... flew to it as soon as I rolled it in. :P


Big difference between old world and new world parrots personalitie.

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Ana Grey is fearless also and I just put new things where I want them and let her explore. When I made her new tree stand I just put her on it and she was delighted with it. So what do you normally do with new things??? I think our greys react to how we react so of you are excited and happy about something so are they! It works for me and my fids. Can't wait to see this new Java tree Jill!!

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I bought my Issac a playstand at around 11 weeks. He totally hated it, I could see him not liking it, so i took him off right away and cuddled him. He was cool. It took him a couple days to even give it the time of day.


My first mistake was having it away from a wall. I wanted to put it right next to my computer desk so he could hang out while I do things there. But...I neglected to place the stand close to at least one wall. I imagine they don't like having all four sides open. So i moved it close to a wall on the othher side of my computer chair. He still didn't wanna stay...he wanted to come to me...so i put it to rest thinking he may never take to it...but maybe someday. Then I just let him play directly on my desk. He eventually climbed on the stand himself and checked it out. Now, he likes it, or is at least comfortable chewing some seeds and playing on it. And he can be next to me where he feels safe.


They say if the stand is there already when you bring him home, he is more likely to take to it right off. Otherwise...just let him take his time, he will surely realize the benefits of kicking back on it. ;)


That's just my inexperienced observation of how my birdie took to it.

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When I got Shaka zulu a new playstand I kept the old one for a few days in case. He hated the new one at first. I would take him over to it a few times a day and tell him it was his and put some of his toys etc with it. After two days or so he stepped onto it when I took him over to it and then he loved it. Where did you order your Java tree one from Jilly? I want one of those for the summer time on the screened porch. I think it would be pretty there and he would love to sit out there with me.

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My Dorian takes soooooo long to get used to something new I think he's the leader of the 'that new thing is going to kill me' club. Knowing Harvey the way I feel I do from your descriptions of him, I'd say the best way to get him to take to it immediately is to put it within range and then tell him that he's not allowed to touch it. He should be climbing all over it in minutes{Feel-good-0002006E} "Remember the Yucca":P

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Hahaha! That is funny! I got Paco`s java tree just after Christmas. I have the choice of using it as a stand, or hanging it from the ceiling. I thought I`d go easy on him by not hanging it, especially considering he is clipped, he was a bit leery of it at first, especially because it has moving parts. I just kept him going with it everyday, once he got the hang of it he loved it.


I have now hung it from the ceiling near his cage where he can climb on and off at his leisure, it is in a corner with two windows and he LOVES it! Not only does he play with the toys, climb the levels, but he loves to look out the windows and yell at people as they walk by... What am I going to do when it warms up enough that we will want to open the window a bit, I know I`ll have some embarrassing moments!


I`d keep the other stand on hand, but grom how you have described Harvey, I don`t think you will have a problem.

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I agree with what Dan, especially since Harvey is so predictable...lol. Beau loved the new playstand we bought immediately, but then again, he's not been afraid of anything either. Dixie has always been more reserved and still refuses to go near it. Go with your gut feeling on how Harvey will respond and WE WANT VIDEO OF THIS ONE!





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Thanks very much for all your replies - two stands in the living room it is then!!


Remember the Yucca! Oh yes! My avatar just shows that big scary plant (for those of you who don't know - he was only about 14 - 15 weeks old when he decided to land in it)!


Summer - I got it from a company in the UK called Beck's Barn - big sale, big bargain!!!!


I'm sure I'll get a video of the stand Robin - but not sure whether the bird will be in residence!!!


Thanks again everyone ;)

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