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A sweet TAG adopted us!!


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I have never had a bird, but live in Alaska, so when she came to us we had to take her in. I am looking for an owner but am told it most likely will be without result. So any info would be great, if anyone needs to know more about her I am happy to share.

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Did she come to you from the outdoors?? Lost??

You could run an add in the paper??


There is a great deal of info here. If I read you correctly, you need assistance right away with daily feed and care of the Grey. Is that correct??


We have lots of experienced owners here. Lets see if we can help you.


By the way, Congratulations on you being adopted.


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Well, she was hanging around in our yard and cicrled my Dad a few times before landing on his head. I have called everyone in the neighbourhood and all the shelters in the area. I have been told by lots of people (including the vet I took her to today) that running an add will only get lots of fakes trying to get a free bird. There really are no distingishing marks on her. She is very gentle, she has only done this very light "grab" on our fingers and is actually kinda snuggly?


I have learned a lot just last night and today about feeding, care, interaction and had her looked at by the vet. She is skinny but otherwise looks healthy and in good spirits. She is not pulling out her feathers and will let us pet her everywhere. She lets my 3 kids hold her (ages 8,6 and 5) and loves to sit on our shoulders. Which I just learned from your site can be very dangerous. So now I have to figure out how to get her to stop that.


Her eyes are a pale yellow, which means maturity right? But the vet doesn't think she is too old cause she is so nice.


So I need to know how to get her to stop the shoulder sitting and how to "bond" with her and keep her comfy with the whole family. I also want to look into games to play with her, common hazards around the house, if I should let her stay out with us when we are home, what to look for if she gets "sad" or something, how to pet her? How to read her body language?


Well this should be enough for now, I am also going to keep researching online.


Thank you all for your time and assistance.

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Tatee, you did EXCELLENT! You have already taken her to the vet. You are right about the eyes. Black eyes mean she is under 1 year old. So she is over a year, and I agree with your vet, she isn't too old because she is as you said, "Snugly"

Training is fairly easy for the shoulder sitting. Just gently remove her from your shoulder when she sits there. Keep doing that and say a gentle "no"

She is smart, and she will get it very soon.

You can leave her out for family time. However, I suggest you read the post on cage time. I forgot what it was titled. Something about time alone?? It is also in the African Grey folder.


Keep up the good work. You are off to a great start.

Are you going to keep her?


P.S. your right about running an ad in the paper. BOO on that!

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Guest briansmum

congratulations tatee on your adoption, she sounds like a lovely bird. do you intend on keeping her forever then if you cannot find her owners?


dayosmom has been very helpful already, so all i can say really is have a good rummage around our site, there are threads to answer everything you've asked somewhere, if you need help finding them just let us know. welcome to the grey world.

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Guest Lidia


She sounds like an adorable bird, good luck with her, it sounds like you are already doing all the right stuff. I love that she circled your dad before eventually landing on his head.

Welcome to the flock!

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Well lucky you, Tatee, to just have a grey literally fall onto your fathers head, most of us have to pay big bucks for ours.


I'm sure she probably belongs to someone but if no one claims her then she is yours to keep if you want her and it sounds like you do. You are doing the right things and you will find a lot of helpful information here throughout this site. I am so happy for you and you are taking good care of her.


About the shoulder sitting, if you are uncomfortable with her on the shoulder then don't allow it, when she starts for the shoulder have her step up on your hand and put her elsewhere and continue to do that until she understands she is not allowed on your shoulder. I do allow my grey to shoulder sit but I am comfortable with it and I know the risks.


Continue with what you are doing and keep us updated as to what transpires, whether you find the owner or you keep her, but you have a true find.


Maybe you could post a picture of her so we can admire her beauty too.:)

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Tatee, Welcome to our family, and Congratulations!! You are very lucky! And so is your new grey! Do you have a name picked out?

I completely disagree about not allowing them to sit on your shoulder. I have our grey there as much as she wants, and she has never tried to bite us. She loves being there, and respects her position there. If he ever showed signs of getting fidgety, I put her elsewhere. She knows she has to be respectful of our shoulder time, so she is.

I also allow her to be out of her cage as much as possible. So you will read very different opinions here, you do wha tworks best for you and your life style. :)

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Hello, Tatee, and welcome to our family, I don't think I mentioned that before in my previous post.


You will hear conflicting opinions about shouldering greys, Talon, CeasarsDad and I allow our greys to sit on our shoulders, but some members don't want to take the risk, but that is something you have to decide for yourself. And whatever decision you make, it is the right one for you.


Let us know what you decide to name her and keep us informed on her progress.:)

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WOW!!! You are all so great!! Well I had a very bad scare yesterday (day two of her stay). I brought her with us to the park and had her in a cat carrier. She was content and lots of people (kids too) were saying their hellos. After about 2 hours I let her out to hold her, I KNOW THAT WAS SO STUPID!!!! But we had her wings clipped so I thought she couldn't fly, well she could. She flew out and landed on a VERY tall tree across the street from the park, I kept calm and called her and she kinda flew back but then out again over the park and circled up high. She flew really far away and then back agin almost to me. At the last second she landed in a small tree next to me and my 8 year old daughter climed it to pull down her branch. I think she was so tired that she didn't even try to move when I got her around her wings. My girls were in tears, and so was I!!!!! That's crazy to me, we have only had her 48 hours!! She is home now safe and sound and I learned a very good lesson, clipped wings does not mean no flight.


Not that I will do that again, but is there something else I should do with her? How do I get her to come to my hand when I call her?


On the brighter side of my parenting skills she no longer shoulder sits!!! I did what you all said and she now stays on my hands or forearm!!!! She has tried a few more times to get up there but when she does make it she lets me take her right down.


Since all the sites say they are like a 2 year old when it comes to emotions, I do not want to have too much faith in my new parenting. All my three kids were 2 year olds and all really, really well behaved, but each had some sort of tantrum at some point so I don't want to take the risk. I also let my kids hold her as much as Alook allows them and don't want them to take that risk. I think consistancy between caretakers is most important.


So far no one has come looking and I am getting more and more scared there will be that call. Selfish right? I mean she must have been really loved and cared for to be such a great bird.....We are all just getting so attached.


I named her Alook (ae-look) after my fathers Eskimo name, since she came to him. It actually means "go home" since he has such a great sense of humor and the elders named him that as a joke. (We are white people and moved to a tiny eskimo village whe I was a baby.) Giving a humorous name is one of the best compliments you can get from an elder. So I think it is appropriate in more way than one way.


Thank you all again for your help and I look forward to talking more to everyone. By the way I am Lisa.

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Hi Lisa,


I am certain your heart was pounding watching your TAG Fly off. That is sight no owner wants to see.


It's great to hear that all is going well now.


That is a very good and appropriate name! :-)


Thanks for updating us, we are enjoying your adventure as much as you!!

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Wow, Lisa, you are lucky to have her back, and that just goes to prove the point that they can still fly with clipped wings. I am so happy for you and I hope you do get to keep her, she is a wonderful bird.


Thanks for sharing this with us and we look forward to hearing more about Alook and her adventures in Alaska.

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Well I hope you get to keep Alook. Chances are you will, and if you dont for some reason at least you will have provided a good interim home and been introduced to the wonderful world of African Greys. They are amazing animals. B) and yes, a clipping is NO GUARANTEE the bird cannot fly. There are some really good posts about clipping in general, the pros and cons of keeping a flighted vs clipped bird etc on this forum...Keep us posted on how things go. ;) ;)

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My gosh, you all make me want to give you all a big hug,:blush: thanks for the support. I really feel like a fish out of water here and am not used to that feeling.:unsure:


Are there little weighted wrist bands or clipping different that will help? I am so afraid that she maight learn to bolt for the door, my kids are always in and out.


Also what do you think about taking her to their classroom when school starts up? I want all the kids to see how great she is and keep her well socialized.


Thanks!! Oh that is the picture of her just after she "adopted" my dad!!



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The Aviator harness is currently considered the best bet for taking the birds outside. Regarding opening doors/windows etc, that is conditioning you would need to work on for yourself, your family and anyone allowed into your home if you choose to keep a parrot, clipped or not...Its a lifestyle thing. You need to condition everyone to always ask "where is the birdy?" before opening a door and then keep your eye on the animal as you go in and out. Most of the time they have no desire to "escape", they love their homes/owners etc. Usually escapes are accidental, maybe the bird gets spooked or something and flies out an open door.


Check out this thread regarding clipping. Its long, but worth the read:


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Guest Lidia

Lisa, you're doing a fabulous job with her! More karma to you!

On the shouldering thing, some birds are very good, and your little Alook lounds like a particularly gentle one, if you feel comfortable with her on your shoulder, then let her be there. My CAG Joshua, who is eighteen years old, has always sat on my shoulder, and he's NEVER bitten me on the face or ears or nose.

I'm just delighted that you found this forum and, again, welcome to the flock!


And I love your avatar, very cute!


:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/08/03 11:52

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I love the story how your Grey came to meet you and the Family, its so sweet!

We have a CAG (Montie) he is very speacial, we are thinking of getting an harness for our grey, did you get round to getting one? how did she take to it?





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Well like I said, I do live in Alaska....so finding things like a harness have proven to be a bit harder than you would think. Tomorrow I will go into "the city" and see if one of the bigger pet stores has one.


Oh and she likes to stay up late with us and if I say "night-night" she starts to perform. Last night she would give me a kiss everytime I said "kisses?"!!! This is so different than I ever expected it would be to have a bird!!!

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Well, Tatee, we have a bird convert, you are finding out what we have known for a long time, and isn't it wonderful. They are very intelligent and now you wish you had found them a long time ago.


I am so happy for you and you be sure to keep us informed of any new developments.:)

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