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Hi All :)


As some of you may or may not have seen I am asking and posting much on remodeling. I have been doing alot of research on this (my Dad was a Police Detective, I think I get that investigate thing from him :) so I wanted 2 post some links to things I have found, before posting I want to say that although things are 'Green" I think we all agree we still need to look at the ingredients as there are many natural hazards we need to be aware of for our FIDS! Without further adieu:






Also, another thing I have noticed not pertaining to remodeling at all is. alot of Hair care and Lotions (feet, body, hands etc) have been adding Avocado oil, now I dont know the % but to me if there is any whatsoever it doesnt enter my house. I just wanted to let you all know (which you prob do already, so sorry if this is a repost.)


Happy days to everyone and smile :)

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"""""alot of Hair care and Lotions (feet, body, hands etc) have been adding Avocado oil, now I dont know the % but to me if there is any whatsoever it doesnt enter my house."""""


Now, you're getting a little paranoid. Avacado vegetables are no good for birds. That's it.

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