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mojo is coming home today!


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well, we were going to wait but the breeder informed us that he may no longer be breeding so we have spent the last four days rearranging the house and prepairing for his arrival. i was up until 1 a.m. cleaning and putting things away. my ? is this......


I live in CO and as you may or may not be aware the climate is dry here. do i need a humidifier, or purifier? i want mojo to have the best possible care that i can give him. any help in this matter is greatly appreciated. thankds

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Congratulations on Mojo's arrival! I remember the day Paco was coming home, I was on pins and needles all day!


I have found that keeping the house fairly humid has been good to keep Paco from scratching and over preening. Depending on cage location to kitchen you might be able to have a pot of water steaming to add humidity (remember Teflon is bad).


I also have a hepa filter near the cage. I didn't have one right away, and noticed that the room Paco is in looked as though it was covered in cocaine! Being that I work for the justice system, I got a filter! I have to clean it weekly and am amazed at the amount of powder in it!


Getting a Grey is a hit to your wallet at first, like I said, a steaming pot will suffice for a while. Also regular showers, and even taking the bird with you on his non shower days just for the steam can work wonders!


It's going to be hard, just remember, let your baby set it's pace in settling in. This nearly drove me crazy, but made for a better relationship.

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i have the next two days off of work and he will be in the cage for a bit, until he is ready to come out. how this will drive me crazy, cuz i know that i will want to hold him all day. but i am not going to be pushy. i could not sleep that long because i am toooo excited for the arrival of the newest member of the family!


are there any brands of hepa's to dogde, and how much are they?

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I don't know about avoiding specific brands of filters, but really try to get one that allows you to wash the filter instead of having to purchase new ones all the time. (that's the painful voice of experience talking:( ) Also, I've read in more than one place that filters that ionize the air are not good, although I can't remember the reason. Mine has an ionizing feature, but I can keep it turned off. You'll be amazed how much dust is pulled into your cleaner!

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B) Spock here, Always such great advice on the Forum..Karma to you...Most all my flock are flighted, so there's not much open hot water around. Take a hot shower shower with the door open, but make sure baby doesn't get a chill...;)


Live long and Prosper

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JillyBeanz wrote:

you keep popping back for a quick peek and you never want to send him to bed! :)


it took alot for me to do it. let him sleep that is. lol i did give him over 8 hours of sleep though. before i went upstairs to leave him be, he started to make all kinds of little noises calling to me as i was online. lol kinda cute really. today is going to be the day to open up the cage and let him come out and see his new living room. wish us luck. lol

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Congrats on Mojo's homecoming! I know how excited you must be. I had to wait only a few days for Dixie and that was terrible. So glad to hear that Mojo has settled into his cage so nicely and is happy. Can't wait to hear how the first snuggles and birdy kisses go. I know Mojo will be covered in both! Great pic's by the way. Thanks for sharing!

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