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Weening Transition Inquiry


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So I have been going to the store and lookin for vegitables my lil Issac likes. Brought some carrots home, looks like he digs those.


A quick question....he is good at perching, so I have been putting his food in the regular dishes. He picked at em for a few days last week...but this week he is totally just riding his formula...except for tonight...he is on the ground enjoying a carrot. My question is....should I try to put the food on a plate. Is it normal for them to start trying to eat food themselvs and stop for a little bit? Just trying to see what to expect...thanks.


This wednesday, he will be around his 12th week. Come to look at the carrots....its hard to tell whether he just shreaded it up or ate any. I just want the little guy to get all his nutrition. I know the formula still covers that pretty good.


One other thing I observed is that toward the end of feeding him formula. He will cock back and look like he is ready for more...then he will swipe his head out of the way and slap the syringe with his wing...what up with that? LOL. Its kind of funny...but wondering if anyone else has seen anything like that. Thanks. :)<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/02/09 05:32

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So he did start picking at his seeds last night on his T-Stand. Which was somewhat reassuring....but I really want him to eat his veggies. I went to the store last night and bought broccoli, yellow squash, and carrots. I set them in his dish today and we will see what happens. Another question, do you chop, cut or leave the veggies whole? I just cut some pieces so far.


I have read some stuff in the food forums, but I like people to see what I see and respond to that, so apologies if the subject is played out, i just like to connect to the community. Thank you.

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He's kinda young to replace or lessen formula unless the bird tells you so. That may last quite a while but it's where it gets it's nutrition from. That's called abundance feeding. He'll eat his veggies when he's ready to. You'll also have to try many types of different veggies and you shouldn't expect him to like all of them. That also applies to parrot mix and various brands of pellets. Veggies are slightly chopped up so that the bird can hold them when eating such as carrots. Other types are chopped up smaller so that he'll eat straight from the bowl such as leafy veggies At 12 wks, you're expecting your bird to accomplish a lot of different types of food intake and it doesn't work that way.

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Thank you for commenting Dave. Yes, I realize I am being quite OCD about my bird and his feeding. I am totally giving him his fill of formula and not trying to wean him off. I am just just being hyper sensitive about keeping him in check. I love him dearly and I never want to drop the ball on his health.


Yep, lots of variety coming through as far as different fruits and veggies go. He certainly is still gleaming with beauty and happiness.


On another note. I perched him on the shower curtain rod today to give him little splashes from the warm water. He seemed to enjoy being involved. Only a little today just to get him thinking about the idea of getting wet. It was cute, he was making some cooing noises.


Thank you again Dave for having my back and responding. I can count on your experience. ;)

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I think that somewhere else you possted about your bird aggresively playing with his toys and falling down so just be careful of that curtain rod. There's items that are sold that suction on to a bathroom/shower wall which are not only safe but they can also be put on any height on the wall. Lots of people have them and it allows people to shower more comfortably. The people can easily shower in order to get all the grime and dust and dirt and smell and hay residue from their farmlands where the cows and hogs slop it up.

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Okay, I shall get him one of those things that suction to the wall. Yeah....I don't want him to fall. You'd be suprised how agile the little fellow is though.


In his cage, he doesn't fall too much through his playing. But I am still going to pad the bottom for him. ;)

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