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Spock Update 2/8/10


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We'll, a new week, Spock hasn't been his best since last report, he eats and eats but he still drops a few grams aday. This past couple of mornings he's down to 440-448 grams.He'll go upto as high as 482 grams after a meal and lose it ..


Spock, Jay and Maggie...

[sorry, photos are dark]



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It breaks my heart to see Spock like this and if only our prayers were all it took then he should be healthy as a horse, I think he probably has more people praying for him than most.


I know he will be glad when the last shot is done and over with, maybe there will be some good news when he goes for his next visit, at least I am hoping it is.

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So sorry Spock is not well yet. :-(


Prayers and good thoughts still coming his way.


Did the vet say anything after moving the appointment further out?


Do they know the underlying cause for certain yet?


You know we fret over him with you and wish we could all just come over and give you all big hugs and lots of positive energy. :-)

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I am not sure of the whole history regarding Spock, but there is evidently a lot of concern. I can only imagine how I would be sick in my heart if my little Issac were in his position. I have my best hopes that he gets better and I really think he will eventually do just fine. :) Get well Spock, my Grey and I love you and hope you live long, and prosper.

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:) All of you thanks, we read your posts to Spock...

Spock is basically on his own, not to many answers other than his body isn't absorbing nutrients, and we have to watch out for secondary infections....She wants to see how Spock is after he's been off the antibiotics for a few days... This morning Spock weighed 448 grams, this has been his morning weight for the last 3 days, this is good!!!He's quit active and noisy!!![bless him]

Jay and Maggie


Note: His symptoms are similar to PDD...[Macaws wasting disease]<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2010/02/09 22:04

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Jayd wrote:

This morning Spock weighed 448 grams, this has been his morning weight for the last 3 days, this is good!!!


That is wonderful news on the weight staying consistent!!!


Spock, since your not absorbing a 100 percent of the food, the good news is you can eat all you want and not get fat right now!!!! So chow down and eat like a pig!!!! :P


It's great to hear things are seemingly level and I have read data that indicates that the antibiotics can and do of course have side effects while they are necessary for killing any possible infection.


Continued prayers and good energy coming to you. Love long and prosper Spock!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/10 15:14

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