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Sugarcane and Silverbeet


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So Madam Cleo enjoys the occasional leaf of silverbeet to munch on. It must have been a bumper crop this summer, as the leaves I bought were gigantic. So I put a washed massive leaf in her cage, but instead of eating it, Cleo decided to bathe on it. I have read older posts about people trying to get their parrots to bathe or shower, but since Cleo is fine with showering, I never bothered with a leaf.


It was quite amusing to watch. I have never seen her puff and raise her feathers up the way she did this time. Unfortunately the leaf was not quite up to Cleo's eager rolling, rubbing, flapping and tramping on, and was soon reduced to a shredded mess.


After her "wash", I gave her a small length of sugar cane, her first one ever. After the initial momentary suspicion, she accepted it, and proceeded to rip into it with glee. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head when she realised it tasted sweet AND she could shred it. The perfect toy if you ask me! I've not heard a peep from her for the last 45 minutes.

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I have heard of putting large wet leaves of greens into their cages and some will roll in the water, wish you had caught that on video but it probably was amusing to watch.


I wish I could obtain some sugarcane, I am sure Josey would enjoy it immensely, you are right it is a double treat, something sweet and something they can destroy at the same time, sweetly destroyed.

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