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We picked our baby girl up last friday aged 13 weeks,she is absoulutely great settled well.the question is how do i know she's eating enough?she'll go to her bowl and pick at her food as it's being prepared she is out most of the time when we are in but never seems to go back to her cage to eat.Our routine is soaked beans in the morning and either fruit or veg with it,she is out her cage untill we go to work then at night she'll get either fruit or veg again depending on what she had in the morning again she is out her cage until bed time usualy around 9:30 some morning she'll get boiled pasta along with her veg which is usualy steamed.she gets her daily essentials sprinkled over her fruit or veg.any advice please?

thanks david

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Well, she gets a morning and evening meal. Does she have food in her bowl all day long or just the meals you feed? If so, understand that birds don't eat like humans. They eat all the time with no schedule. They need food available 24/7 especially now because of it's very young age.

Parrots are classified as wild scavengers and will grab what they can in the wild in order to sufficiently fill themselves.

If you haven't, your bird needs hard types of food constantly available that won't go bad like veggies and fruits do.

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Dave is right, your grey needs food available at all times, she should have a bowl for pellets in her cage with pellets available for her to snack on. Even though we might feed them meals they need to be able to grab something to eat at other times, even at night some will eat.


Pellets, maybe some seeds or nuts should be available and maybe she should be put back to her cage from time to time so she can get to them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a question I am currently wrestling with. I came home at lunch (so I hadn't seen him between 9AM and 1PM) and he had touched nothing in his cage.


I took him out and let him sit with me while I ate lunch. That struck his curiosity and he started picking at my grilled chicken and carrots a little.


The day I see him really digging into it will be a wonderful thing. But getting him there is proving to be challenging.

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