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Name recognition


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Harvey definitely started recognising his own name very early on (I would say not long after he came home at 12 weeks) - and something I've just tried now! I've just turned and said "Harvey" and he turned his head towards me, then waited a bit and said "sausage" just to see if it was voice recognition - he totally ignored me so I said "Harvey" again and he turned round (I know that with my parent's dog she just recognises my tone of voice - she's called Suzy and if I call her Doris, Fred or Noddy she will still acknowledge me and come over!!!).


Saying that - I know people have changed their parrot's names, say after rescue, and they haven't taken long to recognise another name ~ it's all very bizarre!

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funny to hear what people have to say, and how the bird simply understands.

I'm on my third week with Charlie now. Not that I expect that him to know his name by now or anything. but I can still call his name at any point, where he doesn't seem to pay attention. so I still can attest to 2 weeks is definitely not the case with my bird.

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I have no clue "When" Dayo recognised his name. That would be a tough one to truly answer with 100 percent certainty.


It doesn't matter if I ask a question, whistle or just make some sound. If he's not looking at me before hand, he immediately looks at me no matter what I say.

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