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An Ode to Rishi & Parrants


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Since penning an ode to our friend Spock

it occured to me I'd left someone out,

another poor grey who's been in the wars

we haven't forgotton no doubt,

who's parronts would go

to the ends of the earth

to get him the treatment he needs,

they cannot, will not rest until

he is fed special medicines and seeds.


They risk their all in their quest

to find an avian vet,

it's been a while since we last heard

of border crossings and yet...

It seems another adventure is due once again

could it be on the cards

another trip by plane or train or automobile

or maybe even a barge?


So Rishie wishing you the very best from us

your extended family on here,

whatever it takes, your parrants will make

a journey for health to adhere.

This ode to you and Ramsabi and wife

the very least you deserve,

to wish you all strength and love

but mostly just keep your nerve!


Wishing Rishi & family all the luck in the world! XXX

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Another wonderful Poem to a much loved Family member here that has indeed gone to EXTREME efforts and even dangers to get the medical care necessary for their much loved Rishi.


They have set a new standard of just how willing Parrot lovers are to go that extra "Mile" for the well being of a much loved Grey.

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I have had the cursor in the quick reply screen for the past 20 minutes and no words are coming.


We are humbled.


We had said in an earlier post that we now consider Rishi a member of the forum family and we meant it. We are only in loco parentis and every member who has been with us in spirit, thought and prayers has as strong a relationship and say in Rishi's well-being as we do.


I would have made the trip to Dubai immediately but I have Pakshi's and Khushi's chicks, who are only 4-7 days old, to consider.


Will keep the flock updated.

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Wow Jules, you continue to amaze me with your talent and I guess you cannot leave Rishi and his family out for they are hurting at the moment too, a wonderful piece of writing, thanks for sharing it with us.


I guess you have a double edged sword, you have Rishi who needs medical help and your tiel babies who need you too at the moment but we are all here pulling for Rishi and his family, prayers are continuing.

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Jooles, believe me all of you ARE doing something very constructive. I think Jayd and I would probably have given up hope long back if it were not for the people in these forums.


Speaking for myself I am only executing what I read in these forums and believe me that is the easy part !! And I would have given up action and hope were it not for all of you.

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Ramsabi, we do what we can from behind a keyboard/monitor but that doesn't include crossing borders and risking all for Rishi. I question myself "would I be prepared to do that for my baby?" I'm not sure I would. There are some very special people on this forum and you are one of them.

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Jooles, thank you for penning the most appropriate words that we have all been looking for to convey to Ramsabi and Rishi in this time of need. I could not have put them together with such eloquence, but you have said what is on my heart. Thank you for speaking for all of us who wish only the best for our dear friends.

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