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An Ode to Spock


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Spock is a dude, he’s one of a kind,

far more than just a grey,

since finding the forum some months ago

I find myself looking each day

for the latest adventure of him and his flock,

oh my what fun to observe

how he runs rings around his Maggie & Jay,

I’m not sure what they did to deserve

this lovable vulcan in their lives

who mind-melts to get his own way.

You cannot help but love the lil guy

Who has become part of our day.


Now maggie & Jay are so very sad

because Spock has been less than well

but we share in their pain because we love him too

and we pray and try not to dwell.

Now Spock would be in the best of health

If wishes could make him mend

so Maggie & Jay and Spock & co.

to you our love we send

and this here ditty is written with love

it goes out to you little Spock

Praying for you to God up above

Because well basically you rock!

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{Feel-good-0002006E}Spock here...I am deeply touched and honored...such emotions are hard for me...I am sending my Vulcan Mind-Meld to you to let you know how I feel. With all these thoughts, I have to get well...

Oh, and Jay and Maggie said thank you as they wipe the tears of laughter and happiness from their eyes....

Live Long and Prosper


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Oh Jude, you are such a flatterer - if only I had an ounce of talent LOL, I call it a ditty cos that's what it is, serious poetry it aint, however I might be persuaded to write the odd piece now & then if I'm moved by something enough. You can't fail to be humbled by the likes of Spock's & Rishi's parronts, they are truly inspirational.

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