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Grey Diet and Weening Questions


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My grey, Issac, is well into his 11th week of life. Currently I still feed him formula two times a day...morning and night. He has sort of gone back and forth on the veggies, fruit and seeds I give him. For example, a couple days ago he was backing off on his morning feeding and going through the fruit and veggies I gave him during the day. Yesterday, he ate more of his morning formula and did not touch his other food throughout the day, then chugged 50-60 cc's of formula that night.


So I am just surious to se the weening behavior others have witnessed. Also, if you could tell me what your birds daily diet is...I would love to know that. I wanna make sure I give my baby options.


I did get him some pellets, but I think the recommendation the lady gave me might be too aggressive. She gave me Harrisons Coarse pellets and they appear to just be too hard for him right now.


I will love all the recommendations to keep my Issac well rounded and well nourished. He seems to be doing just great the way things are going....just looking for advice. Thanks all.

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I weaned my baby by elliminating formula (around 10 weeks) and using weaning biscuits. I put them in the microwave for about 20 seconds and allowed them to cool to about 100 degrees. I would then feed him the biscuits using a spoon or my fingers. He was weaned in no time.

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I just think the lady at the local bird store was off when she suggested the coarse Harrison's. They seem just too hard for him. I am going to try another type of pellet and work on feeding him some veggies by hand maybe. All suggestions are appreciated. I will also look for the weaning bisuits too.

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;) Spock here, great advice from all, Judy and her juice is right, try it. My own preference is to feed formula until your baby stops on there own, we as grey need a higher amount of protein and good fat then some other parrots do, I myself was feed "Zupreem Embrace-plus and Kaytee Macaw" formula which is higher in Proteins. fat and other good stuff we need.[Mmmm] Don't rush him, I didn't wean till after 16+ weeks, Has you baby fledged? What doe's he weight?

Live Long and Prosper



Karma for seeking advice!!!<br><br>Post edited by: Spock, at: 2010/02/08 00:14

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There are many of us here who are avid Harrison's fans. This is what I feed my greys and conures. I weened my Beau onto the Harrison's coarse using Judy's method of a little apple juice to slightly soften them and he made the transition fine. This is your opportunity to get your baby weened onto the pellet of your choice, and that may or may not be Harrison's. I would talk to your breeder and your vet before deciding on the pellet you choose to ween to. By the way - I love the questions you're asking - they are great!




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Thank you all for the food advice. Yeah...today he only munched on his formula. He picked at some cabbage...and did eat a little kale. But he really loves his formula right now. No worries...I am not going to rush him off his formula, only try to get him to feed on other things during the day. I will try the softening of the pellets tomorrow, sounds like a good plan. I am going to get him more veggies too.


Yeah...I will be asking questions. This guy is going to get the very best care if I can help it. Issac says hi to everyone and to thank you for helping me to decide not to clip him. :)

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