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geys and dogs


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i was wondering if any of you mix your parrots and dogs together,at the moment we alternate ,if the dogs come in frosty as to go in his cage,he always wants to come to the dogs but we havent tried them all out together,we have 2 shelties and a retired greyhound,there all good natured ,but wonder hows the best way to have them all out together,or is it a no no,would love to hear your experiences thanks pat

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Hi pat, I rotate dog/bird like you do. I just can't take a chance with Biscotti being hurt by a dog. Things can go wrong so fast. I have a large dog, so don't know if grey owners with smaller dogs allow birds to be free around them. It just scares me too much!

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Mine dont mix either, Chocko constantly shouts for the dog but one or the other is always locked up. Accidents happen quickly. Yesterday i didnt realise the cat was on the window ledge behind the curtains so the birds were all out, Chocko climbed off her stand and walked across the floor, the cat appeared from nowhere. I had Bella and Bellino attached to my body at the time so it was difficult to chase the cat away without everything ending in a big wing flapping/ panic session. Its never worth the risk.

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Here, we have two greys and two dogs. Angel is a 205pounds (93kg) Newfoundland and Gandalf is a 53pounds (24kg) Portugese Water Dog.


Our CAGs and our dogs like to be together. But I don't say ''play'' because we don't allow them to play together. It's might be too risky for the birds. And of course, we avoid direct contact with the drool, spécialy with our heavy weight who might droll quite a lot.


Janis and Riko, like to go on the floor and come to our dogs. When they do that, there always under surveillance, just in case. Dogs always react calmy, like if they knew that such small animal are fragile. When the birds flies and land on the floor, the dogs ususualy come to see.


Here is a picture. Janis is not affraid at all on this picture. At that time, Janis had clipped wings and Riko was't yet in the family.



Here is another one. On that one, Janis just avoided a big kiss from the Gentle Giant.



Janis with Gandalf, when Gandalf was a young puppy



Janis, Angel and me. Janis sit comfortably on Angel, but always under surveillance.

dsc9067cx5.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Loupin, at: 2010/02/06 18:44

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Hi Pat, We got our Penny Lane in August. A rescue mix of Jack Russell and something else. Penny Lane was a puppy (5 weeks, I know, it was so sad, that is another story though) when we got her and we to date never leave them alone in the same room with both crate and cage open; however, they do play and last weekend when we were around other dogs and they were barking at Booty Goo, little Penny DEFENDED her sister. So that was really interesting to see because the other dogs were much bigger than Penny. I did learn though, I cant remember where, to keep the pack order (we want Booty Goo to be Alpha) we always greet her first, feed her first, she gets the first treat, etc. It seems to be working from last weekends event. If anyone goes into the crate or cage it is Penny Lane. We also keep them in the same room at night, Penny has a crate and omgosh does she LOVE it. Anything to make them feel a part of the same pack.


Having said all of that and sorry this is so long, we still do not leave them unattended together, because, things do happen so quick. I hope this helps a bit. BEst of luck to you!

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We had bull dogs when we parrot sat Sammy. As I remember we did not allow Sammy out of the cage if the bull dogs were in the house. Sammy teased them unmercifully when they were on the other side of the screen door though :woohoo:.

I went into total panic when I found Kitty in the house two different times when Precious was out. One time I pulled my tee shirt off and tossed it over Precious so I could return her to the safety of her cage.

I wouldn't chance predator and prey together, but I know others have done so successfully.

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