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Is this strange sound normal or an illness


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Dorian just started about 2 days ago making a snorting sound and then goes into a tiger purring sound. It seems like it comes out of his nostrils with a burst of air. He does it when he's playing and I don't know if this is a normal sound for a grey or if he has a respiratory infection. He seems healthy and is full of energy, but this new sound has me concerned. If anyone has any insights about this I would really appreciate your input. I'm hoping that this is just a normal sound that African Greys make. He growls sometimes, but this is a different noise. Thanks for your help.



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yes, it mostly happens when he's playing, but he can make a breathing noise like when we breathe out a big breath through our nose and you can almost feel the puff of air. He doesn't do it often, but more frequently during play. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with him physically.

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Thank you all for your responses. I feel much better knowing that this is normal. He really only does it when he's playing. It reminds me of a steam iron when you put it up and the steam makes a hissing sound. It really is amazing the sounds these creatures can make. Glad it is they who learn our language and not the other way around. We'd be at a huge loss. LOL!


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Kevin, have you taken your bird in for a vet check yet? I'm only asking because I was goining through so much anxiety over the strangest things. Once I got a clean bill of health, I felt much better, and enjoyed the experience more. It might be something to consider just for the assurance that you're being a great Daddy to your fid!

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It's funny that you should ask that question. I haven't been on in a few days and on Tuesday I took Dorian to see his vet just to be sure he didn't have any type of respiratory infection, even though, I fully believed he was fine. As it turned out he is perfectly healthy, but you're right. It just gives you the sense of relief knowing that all is well and that you can put your mind at ease once and for all.



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