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It's been a LONG time since I've been on...sorry...


I have a problem, Indy my normally good natured, loving, one year old CAG is refusing to come out of his cage. A couple of weeks ago, he was out, and refused to step up or go back in. I got a little frusterated with him, I didn't yell at him, or do anyting I thought would hurt or upset him, and eventually was able to get him back in. I must have upset him though, because since then, he refuses to come out, and growls at me if I put my hand in the cage. He will let me pet him, rub his beak, snuggle, through the cage, but he does not want to come out or step up! If I leave the cage door open and talk to him, he's come out a couple of times, but goes to the top of his cage, refuses to step up or come down, and screeches loudly intermittenly.

I don't know what to do, feel like I'm losing my best friend...:(

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edillon5063 wrote:

I got a little frusterated with him, I didn't yell at him, or do anyting I thought would hurt or upset him, and eventually was able to get him back in. I must have upset him though, because since then, he refuses to come out, and growls at me if I put my hand in the cage.(


Good to hear from you again.


Obviously, he either picked up on your emotions or something was done trying to get him back in the cage that diminished the trust level.


So how did you get him back in the cage?


Time will heal trust levels and your going to have to show patience to gain that back. It sounds like you are doing the right things in continuing the relationship at the level he will allow. Just keep capitalizing on that and offering to let him out and respect the space he wants when he just wants to climb to the top and hang out.


Time and patience will undo most anything that has affect our much loved FIDs. :-)

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ok, he's gotten worse...now he lunges at me through the cage, and refuses to come out. I honestly don't know what to do, it's like, overnight, he has become a completely different bird! I odn;t know what to do, nothing I'm doing (letting him come out on his own, treats, talking to him quietly) seems to be working.


He also has a shrill "call" he used to do if I left the room- now he does it constantly as if to tryt to get me to go away! someone please help!!!

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He has lost his trust of you for whatever reason and you will have to earn that back, this will take time for it is something that cannot be done in a short period of time.


Do not try to rush things, continue to do what you have been doing and time will fix things, if you are an impatient person he is picking up on that, do not show him your frustration at not being able to handle him at the moment.


Dan has given you some excellent advice but time and patience will be your best friends for the time being.

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Indy didn't eat yesterday or today, so we took him to the vet today...the vet found absolutely nothing wrong with him, said he was simply going through a phobic phase, and we should take a step back and try not to stress him out. Basically he told us "Kiss his butt and like it!":P

Took him home, put him back in his cage,he ate dinner and played with his toys like nothing was wrong. He's still lost confidence in me, I'm just going to take it slow with him, see where it goes. We may look at behavioral training classes with my vet.


Thanks for all the advice!!!

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My boy does this every winter just about. He'll hate me for no reason, lunge at me, and then randomly he'll turn back into the sweetie pie.


You can try my remedy: tofu. raw, cooked it don't matter. Dr. Pepperberg says that the estrogen like qualities tone down the male's horniness (which many think is manifested in this stand offish-ness that you're describing) and bring back the sweetie pie.


For $2 whats it gonna hurt to try? If he's like the boys I've experienced, he'll almost rip it out of your hand to eat it -- it's certainly a top treat for the males, I've not had one yet that refused it. Girls however, not so fond of it!

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Not sure about a one year old CAG displaying this behavior change due to horniness. But, I would think he is going through a molt and may have several pin feathers irritating him and probably very dry skin on top of that.


Maybe the Tofu will sooth other things besides hormones? It worth a shot and a good tip from Ecodweeb.


One other question. Since this just came on suddenly, has anything changed in the room, cage or home environment?


It's good to hear he received a clean bill of halth and is eating. :-)

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will definately try the tofu...he seems a little better today, still not friendly, but no longer at his wits end like he was. and he's eating.


He does have a few feathers coming in so that could be bothering him- as for anything changing in his environment- th only thing that changed was that I was home on vacation- which is when everything started. Maybe he had enough of me? Either way, for now, we're giving him space, and seeing where it goes. I just don't want him to grow up to be an "unhandle-able" grey...

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The being home on vacation and then returning to your normal working schedule could cause an attitude as well.


I was working at home the last 3 weeks and Dayo became VERY used to being out of the cage 16 hours a day and having lots of interaction with me.


I went back to work in the office this Monday out of town.


When my wife uncovered Dayo Monday morning, she said he looked at the Computer Monitor...OFF, looked all over the family room, kitchen, living room then started cheeping and chirping his I miss somebody calls and some contact calls he uses for me only.


When my wife came home Monday evening from work. Dayo again checked out all he rooms. Now understand, my wife is Dayos cuddle muffin and rarely gets a nip. Dayo would not stop nipping her and chirping as if something was wrong for the first hour or so.


He was not his normal cuddle muffin self at all that evening.


Tuesday morning, same scenario. Tuesday evening he got to talk to me on the phone which seemed to calm him down. I suppose atleast that let him know I was still alive...... somewhere.


We just never know how things will sometimes affect these very intelligent Greys.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2010/02/10 15:05

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Dixie is very much my husbands bird, even though I know she loves me. He goes out of town for work 6-8 weeks at a time and the first few days the phone is on speaker quite often for her to "talk" to him. She's even gotten to the point of calling him herself, ringing the phone and saying hello in my voice and then "i see you" in his voice. She misses her daddy...lol.


Indy probably is punishing you for going back to work after so much time on vacation (a week is just long enough to figure it should be that way forever!) Give him time, continue your trust building and so glad there was a clean bill of health from the vet.



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